
zhǎnɡ shuǐ
  • rise
涨水 [zhǎng shuǐ]
  • [full] 水位上涨

  • 几天暴雨,小河开始涨水

  1. 河里涨水,淹没了小桥。

    The river flooded and submerged the small bridge .

  2. 他继续走,来到河边,河涨水了,因此,他到不了河对岸,他等了一会儿,然后他说:“今天我去不了富人家了,因为我不能渡过河。”

    so he could13 not go over it . He waited for some time ; then he said , " I cannot go to the rich man 's house today , for I cannot get over the river . "

  3. 目前普遍采用的watershed算法是全局涨水算法,用于视频分割时占用的存储和处理空间巨大。

    In general , the widely used watershed algorithm is a global flooding method . For the segmentation of video , it requires large memory for the storage and processing .

  4. 东风(4B)型3427号机车膨胀水箱涨水引起机破的原因分析和判断

    Reason analysis and judgement of the locomotive failure caused by spillover of the expansion tank of DF_ ( 4B ) 3427 locomotive

  5. 六月涨水,我往常总会交好运。

    The June rise used to be always luck for me ;

  6. 汛是指江河等水域的季节性或周期性的涨水现象。

    Flood period is seasonal or periodic flood rise phenomenon of rivers .

  7. 河里涨水了。我们渡不过去。

    The river was all swelled up . couldn 't cross it .

  8. 那湖即使在雨季涨水的时候也可以淌过去。

    You could wade across it at the height of the rainy season .

  9. 尼罗河涨水时在地上淤积一层泥。

    When the Nile rises it deposits a layer of mud on the land .

  10. 暴风雨,正如你从这幅纽约地铁涨水图中看见的一样。

    and to storm surge , as you can see from the subway flooding .

  11. 河正涨水,很混浊。

    The river was high and murky .

  12. 这条河突然涨水改道时,村子里有许多房子被冲走了。

    Many houses in the village were carried away when the swollen river suddenly changed its course .

  13. 东洞庭湖及长江涨水期水体血吸虫感染性实验报告

    A Survey on Water Infectivity With Schistosome During Flooding Season in the Eastern Dongting Lake and the Yangtze River

  14. 风暴潮、天文潮和近岸海浪结合引起的沿岸涨水造成的灾害,通称为风暴潮灾害。

    Storm surge , astronomical tides and near-shore coastal ocean waves caused by combination of rose water lead to disasters .

  15. 优先流产流过程表现为明显的涨水、峰值和退水3个阶段。

    The process of preferential flow is obviously divided into 3 phases : increasing phase , peak , and decreasing phase .

  16. 早期他们做过一个桶状浴盆,结果春天冰雪融化、小溪涨水时,它就被冲走了。

    An early project , a barrel-shaped tub , floated away one spring when the snow melted and the brook rose .

  17. 在别列兹那河,俄国人焚烧了涨水的河道上的桥梁,差点将后撤的法军困于河边。

    At the Berezina River , the Russians nearly trapped the retreating French by burning the bridges over the swollen river .

  18. 季节性涨水的低地;比沼泽更多的树木植被,排水较沼泽容易些。

    Low land that is seasonally flooded ; has more woody plants than a marsh and better drainage than a bog .

  19. 在林肯县,立在涨水的密西西比河与小镇之间这仅剩的东西给抗洪者们一个巨大的挑战。(指的就是大堤)

    In Lincoln County , the only thing that stands between the swollen Mississippi River and a small community is giving flood fighters a mighty challenge .

  20. 他们循声而去,绕过一个慵懒的弯道,看见那一群成纵队行进的人马,全副武装,正嘈杂地渡过涨水的溪流。

    They followed the sounds around a lazy bend of the road and saw them ; a column of armed men noisily fording a swollen stream .

  21. 实测资料表明,含沙量100~200kg/m3的不漫滩洪水在涨水期仍可造成主槽的强烈冲刷。

    The observed data shows that non-bankfull flood with 100 ~ 200 kg / m ~ 3 sediment concentration still can seriously scour the main channel during rise .

  22. 研究发现,较早的春融通常会更早地将更多水带入诸如潜在涨水河流,湖泊以及人工堰塞湖之类的集水区。

    The study finds that an early spring melt would bring more water into the watershed sooner than usual , potentially flooding rivers , lakes and artificially dammed-river reservoirs .

  23. 漩涡是由于水涨水退的变化而引起的,是海啸所常常伴随的现象,但拍摄到如此大规模的海啸,的确实属少见。

    Whirlpools are created by rising and falling water - and are a common feature of tsunamis . But they are rarely as spectacular - or as well photographed .

  24. 虉草主要在初夏鄱阳湖涨水前和冬季退水后通过分枝和分蘖这两种营养繁殖方式进行种群的快速扩张和繁衍,以适应鄱阳湖季节性水淹环境。

    The rapid expansion and reproduction of Phalaris arundinacea population mainly through the tiller as a kind of vegetative propagation method to adapt to the Poyang Lake seasonal flooding . 4 .

  25. 目的探讨东洞庭湖及邻近长江水域在涨水期不同月份的水位下,血吸虫病易感地带水体感染性的变化。

    Objective To determine the changing rules of schistosome water body infectivity in areas with high transmission potential different water-levels during four months in the eastern Dongting Lake and the Yangtze River .

  26. 首先,根据洪水期调度过程,将洪水期划分为三个阶段;其次,针对涨水段和退水段,建立了以获得效益为主的洪水调度方法。

    Firstly , flood period is divided into three stages , then , aimed at rising limb and falling limb , flood control model is established using the objective of maximizing profit .

  27. 管流水文过程波形图基本相似,表现为明显的涨水、峰值和退水3个阶段,且涨水历时短,落水历时长。

    Hydrology wave shape of pipe flow is similar basically , shown obviously 3 stages that are rising , peak value and retreating , and it lasts short to rise as well as lasts long to fall .

  28. 虽然涉及量不大,但是如遇丰水期涨水至堆放处,将会对河水造成一定的影响,并导致水土流失。

    Although the involved quantity is not large , in case of water rising to the dumps in high water period , river water will be imposed to some extent , resulting in water and soil erosion .

  29. 结论在涨水期东洞庭湖水域哨鼠感染率明显高于长江水域(P<0.01);

    Conclusion The mice infection rate in water area of the eastern Dongting Lake was obviously higher than that of the Yangtze River in rising stages ( P < 0 01 ) and the peak of infection is in June .

  30. 针对每个工艺工段的污水进行回收、利用及综合治理,全程进行控制,协调整个工艺系统运行的水平衡,做到既不涨水,又能够使得循环水的水质达标。

    Aiming at recycling and comprehensive management of each process , this design can control the rise of water and make circulating water qualified through the control for entire process and coordination the balanced running of water for the whole process .