
  1. 消防联动控制设备应符合GB16806-1997标准的要求。检测项目有:静电放电;辐射电磁场;电快速瞬变脉冲群。

    Integrated fire control equipment meets the requirements of GB16806-1997.The test items include Electrical transient bursts , Electrostatic discharge , and Radiated electromagnetic fields .

  2. 系统地介绍外环线越江隧道的火灾报警系统、消防灭火系统、联动控制系统、消防指挥控制中心的设备组成和系统功能,以及消防灭火系统与火灾报警系统施工。

    The facilities and functions of fire alarm system , fire fighting system , linked system and fire control center of Shanghai Outer Ring Immersed Tube Tunnel are introduced . The paper also introduces the installation of fire system and alarm system .

  3. 通过消火栓水泵及非消防电源断电的控制,从设计及编程两方面分析了消防设备与联动控制设备间的协调问题。

    By controlling of fire hydrant water pump and non-fire power source power blackout , coordinated issues of fire apparatus and joint-action controls equipment has analysed from aspects of design and programming .