
  • 网络consumption pollution
  1. 可持续发展下的最优消费污染税分析

    Optimal Consumption Pollution Taxation Analysis in an Open Economy

  2. 进口最终产品对环境污染的影响主要体现为生产替代效应、消费污染效应、技术效应等方面。

    Imports of final products exert influences on environmental pollution are mainly due to production substitution effect , consumption pollution effect , technical effect .

  3. 分析地形、地貌、区域生态环境、气候等自然因素和城市能源生产与消费、污染源的分布、市场失灵和环境政策等社会经济因素对大气污染的影响。

    Analyzed the effects of natural reasons as topography , landforms , regional ecological environment , and the social-economic reasons as the energy producing and consuming , the location of pollutant sources , market failures , and the environmental policy on the atmosphere pollution .

  4. 十五期间沈阳市煤炭消费与大气污染相关性分析

    Relativity Analysis between Coal Consumption and Air Pollution During the Tenth Five-year Plan in Shenyang

  5. 北京市城区居民烟草消费和大气污染对肺癌死亡率的影响

    Influence of Tobacco Consumption and Air Pollution on Lung Cancer Mortality of Permanent Residents in Beijing Urban Area

  6. 本文的研究将对我国工业发展、能源消费以及环境污染的协调发展提供政策参考的依据,为工业行业提供正确的发展方向。

    This article will provide policy references to coordinated development among 3E and provide correct development direction to the industry .

  7. 而汽车化社会带来的诸如交通阻塞、交通事故、能源消费和环境污染等社会问题正在日趋恶化。

    Automobile society brought about lots of social problems such as traffic congestion , accidents , energy consumption and environmental pollution .

  8. 北京方面试图以限制消费、控制污染和加强对偏远江河的监视等一系列政策来应对这个问题。

    Beijing has tried to address the issue with policies that limit consumption , control pollution and increase monitoring of far-flung waterways .

  9. 文章进一步研究能源消费与环境污染之间的关系,得出能源消费是造成环境污染的主要原因。

    The paper studies the relationship between the energy consumption and the pollution . We can get out the main reason that energy consumption result in environmental pollution .

  10. 中国在九月份表示,将削减煤炭消费并关闭污染环境的造纸厂、工厂和冶炼厂。但专家们表示,落实有关措施将是很有难度的。

    China said in September it would slash coal consumption and shut down polluting mills , factories and smelters , though experts have said implementing the measures would prove difficult .

  11. 常规能源过量消费造成环境污染,环境污染反过来又制约了社会经济的发展。

    The conventional energy source expense is the main cause of the environmental pollution because the conventional energy source excessive expense has caused the environmental pollution and the environmental pollution in turn has restricted the social economy development .

  12. 目前,全球能源消费主要以污染严重的煤炭、石油、天然气等化石燃料为主,如果无节制地继续开采,到21世纪中叶,全球将面临严重的能源威胁。

    Currently , the global energy consumption mainly includes coal , oil , gas and other fossil fuels which are harmful to the environment , if uncontrolled exploitation continues , the world will face serious energy threat by mid-21st century .

  13. 庞大的机动车数量带来了交通需求量的剧增,因此各项矛盾日益突出,交通阻塞、交通事故、能源消费和环境污染等社会问题日趋恶化。

    Large number of motor vehicles have brought dramatic increase in traffic demand , so all the conflicts have become more and more prominent : traffic congestion , traffic accidents , energy consumption and environmental pollution etc. , these social problems are worsening day by day .

  14. 新型工业化进程中的消费与高新技术污染

    Consumption and High - tech Pollution in the Procession of New Industrialization

  15. 能源效率被认为是有效降低能源消费,减少环境污染的重要途径。

    Energy efficiency was found to be effective in reducing energy consumption , reducing environmental pollution .

  16. 能源短缺以及由能源生产、消费引起的环境污染问题成为21世纪人类面临的两大难题,寻找清洁能源已是当前的紧迫任务。

    In the 21st century , human beings are facing with two problems - energy shortage and environmental pollution .

  17. 我国是世界第二大农药生产国,同时也是第一大农药消费国,农药污染问题十分严重。

    China is one of the biggest countries for production and consumption of pesticides , which results in the serious pesticide pollution .

  18. 绿色消费是人们减少污染和资源浪费,保护环境的消费行为,对促进可持续发展起着重要作用。

    The green consumption is an action to protect environment , reduce pollution and waste of resources . It plays an important role in promoting sustainable development .

  19. 传统的生产方式,以越来越高的强度从地球上开采各种资源和能源,用粗放的方式进行生产,并在生产和消费过程中把污染和废物大量排放到环境中。

    More and more resources and energy were exploited from earth by traditional production mode . Lots of wastes and pollution were discharged to environment in the process of production and consumption .

  20. 环境和可持续发展已经成为整个世界关注的焦点,汽车作为能源消费大户及环境污染的重要源头之一,其发展也面临严重的挑战。

    Environment and sustainable development has become a focus of attention throughout the world , major energy consumption and environmental pollution as a key source of car development is also facing serious challenges .

  21. 在经济社会发展过程中,浙江省始终无法摆脱能源短缺以及能源生产和消费所带来环境污染的双重束缚。

    In the process of economic and social development , Zhejiang Province has never been able to get rid of the dual constraints of the energy shortage as well as environmental pollution caused by energy production and consumption .

  22. 一方面,能源供给短缺,需要解决突出的供需矛盾,另一方面,又必须考虑一次能源消费带来的环境污染问题。

    On the one hand , it needs to be solved the prominent imbalance between supply and demand of energy due to shortage of supply . On the other hand , it must be considered environmental pollution problems induced by the energy consumption .

  23. 本文所指陈的能源税是指从事应税能源开发、利用和消费的单位和个人应当对其开发利用能源的行为和消费可能造成环境污染的能源产品的行为依法承担的税负。

    The energy tax here refers to the taxes legally paid by individuals or enterprises who is engaged into exploring , using energy , or consuming the energy product which might cause environmental pollution .

  24. 实证研究表明:我国石油消费对经济增长的贡献在空间分布上存在着差异,而且各区域的石油消费与环境污染之间的关系也是各不相同的。

    Empirical results show that the contribution of regional petroleum consumption to economic growth is different in spatial distribution and the relationship between the regional petroleum consumption and environmental pollution is also different .