
  • 网络Consumer Confidence;Consumer confidence index;consumer sentiment;consumer sentiment index;cci
  1. 正如民调分析者比尔麦金塔夫(billmcinturff)所观察到的,总统赢得连任时美国消费者信心指数平均为95。

    As pollster bill mcinturff observes , the average US consumer confidence index when a president wins re-election is 95 .

  2. 此前,尼尔森(Nielsen)曾为香港设计了一种消费者信心指数,不过,该指数是每季度发布一次,跟不上不断变化的市场。

    Nielsen already has a consumer confidence index for Hong Kong , but it 's quarterly and doesn 't tend to move markets .

  3. 因此,密歇根大学(UniversityofMichigan)将于今天公布的11月份消费者信心指数,里面有很多东西值得交易员的关注。

    Thus , the University of Michigan consumer sentiment index for November , to be released tomorrow , is rich with promise for traders .

  4. ActionEconomics的分析师在一份报告中表示:(汽油)价格居高不下,股市震荡,加之利率上升,似乎都将打压本月的消费者信心指数。

    Lingering high [ petrol ] prices , volatility in the stock market and the jump in interest rates all appeared to weigh on confidence this month , said analysts at Action Economics in a note .

  5. 这让消费者信心指数倒退至2009年的水平。当时花旗银行(CitiC)濒临倒闭,美国股市价格仅有现在的一半。

    That puts the consumer sentiment index at a level last seen in2009 , when Citi ( C ) was assumed to be bankrupt and the stock market fetched half its current price .

  6. 据NPR新闻的约翰·伊斯蒂报道,信心的增长及美国谘商会消费者信心指数超过了经济学家的预期。

    NPR 's John Ydstie says the gains and the Conference Board 's index of consumer attitudes exceeded economists ' expectations .

  7. 这与其它指数的表现相符,如路透/密歇根大学(Reuters/UniversityofMichigan)消费者信心指数,该指数显示,3月份消费者信心略有改善。

    This is in line with other indices , such as the Reuters / University of Michigan index of consumer sentiment , which showed a slight improvement in March .

  8. 市场调研公司gfk发表的一项研究报告显示,2月份德国消费者信心指数连续第二个月上升。

    A survey released by GfK , the market research company , found that German consumers were more optimistic in February , the second consecutive month of gains .

  9. 消费者信心指数与股票市场收益的实证研究

    An Empirical Analysis between Consumer Confidence Index and Stock Market Returns

  10. 经济学家此前预测6月份的消费者信心指数为105.5。

    Economists had predicted a rating of 105.5 for June .

  11. 高校教师消费者信心指数与幸福感及其关系研究

    A Study on the Relationship between Consumer Confidence Index and the Well-being of College Teachers

  12. 尼尔森发布的中国消费者信心指数报告显示,2018年第二季度中国消费增长势头依然强劲。

    Nielson 's China Consumer Confidence Index , consumption remained strong through the Q2 of 2018 .

  13. 密歇根消费者信心指数

    Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index

  14. 消费者信心指数同时表现出了锐减。用不了多长时间,这种羁绊也将影响到企业利润以及投资收益。

    It cannot be long before consumer spending stumbles , which in turn would hurt companies'profits and investment .

  15. 汤姆森路透/密歇根大学公布的数据显示,本月消费者信心指数小幅下降至81.2%。

    The Thomson Reuters / University in Michigan consumer 's sentiment index fell slightly to 81.2 this month .

  16. 油价的下降帮助提振了美国消费者信心指数,但房地产市场的持续走弱将继续影响消费者信心。

    Lower petrol prices have helped us consumers but persistent weakness in the housing market will continue to weigh on sentiment .

  17. 美国经济指标,如消费者信心指数、房屋销售量和就业数据,正在从很低的基础上上升。

    US economic measures , such as consumer confidence , home sales and employment , are rising from a very low base .

  18. 但能源价格的蹿升确实正在开始刺痛美国经济,这是消费者信心指数为何开始下滑的一个原因。

    But the run up in energy prices is really starting to bite , one reason why consumer confidence has started to slide .

  19. 去年7月到12月的最新数据显示,中国官方编制的消费者信心指数逐月上升。

    China 's official consumer-confidence index rose every month from July to December , the most recent month for which data are available .

  20. 其实不足为奇,因为在大地震以后经济活动急剧减少,从经济负增长及消费者信心指数下降即可看出。

    This comes as no surprise as economic activity fell sharply following the devastating earthquake as evidenced by negative growth and declining consumer confidence .

  21. 通过应用协整技术对我国消费者信心指数与京、津、沪、穗四大城市的社会消费品零售总额之间的关系进行了检验。

    In this paper , we established ARIMA model to the retail amount of social consumer product using some series methods and SAS systems .

  22. 因此,如果历史规律正确,奥巴马必须将消费者信心指数提高20以上才能达到失败水平。

    So , if history holds , Mr Obama will have to improve the confidence index by more than 20 points just to lose .

  23. 此外,美国6月份的消费者信心指数已跌至去年8月份以来的最低水平,预示着今年美国经济将会放缓。

    Separately , US consumer confidence in June has fallen to its lowest level since August , pointing to slower economic growth this year .

  24. 这个星期,总部设在纽约的会议委员会说,消费者信心指数是大约一半的这是什么去年的这个时候。

    This week , the New York-based Conference board said its consumer confidence is about half of what it was this time last year .

  25. 10月份美国消费者信心指数再度下降,就业岗位的缺乏,使得消费者对现状的评估降至26年来最糟糕的水平。

    US consumer confidence fell again in October , with the lack of jobs leading to the weakest assessment of current conditions in 26 years .

  26. 此外,最新的密歇根大学消费者信心指数中的预期成分表明,潜在的购物者还真不那么悲观。

    Elsewhere , the expectations component of the latest University of Michigan consumer sentiment index suggested that potential shoppers were ever so slightly less gloomy .

  27. 消费结构的变化与居民可支配收入、现代化指数、市场化指数和消费者信心指数息息相关。

    The change of consumption structure is closely related to the disposable income of urban people , modernization index , marketization index and consumer confidence index .

  28. 也应当考虑,一份关于商业盘存的报告,以及密歇根大学对五月消费者信心指数调查的最初结果。

    Also due is a report on business inventories as well as the initial results of a University of Michigan survey about consumer confidence in May .

  29. 今日发布的一项消费者信心指数显示,香港人在即将告别动荡的一年之际,仍然感觉十分乐观。

    Hong Kongers are feeling upbeat as a tumultuous year for the territory draws to a close , according to a new consumer confidence index launched today .

  30. 最新的美国消费者信心指数引发了交易者的立即回应。该数据低于预期,似乎表明围绕财政悬崖的不确定性已经伤害到经济。

    Traders reacted immediately to the latest readout on consumer confidence , which was worse than expected and suggested that the uncertainty surrounding the fiscal cliff is already hurting the economy .