
  1. 涉众型经济犯罪的发展趋势及打防对策

    Trends and Striking Countermeasures of Type of Economic Crime Related to the Public

  2. 和谐社会背景下的涉众型经济犯罪防控对策

    The Prevention and Control Strategies of the Type of Economic Crimes Related to the Public

  3. 涉众型经济犯罪行为,是经济高速发展,社会生活水平达到一定程度的产物。

    Related Economic crime is a product of the rapid economic development , social life level reaches a certain level .

  4. 其次,通过对涉众型经济犯罪特征的分析,总结出此类犯罪产生的嫌疑人、受害人、政府、法律四个方面的原因。

    Secondly , through the analysis of stakeholders economic crimes characteristics , summed up the four aspects of the suspect , the victim of such crime , government , legal reasons .

  5. 非法集资犯罪是一种新型的涉众型经济犯罪活动,其涉案人员多、金额大、案件一旦发生,处置及善后工作难度大,严重地影响到经济安全和社会的稳定。

    Crime of illegal fund-raising is a new type of economic crimes stakeholders , the involved personnel , large amounts of cases disposed of and the aftermath of the event is difficult , seriously affecting the economic security and social stability .

  6. 因此,应高度重视涉众型经济犯罪的危害性,对此类案件进行系统的分析研究,提出有效的防控对策,为经济建设保驾护航,维护人民群众的合法权益。

    Therefore , we should attach great importance to the dangers-related Economic crime , and system analysis studies conducted in such cases , the effective prevention and control measures the escort for economic development , safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the masses of the people .

  7. 涉众型经济案件涉及的群众之多、地域之广、牵动利益之重都要求政府部门、执法机关深度思考如何有效预防、有力打击涉众型经济犯罪行为。

    Masses involved many stakeholders economic cases , the regions covered , affects the interests of the weight require government departments , law enforcement agencies depth thinking about how effective prevention , strong against stakeholder economy crime .