
  • 网络Consumer promotion;Customer Promotion
  1. 另一项协议可使澳洲旅游向中国的个人消费者促销产品,而不只是对旅游团。

    Another enables Tourism Australia to promote products to individual Chinese customers and not just tour groups .

  2. 通过广告事后测试向消费者调查促销效果。

    Survey on promotion effectiveness is conducted to consumers by posttest .

  3. 消费者抢购促销商品的运动周四晚间呈现一些粗犷行为。一名妇女在洛杉矶一家沃尔玛商铺为争先而对其他消费者喷洒胡椒水。

    The competition for the best deals took an aggressive turn Thursday night , when a woman at a Walmart in Los Angeles used pepper spray on other customers to gain an advantage .

  4. 同时,还应注重对网络商店信用的培育,网络消费者对促销商品的感知首先是源于其对网络商店信用等级的判断,而良好的商品和服务质量乃是一切利益来源之根本。

    Network consumers for the perception of promotion goods to network stems first from store credit rating judgment , and the good quality of goods and services is the fundamental source of all interests .

  5. 研究了考虑消费者行为的促销组合决策问题。

    The promotion blend decision on the basis of consumer behavior .

  6. 此问卷是为了研究消费者对销售促销活动的喜爱和销售促销对于于国美电器有限公司的品牌形象和品牌忠诚度的影响。

    This questionnaire is to investigate consumer preferences for sales promotional schemes and the effect of sales promotion on GOME 's brand image and brand loyalty .

  7. 活动参与度、对节目促销的认知程度、促销因素、社会环境影响、前期宣传是影响消费者在节日促销时的购买意愿的五大主要因素。

    The results also indicate that the activity participation degree , the awareness level of holiday promotion , promotional factor , social and environmental impact and advance publicity are the five major factors that consumers ' willingness to purchase during holiday promotions .

  8. 宝马发言人科沃斯基(TomKowelski)说,但与以前经济衰退期不同的是,消费者对传统的促销手段(如提高购车动机刺激、提供租车条款或加大广告力度等)无动于衷。

    But unlike past downturns , consumers aren 't responding to traditional marketing devices like increased incentives , lease deals or beefed-up advertising , said BMW spokesman Tom Kowelski .

  9. 基于消费者感知的价格促销策略研究

    A Study on Consumer Perception Based Price Promotion Strategy

  10. 消费者教育在市场促销中的运用

    Application of consumer insturction in market promotion

  11. 第二,促销应建立以消费者为中心的促销体系,通过深入分析和了解消费者的促销心理,利用促销给消费者带来实际利益和心理利益;同时要以促通思路设计整合型促销。

    Secondly , promotion should be consumer-oriented with full understand on psychology of consumer and communication should play an essential part in the course of promotion .

  12. 而本品通过板体透光,利用荧光水笔即可让字体发出绚丽的光彩,特别容易吸引消费者,从而达到促销的目的。

    Of this product through the translucent body panels , using fluorescent Kandelia fonts can be sent to a beautiful luster , particularly attractive to consumers , so as to achieve marketing purposes .

  13. 消费者的需求俨然已成为一切经营活动的主宰,一项能适应消费者需求的促销策略,必定能赢得消费者的青睐,达到预期的促销目的。

    Consumer demand has become the marketers the master of all business activities . Developing a promotion strategy that could adapt the consumers ' demanding , they will win consumers , achieving the anticipated promotion goals .