
  • 网络consumer expectations
  1. 改善居民消费预期,增强消费意愿。

    Consumer expectations will be improved to increase people 's willingness to spend .

  2. 特别要提高消费在内需中的比重,努力增加城乡居民收入,改善居民消费预期,提高居民消费意愿和能力。

    In particular , we must increase the share of consumption in domestic demand , raise urban and rural income , improve consumer expectations , and enhance people 's willingness and capacity to spend .

  3. 政府扩大内需应重视调节消费预期

    Government Should Attach Importance to Adjusting Consumption Expectation to Expand Inner Requirement

  4. 商店经常利用价格差来设定消费者的消费预期。

    Stores often use the gap in prices to set consumer 's expectation .

  5. 试论理性预期理论与我国消费预期的改善

    A Tentative Discussion on Rational Anticipated Theory and Consuming Anticipated Improvement in China

  6. 通货紧缩条件下消费预期分析

    Analysis of consuming expectations under deflation

  7. 我国财政对社会保障、医疗卫生、教育、住房和价格补贴的支出规模有限,问题颇多,这严重制约了我国城乡居民的消费预期。

    Our fiscal expenditures for social security , health care , education , housing and price subsidies are too little . There have a lot of question , which severely restricts the consumption of urban and rural residents is expected .

  8. 超市就是试图让我们消费超出预期的大型机器。

    Supermarkets are just big machines to make us spend more money than we intended .

  9. 消费心理预期与股票涨跌关系的初步研究

    A Study on the Relationship of Consumer Psychological Expectation with the Rise and Fall of the Stock

  10. 本研究采用自编<消费心理预期结构问卷》对1097名城市居民进行了研究,结果表明:1.《消费心理预期结构问卷》具有较高的信度和效度;

    1097 urban residents were measured on the Structure of Consumer Psychological Expectations Scale . The scale showed high reliability and validity .

  11. 目前,我国城乡居民消费心理预期过大是导致现期消费不足,消费品市场低迷的主因。

    Nowadays , the overestimation of people 's consumption expectation is the main cause of consumption deficiency and the low tide of the market .

  12. 影响消费心理预期结构的主要因素是消费者的性别、年龄、学历、职业和所在城市等变量。

    The main factors which affected the consumer psychological expectations structure were the consumer 's gender , age , education , or occupation and locality .

  13. 应该努力提高居民的收入水平;理顺我国居民收入分配关系,防止居民收入差距过大的问题;完善社会保障制度,改变居民消费的预期。

    China should try to straighten out the relationship between income distribution , prevent the income gap problem , increase the purchasing power of residents , improve the social security system , change the residents consume expectations .

  14. 消费心理预期由预测经历、信息量、价格知觉水平、信息来源与渠道,以及预测依据等5个因素构成;

    The results showed that ( 1 ) the structure of consumer psychological expectations was found to be related to 5 factors : forecasting experience , amount of information , level of price awareness , resource and channel of information , and basis of forecasting ;

  15. 但国际能源机构警告称:“油价反弹要在短期内持续下去,关键在于,市场对当季更强劲汽油消费的预期,转变为确切的需求数据,同时欧佩克遵守其产出目标。”

    However , the IEA warned : " prospects for a sustained rally in oil prices in the near term crucially hinge on market expectations for a stronger gasoline season translating into solid actual demand data , as well as continued OPEC compliance with output targets . "

  16. 据NPR新闻的吉姆·扎洛里报道,消费支出低于预期。

    NPR 's Jim Zarroli reports that consumer spending was lower than first thought .

  17. 国际能源机构(IEA)昨日透露,中国已在去年超越美国,成为全球最大能源消费国。预期这将提高北京方面在全球能源市场上的影响力。

    China overtook the US last year to become the world 's biggest energy user , the International Energy Agency revealed yesterday , a move that is expected to increase Beijing 's influence on global energy markets .

  18. 数据大幅度下滑的原因是消费支出低于预期。

    The number fell largely because consumer spending was lower than first thought .

  19. 天津家乐福经常邀请普通消费者开圆桌会议,摸准消费心理和预期,掌握更多的基础市场数据。

    Carrefour in Tianjin regularly invited average consumers to roundtable meetings to better gauge their psychology and expectations while accruing more basic market statistics .

  20. 由于年初出口和私人消费双双低于预期,泰国也同样担心增长的问题。

    Thailand , too , is worried about growth , with exports and private consumption both weaker than expected at the start of the year .

  21. 如果这些因素及相关的问题解决或处理不好,增加收入给扩大消费带来的预期效应也不能实现或被冲减。

    Unless these factors or problems are properly settled , the anticipated boosting effects of increased income on consumption will not be achieved or affected .

  22. 受消费骤减的预期及难以获得负担得起信贷的影响,企业削减产量、延缓资本支出计划并进行裁员,以保存现金流。

    Paralysed by predictions of a consumer slump and struggling to source affordable credit , companies cut production , shelved capital spending plans and laid off workers to preserve cash flow .

  23. 继上一个交易日跌逾2美元之后,油价昨日小幅回升,原因是受中国石油消费强于预期的支持,市场调高了对全球石油需求增长的预期。

    Oil prices staged a modest recovery yesterday after a fall of more than $ 2 in the previous session as forecasts for growth in global demand were lifted on the back of stronger-than-expected consumption in China .

  24. 解释利率与消费及通胀预期相互作用的模型相对缜密,但财政乘数高深莫测,以致于专家们无法就它何时是正面的(推动增长)、何时是负面的(减缓产出)达成共识。

    There are relatively rigorous models that explain the interaction of interest rates with consumption and inflation expectations but the fiscal multiplier is so enigmatic that experts cannot agree when it is positive ( pushes up growth ) or negative ( slows down output ) .

  25. 消费市场转暖的预期提振江铜CWB1后来居上领涨权市。

    Warming of the consumer market is expected to boost copper leads right to the city of CWB1 catch up .

  26. 本文认为延迟型倾斜消费主要是由预期支出压力造成的。

    I believe that it is caused by the expected expenditure pressures .

  27. 制约消费的六大预期及化解

    Six Expectations Restraining Consumption and the Solution Consumer Electronics

  28. 消费方式、支出预期与扩大内需

    Consumption Modes , Expenditure Expectations and Domestic Demand Expansion

  29. 但是零售销售额增加了,这归因于圣诞节假期的消费好于市场预期&尽管全球经济放缓。

    Retailers however were up as the Christmas season faired better than expected for consumer goods – despite a global economic slowdown .

  30. 基于消费升级背景下的我国居民体育消费发展趋势的预期分析

    A Study of Trend of Chinese Residents ' Sports Consumption under the Background of Upgraded Consumption