
  • 网络lcd
  1. 液晶显示技术挑战传统CRT显示器

    Challenging of LCD Technique to the Traditional CRT Display

  2. 微机保护装置中基于DSP的液晶显示技术及其应用

    DSP Based LCD Technique and Its Application to Computer Protection Systems

  3. 基于LED背光源区域控制的高动态范围液晶显示技术进展

    Progress of high dynamic range liquid crystal display based on LED backlight with area control technology

  4. TFT-LCD液晶显示技术及其应用

    TFT - LCD Liquid Crystal Display Technology and Its Application

  5. 基于ARM7微处理器的中文液晶显示技术

    Chinese LCM Techniques Based on ARM7 Microprocessor

  6. 硅基TFT有源矩阵液晶显示技术

    Si TFT Active Matrix LCD

  7. LCoS技术是硅基CMOS半导体集成电路技术和液晶显示技术相结合的新技术。

    LCoS is a new technique produced by combining the silicon based CMOS semiconductor integrated circuit and the liquid crystal display technology .

  8. MIM液晶显示技术

    MIM Liquid Crystal Display

  9. 介绍了世界LCD市场发展势头和LCD技术发展动向,综述了世界主要国家和地区LCD产业现状和发展趋势,详述了我国液晶显示技术发展和产业现状。

    The trends of LCD technology and LCD markets in the world are introduced . The state-of-arts of LCD industries in the main countries of the world are reviewed .

  10. 比较等离子与液晶显示技术,OLED方案能提供更高的对比度,更大的可视角度以及更高的相应速度,而且更为节点和轻薄。

    Compared to plasmas and LCDs , OLEDs offer a higher contrast ratio , wide viewing angle and fast response time , along with lower power requirements and thin construction .

  11. 以TFT-LCD为代表的液晶显示技术是当前最热门和最具潜力的平板显示技术之一,并已成为平板显示技术中的支柱产品。

    As the representative of LCD display technology , TFT-LCD is one of the most popular of the flat panel manifestation technology , and become pillar product of the flat surface manifestation technique .

  12. 基于51单片机控制的液晶显示技术

    Technology of LCD Display Based on 51 Series MCU Control Method

  13. 液晶显示技术在便携式电子产品中具有广泛的用途。

    The LCD technology is widespread used in portable electronic products .

  14. 超扭曲向列相液晶显示技术及其进展

    The Technology and Progress of Super Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystal Display

  15. 纳米粒子掺杂的液晶显示技术

    The Applications of Nanoparticle - Doped on Liquid Crystal Displays

  16. 基于硅基液晶显示技术的可见光光学目标模拟器的研制

    Development of Visible-Light Optical Simulator Based on Liquid Crystal on Silicon Technology

  17. 介绍健康测试仪中的液晶显示技术。

    This paper introduces the LCD display technology of health testing system .

  18. 液晶显示技术及其在现代军事中的应用

    The LCD Technology and its Application in Modern Military

  19. 最后,给出了液晶显示技术与计算机断层成像技术两个专题的内容和结构框架。

    Lastly , the contents and frames of LCD and CT are displayed .

  20. 液晶显示技术在新型捻线机控制系统中的应用

    The Technology of LCD and its Application in the Controlling System of Latest-twisting Machine

  21. 液晶显示技术在新型多功能喷墨编码机中的应用

    Application of the Liquid Crystal Display Technology in the New Multi-function Jet Coding Machine

  22. 这种液晶显示技术适用在需要多位数字显示的仪器中推广。

    This display technology can be used in apparatuses which need to display many-bit numbers .

  23. 智能仪表中的液晶显示技术

    Liquid crystal display techniques in intelligent instrument

  24. 液晶显示技术的发展前景

    Prospects of the development of LCD Technigue

  25. 基于几何最优法直线插补的图形液晶显示技术

    The technology of lattice graphics LCD display based on the best geometrical way beeline interpolation

  26. 液晶显示技术的开发和产业化&庆祝中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所建所50周年

    Industrialization and Development of LCD Technology

  27. MAX686在液晶显示技术中的应用

    Application of MAX 686 in LCD

  28. 在理想情况下,双稳态显示器件相较起传统液晶显示技术,可节省高达数百倍的耗电量。

    In ideal circumstances , traditional LCD use up hundreds of times the electrical energy than bistable technology device .

  29. 采用液晶显示技术,对两种实际叶型的前缘凹面的模拟表面在大冲距范围内进行了射流冲击热实验,并与半圆凹面的换热进行了比较。

    Liquid crystal thermography is applied to examine the jet impingement heat transfer of concave surface simulating the turbine blade .

  30. 专门从事子午线轮胎氮气硫化技术、设备的开发和等离子、液晶显示技术产品开发。

    Nitrogen radial tire curing technology , equipment , the development of plasma , liquid crystal display technology product development .