
  • 网络goldfields
  1. 马来西亚曾被视为中国房地产开发商的淘金地。

    Malaysia was once seen as a promising market for Chinese real estate developers .

  2. 造访这个曾经繁荣一时的淘金地只有些许游人,呼啸的风,偶尔还有鬼怪。

    This once thriving mining camp is visited by tourists , howling winds and an occasional ghost .

  3. 问题是,在这些分布在曼哈顿、洛杉矶、硅谷等淘金之地的亿万富翁中究竟谁才是最年轻的那一个呢?

    The question is , with all of that money flying around Manhattan , Los Angeles , Silicon Valley , and other hot-beds , which billionaire is the youngest ?

  4. 加拿大西北一地区;世纪年代克朗代克淘金热所在地。

    A territory in northwestern canada ; site of the Klondike gold rush in the1890s .

  5. 今天,这里仍有许多人来往——他们来看加拿大淘金热的起源地。

    Today , people still come and go — to see where the Canadian gold rush happened .