
  • 网络Consumption index;consumer price index;CPI;cost of living index
  1. 官方数据指出中国的消费指数相比去年同期也下降了一个百分点。

    Official figures show China 's consumer price index fell a little more than one percent from the same period a year earlier .

  2. 大部分的工业消费指数价格,以及很多其他的和人们生活相关的工业消费品价格,并没有大幅度的上涨,而且有的价格是在下降的。

    Most of the industrial consumer price index , as well as many other people 's lives and related industrial consumer goods prices , there is no substantial increase , but some prices are in decline .

  3. 而在经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)和旅游购物退税公司环球蓝联(GlobalBlue)合作发布的欧洲城市消费指数排行中,马德里和巴塞罗那并列第二,仅次于伦敦。

    in a shopping index ranking of European cities put together by the Economist Intelligence Unit and Global Blue , a tourism shopping tax refund company .

  4. 仅用某个时间段的单因素趋势诸如消费指数、GDP增长关联系数等进行油气的需求预测,将得出误差较大的预测结果。

    The forecast result of oil and gas demand will be made with a large error if it is conducted only using a single factor at a certain period , such as consumption index and GDP growth correlation coefficient .

  5. 运用指数因素分析法将中国各行业能源消费指数分解为外商直接投资(FDI)数量效应、FDI行业分布效应和投资能源强度效应,拟揭示FDI行业分布对中国能源消费的影响。

    Index factor decomposition method is used to decompose energy consumption index of Chinese industries into FDI quantity effect , industrial FDI distribution effect and investment energy intensity effect , so as to find the influence of industrial FDI distribution on Chinese energy consumption .

  6. 不同城市或国家间的生活消费指数都是可以相互比较的。

    Cost of living indicators are comparative between cities or countries .

  7. 同样的,消费指数也隐藏了很多问题。

    But consumption numbers , too , conceal as much as they illuminate .

  8. 如果除开能源价格和食品因素,上个月的消费指数基本保持不变。

    Excluding the cost of energy and food , the price index was unchanged last month .

  9. 亚洲各国的消费指数迅速上涨,许多人都在努力增加预算。

    Asian Government Subsidies Ease Inflation Pain Consumer prices are rapidly rising in Asia , and many people are trying to stretch their budgets .

  10. 周三商务部的公布的报告显示,在过去一个月消费指数下降了0.6%,略低于经济学家预测的0.7%。

    The Commerce Department reported Wednesday that consumer spending fell by0.6 percent last month , slightly smaller than the0.7 percent drop that economists had expected .

  11. 最近几个月,由于全球经济放缓,消费指数显著下降,这已经深深影响到纺织服装行业。

    The significant downturn in consumption recorded in recent months , as a consequence of the global financial economic slowdown , has been felt greatly in the textile-clothing sector .

  12. 中科院高级经济学家刘说,物价消费指数将要在下半年超过上半年,达到高峰。

    Liu Shucheng , senior economist at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences , said CPI will peak in the second half of the year , rather than the first .

  13. 但是经济学家说,国家不会放松货币姿态,当目前仍然面临着一场消费指数鼓胀的艰苦的战争。1月份消费指数为4.9%,比预期略低一点。

    But economists said the country will not loosen its monetary stance as it still faces an uphill battle to cool consumer inflation , which hit4.9 percent in January , slightly lower than forecast .

  14. 国民经济的快速发展、居民教育消费指数的提高、高等教育大众化阶段的到来,为吉林省地方普通高等学校提供了新的发展机遇。

    The rapid development of the national economy , the increasing educational consumption of residents and the popularity of higher education have provided the institution of local common higher education in Jilin Province with new opportunities for its development .

  15. 中国国家发展与改革委员会副局长周王俊(译)昨天在一个网络论坛中说,如果消费指数超过银行存款利率,他确实认为需要适当提高利率。

    " If the consumer-price index exceeds the interest rate on bank deposits , I do feel there should be an appropriate increase in rates ," zhou wangjun , a deputy director of the national development and reform commission , said in an online forum yesterday .

  16. 该模型的构建引入了物价消费指数、社会生活成本等作为其主要参数,是人力资源群体价值计量模型,也可作为人力资源个体价值计量模型的基础。

    This model is a human resource community value model , can also be treated as the foundation of human resource individual value model . The construction of this model introduces some indexes as its main parameters , such as price expense index , social life cost etc.

  17. 最低工资制度在近期受到了很多的关注,一方面是由于中国很多地区的劳动力成本在不断上升,另一方面最近居民消费指数的上升也使很多地区面临对最低工资标准进行调整的问题。

    Recently people pay great attention on the minimum wage system since for one thing , capital of laborers in many regions of China is higher ; for another , rising consumer price index ( CPI ) makes such regions face the adjustment of standard of the minimum wage .

  18. 国家统计局公布的数据显示,2020年2月份,全国居民消费价格指数(CPI)同比上涨5.2%。

    China 's consumer price index ( CPI ) grew 5.2 percent year on year in February , the National Bureau of Statistics ( NBS ) said .

  19. 胡润富豪消费价格指数9年来首次下降,该指数每年发布一次,主要估算中国高端人群的消费水平。

    The Hurun Luxury Consumer Price Index , an annual study that gauges1 levels of top-end individual spending in China , has contracted for the first time in nine years .

  20. 胡润报告显示,由于豪宅、出境游和奢侈品价格降低,2015年富豪消费价格指数比上年下降1.8%。

    The LCPI 2015 dropped 1.8 percent year-on-year , said wealth researcher The Hurun Report which compiles the study , due to price declines in luxury properties , overseas trips and products .

  21. 我国居民消费价格指数的FAR模型

    The FAR model of Chinese consumer price index

  22. 日本央行(bankofjapan)已经表示,在利率政策制定过程中将考虑消费物价指数以外的数据。

    The Bank of Japan has indicated it will consider other data than the CPI in its deliberations .

  23. 用神经网络中的BP网络建立了烟草类消费价格指数预测模型。

    A prediction model for a consumption price index of tobacco by artificial neural network was set up .

  24. 基于VAR模型的居民消费价格指数传导机制研究

    Research on CPI Transmission Mechanism Based on VAR Model

  25. 基于VAR模型的中国消费价格指数分析

    Analysis On VAR Model About CPI Of China

  26. 基于GM(1,1)理论的中国居民消费价格指数预测模型研究

    Expends the price index forecast model based on GM ( 1,1 ) theory Chinese inhabitant to study

  27. 居民消费价格指数(CPI)并不能完全反映新产品带来的好处;

    The consumer prices index doesn 't fully capture the boon of new products ;

  28. 但是,在中国具有政治敏感性的整体消费价格指数(CPI)不容许这么做。

    But headline consumer price inflation , politically sensitive in China , will not allow it .

  29. 全国的工资增添幅度还将与居民消费价钱指数(CPI)挂钩。

    The wage increase in the country will be pegged to the consumer price index ( CPI ) .

  30. 消费价格指数(CPI)同比上涨2.3%,主要原因是猪肉价格大幅上扬。

    Consumer prices rose 2.3 per cent , largely on the back of a sharp jump in pork prices .