
  • 网络danger;elimination of dangers
  1. 为此,大力开展工程优化,以减少干扰因数、消除危险源、创造安全条件为前提;以加快前期工程建设、改善施工环境、创造文明氛围为基础;

    Hence , project design optimization must be predicated on reduction of disturbance , elimination of danger sources , formation of safe conditions , based on acceleration of early stage construction , improvement of construction environment , formation of civilized atmosphere .

  2. 但任何人如得到当值主管的同意,可为消除危险或发生危险的可能性而进入或逗留在该地方或道路,或该地方(视属何情况而定)。

    Provided that with the consent of the supervisor on duty a person may enter or remain on the place or road , or place , as the case may be , for the purposes of removing the danger or likelihood of danger .

  3. 但雇主必须要对员工的安全表现出真诚的关心,并努力消除危险。

    Employers must show genuine concern for worker safety and endeavor to eliminate hazards .

  4. 消除危险化学品的危害

    Eliminating the Growing Risks of Dangerous Chemicals

  5. 如果现存建筑物含易燃材料,则应消除危险浓度。

    If the structure previously contained flammable materials , it shall be purged of dangerous concentrations .

  6. 其价值内涵在程序中表现为消除危险和警戒未来两个方面。

    It is stretched by the elimination of the risk and the defence of the future in the procedure .

  7. 通过取砂,一方面可以闭库复垦,彻底消除危险源,确保安全;

    Through recovering the sand , the closed dams can be reclaimed to totally eliminate the risks and keep safety .

  8. 从根本上消除危险、危害因素及其导致事故的发生条件,实现安全生产的本质化。

    Fundamentally eliminate dangerous , hazard factors and cause accidents conditions so as to realize safe production of the essence .

  9. 规范渔业船舶安全管理实体组织,控制隐患,消除危险,夯实安全生产基础。

    Regulates the organization of fishery ships safety management , control hidden risk , cancel dangerous , lay the foundation of very safe production .

  10. 目的提高病人自我保健意识和自我护理的能力,积极控制疾病,减少或消除危险因素。

    Objective To enhance the patients ' self-hygiene consciousness and self-nursing ability , and control the illness actively and diminish or eliminate related dangerous factors .

  11. 安全评价是安全系统工程的一个重要组成部分,也是实施安全管理的一种重要的技术手段,它的最终目的是提出控制或消除危险、防止事故发生的对策。

    Safety evaluation is one of the most important parts of safety system engineer , and is also one of the most important technical means of implementing safety management .

  12. 风险管理可以对危险源的风险状态持续的检查,发现问题及时纠正,使危险源的风险状态降级,以便消除危险源。

    The risk management may uninterruptedly check the risk state of the risk sources , and find the problem and being corrected on time making the risk sources being at lower risky state and easier to be eliminated .

  13. 即利用风险评价的结论,提出合理可行的消除危险或减小风险的安全措施,使施工升降机设备达到可接受的最高安全水平。

    Namely the designers use the risk assessment conclusions to propose reasonable and feasible safety measures to eliminate or reduce the risk of dangerous , so that construction lift equipment could reach the maximum acceptable level of safety .

  14. 它研究人们生活在有危险因素的环境中发生疾病或死亡的概率,以及当改变不良的行为消除危险因素时,发病或死亡的危险改变的情况、可能延长的寿命。

    It studies the probability of death of a patient in an environment with risk factors , and the changes of mortality and risk as well as a possible extension of life expectancy when the risk factors are eliminated .

  15. 对机器进行了人机工程学分析和可靠性分析,指出了影响燃气闸井机器安全的因素,以及减少或消除危险因素所应采取的措施和方法。

    Use ergonomical analysis and reliability analysis to conduct a study on machines , and point out factors that affect the safety of machinery in gas well and the methods and measures which are be taken to reduce or eliminate the risk factors .

  16. 凭借物权法的立法技术和理论基础,对虚拟财产的物权请求权进行了探讨,对虚拟财产的妨害排除、还原物请求权、恢复原状请求权、消除危险请求权的使用条件加以说明。

    By virtue of property law legislation and theoretical basis of the claim of the right of virtual property is discussed prejudice virtual property excluded , reducing substances request the right to restitution claims , and eliminate the dangerous conditions of use claims to illustrate .

  17. 以化工园区危险有害因素的类型、消除危险的条件、安全规划可执行途径等为主线,研究得到了化工园区安全规划需要考虑的内容。

    The items needed considering in safety programming of chemical industry park were also concluded , taking the types of dangerous and harmful factors of chemical industry park , the requirement to eliminate danger , and the feasible way for safety programming , etc as a main line .

  18. 与此不同的是,传统上被视为物权请求权的返还财产、排除妨害和消除危险,基于我国的立法模式和现实需求,也可作为债权请求权看待。

    This difference is that has traditionally been regarded as a real right to claim the return of property , removal of obstacles and eliminate the danger , based on the mode of the legislative and practical needs of our country , but also claim as a creditor look .

  19. 但这也只是在一定程度上减少了,而不是消除了危险性。

    But they can only marginally reduce , not eliminate the hazards .

  20. 而口服补液盐和补锌可几乎完全消除死亡危险。

    ORS and zinc bring the risk of death down to almost zero .

  21. 经过理论分析和计算后,在恰当的位置修改尺寸,消除了危险频率。

    Parameters are determined after theory analysis and calculating . Danger frequencies are eliminated .

  22. 使用乳胶避孕套或子宫帽可降低但不能消除这种危险。

    Use of latex condoms or vaginal barriers decreases but does not eliminate risk .

  23. 消除任何危险行为,达到零事故率

    Eliminate at-risk behavior and achieve zero incidents

  24. 消除火警危险通知书

    Fire Hazard Abatement Notice

  25. 在消除火警危险方面,消防人员可要求有关人士即时出示身份证明文件。

    In respect of Fire Hazard Abatement actions , personnel may request relevant persons to produce proof of identity immediately .

  26. 从调整开采程序,利用开采保护层实现大面积消除突出危险性;

    The probability of the gushing in a large area can be avoided by mining protected coal seam and adjusting mining program .

  27. 但是,通过应用和测试建立架构来消除其危险是项目成功的一个有用的成果。

    But eliminating an architectural risk by building the architecture of the application and testing it is a useful result that contributes to the project success .

  28. 年内,消防人员曾前往各类楼宇视察113244次,并发出了7582份消除火警危险通知书。

    Fire Services personnel inspected 113 244 premises of all types and issued 7 582 fire hazard abatement notices for the removal of fire hazards during the year .

  29. 强制医疗是指对无刑事责任能力的精神病人所适用的,旨在消除其危险状态、保障社会安全的强制隔离和治疗的刑事实体措施。

    Compulsory medical treatment refers to the ability of non-criminal mentally ill applied , aimed at eliminating the dangers of state , to protect social security mandatory isolation and treatment measures for criminal entities .

  30. 如何减少事故发生率,及时消除潜在危险,确保工业的安全运行及职工的健康安全,使整个工业燃气应用系统处在可接受的低风险水平下运行,已经成为一项意义重大的研究和开发课题。

    How to reduce the accidents , how to eliminate the potential risks in time , how to guarantee the good operation of the factory and the safety of the employees , how to operate the whole IUS under low risks .