
  • 网络relieve diarrhea with astringents;relieving diarrhea with astringents;diarrhea treated with astringents;antidiarrhea with astringents;anti-diarrhea with astringents;astringe the intestines and check diarrhea;antidarrhea with astringent
  1. 温肾暖脾,涩肠止泻。

    To warm the kidney and the spleen and check diarrhea .

  2. 目的:实验研究涩肠止泻胶囊药理作用。

    Objective : To study the pharmacological effect of Sechang Zhixie Capsule .

  3. 这两种副产物都可入药,广东中药材标准记载它们的主要功效是涩肠止泻,收敛止血,用于泄泻,下痢不止。

    Both of there two by-products can be used as medicine , the main effect that is recorded in Guangdong Chinese herbal medicine standard have astringing intestinal , stopping diarrhea , stanching bleeding c. According to the literature , people have long used guava to lower blood sugar .