
yè zhī
  • sap;juice;liquid;fluid
液汁 [yè zhī]
  • [oopo] 取自固体食物的液汁,体液,树液

  1. 如果说遇到水,便将水吸起,变为植物的液汁。

    If it finds water , it begins to suck it up and change it into sap .

  2. 枫树会产生一种独特的液汁,可以用来制作甘甜可口的糖浆。

    The trees produce a peculiar sap , which can used to make sweet and delicious syrup .

  3. 结果表明:库拉索芦荟、斑纹芦荟、木立芦荟和开普芦荟的液汁密度相差不显著,pH值均在4.24~5.25范围之间。

    Results show that there are no significant differences in the density , and pH values which range from 4.24 to 5.25 , between the four aloe juices .

  4. 许多种蚂蚁会挤一种称为蚁牛的小虫子的液汁吃。

    Many kinds of ants milk little bugs called ant cows .

  5. 细胞柔软,像充满液汁的小气球。

    The cell is soft , like a tiny balloon full of juice .

  6. 春天树枝含液汁,修剪时会有液汁流出来。

    The trees bleed when trimmed after the sap is up in the spring .

  7. 通过实验,对椿芽的护绿、保脆、保藏液汁液配比和杀菌条件探讨研究。

    The technics of preserving green , keeping scrip , preserving solution and sterilization was studied .

  8. 预防冷冻鹰爪虾解冻液汁损失的研究

    An investigation on prevention of the drip loss of frozen shrimp ( trachypenaeus curnirostris ) on thawing

  9. 相传,古埃及艳后克利特。奥佩拉用芦荟的液汁化妆,隐藏了自己的真实年龄。

    The Legend says that Queen Cleopatra of ancient Egypt applied aloe juice as makeup therefore concealed her true age .

  10. 不同场强对马铃薯解冻后的质地特性、液汁流失影响较小。

    However , the electric field intensity showed little effect on the texture and drip loss of potatoes after thawing .

  11. 我院自1999年10月始,利用芦荟的药理特性治疗各期压疮,一期采用新鲜芦荟液汁涂抹按摩法;

    Beginning from October 1999 , we utilized the medical characteristics of aloes to treat all periods of press-sore , ⅰ period , using the fresh aloes-juice to spread on and Massage ;

  12. 然而,当春天来临,生命的力量给它们温暖,充盈的液汁在它们体内流动起来时,它们心中也勾起了对那永有的、同时也是永远离开了的母林的思念。

    But when the spring is coming , the strength of life gives them warmth , abundant sap flowing through their body , which reminds them of the everlasting forest where they never come back .

  13. 本文实验研究了不同场强对快速冻结马铃薯的解冻过程和解冻后质量的影响,主要考察解冻曲线、质地特性,液汁流失三方面。

    This paper investigated the effects of different electric field intensity on the thawing processing and the quality of potatoes after thawing , and found that the field intensity has great influence on the thawing processing .

  14. 我们现在又走下山去,去到林中湖畔。湖在群山中央的凹陷处,湖水好像就是从这些山石里压榨出来的,又好像是年年树上的落叶浸泡出出来的液汁。

    And now we descend again , to the brink of this woodland lake , which lies in a hollow of the hills , as if it were their expressed juice , and that of the leaves which are annually steeped in it .