
  1. 消极自由与积极自由两种理论的冲突是深入研究消极自由理论的一条重要渠道。

    The contradiction between these two liberal theories is an important channel of having a deep research on the negative liberty .

  2. 近代以来关于自由的观念形成了两种基本的学说:消极自由与积极自由。

    There are two main theories about the viewpoint of liberty in modern society : the active liberty and the passive liberty .

  3. 大学教师知识分子精神的复归需要消极自由与积极自由的匹配,美国式的终身教职制度是市场机制下卫护消极学术自由的最好的制度保障。

    The returning of this spirit calls for the cooperation of " negative liberty " and " positive liberty " . In the market system , the American Tenure is the best institutional guarantee to safeguard the negative academic freedom .

  4. 自由与道德、能力、市场&消极自由主义者与积极自由主义者的论战

    Liberty & Morality , Capacity and Market