
xiāo shī diǎn
  • Vanishing point;end point
消失点[xiāo shī diǎn]
  1. 对单视图,提出了一种利用消失点列的3D不变量解释平面直线关系的方法;

    In single-view case , the theory is presented to interpret relationship between two planar lines by applying 3D invariants of vanishing points .

  2. 通过提取视频图像上跑道的线性特征以及利用消失点的定义来估计无人机(UAV)的三个姿态角。

    In this paper , linear feature of the runway and the vanishing point are used to estimate the attitude angles of the unmanned air vehicle ( UAV ) .

  3. 第一帧图像采用传统Hough变换查找直线,权值聚类法检测消失点,消失点约束中心直线提取车道线。

    For the first frame the traditional hough transform is used to find lines and weighted clustering is used to detecting vanishing point . Vanishing point constraint center lines to identify lane .

  4. 在拉伸或弯曲单独作用下,随着长度(Miu)的增加以及半径(R)的增大,内加厚过渡区消失点的应力逐渐减少;

    Under tensile or bending load , with an increase in length ( M_ ( iu )) and radius ( R ), stress will reduce at the point where the internal upset transition area disappears .

  5. 本文首先采用基于LSD的线段检测算法提取二维图像直线段,接着定义消失点最优解结构&交点频率函数图和交点邻域密度图,最后利用AGS算法估计消失点。

    Firstly , a LSD-based line detection algorithm is utilized to extract 2D segments from images . Secondly , the structure of optimal solution for vanishing points is defined as intersection point frequency functions and intersection point neighborhoods . Finally , the estimation is done through AGS .

  6. 在有限空间检测方法中,Barnard提出的基于高斯映射的消失点检测,因同时适用于有限远和无穷远消失点的检测,最为引人关注。

    In the later case , gaussian mapping based vanishing point detection provided by Barnard is more concerned . This method has the advantages to represent as well the finite and infinitive vanishing points . The primary problem that Barnard points out is the uneven accumulator unit .

  7. 利用消失点列的射影不变量描述平面直线关系

    Description of Planar Line Relationship by Projective Invariant of Vanishing Points

  8. 人工目标图像中的消失点检测

    Vanishing Point Detection Method for the Image of Man - Made Object

  9. 应用消失点三角形法作倾斜透视图

    Making of the Oblique Perspective Drawing by Applying the Triangle of Vanishing Points

  10. 利用图像中的消失点描述平面直线关系

    Description of Plane Line Relationship by Vanishing Points

  11. 一种基于聚类的消失点自动测量方法

    An vanishing points detection algorithm based on clustering

  12. 实验结果表明,该方法对中远距离场景的消失点检测可行、快速。

    As shown in the experiments , the method is feasible and fast , and works automatically .

  13. 同一平面上的所有直线对应的消失点共线于该平面的消失直线。

    The vanishing points of all lines in the same plane are colinear at the vanishing line of the plane .

  14. 腋下省、肩省和领省从面料的外边缘开始缉缝到消失点为止。

    Stitch underarm , shoulder , and neckline darts from the outer edge of the fabric to the vanishing point .

  15. 正确缝纫省道方法,线迹是从一端逐渐由细到消失点,交驻缝与面料混为一体,几乎看不见。

    Accurate stitching , tapering to the vanishing point , insures an almost invisible blending of the stitching with the fabric .

  16. 该算法只需要知道消失点和已知尺寸物体在图像中的位置就可以实现坐标校准。

    According to this algorithm , coordinate calibration can be implemented with knowledge of the vanishing point and the position of scaled objects .

  17. 而相对于消失点的模糊,由一条细索紧紧拉扯的表皮,像是无意的拉扯一支毛发之类的触感。

    However , the vagueness of the vanishing point also holds a thin thread tightly pulling the skin , like a hair being pulled accidentally .

  18. 根据摄像机透视投影原理,三条互不重合的平行线在图像平面上具有相同的消失点和不同的斜率。

    In accordance with the perspective projection principle of camera , three mutually non-coincident parallel lines have same vanishing point and different slopes on imaging plane .

  19. 本文研究了当前主要的道路识别算法,并分别从图像分割和消失点计算两个角度提出了具体的改进方案。

    After the careful research of main Road Recognition algorithms , this paper proposes two improvements from the points of Image Segmentation and Vanishing Point detection respectively .

  20. 结果表明,在拉伸载荷单独作用下,钻杆最大应力发生在内加厚过渡区消失点;

    The analytical results indicate that the drill pipe 's maximum stress under tensile load is located at the point where the internal upset transition area disappears .

  21. 相反,基于消失点检测的道路识别算法具有较好的鲁棒性,但缺乏实时性。

    This kind of algorithm is usually real-time , but lack of robustness . Inversely , those based on Vanishing Point detection is robust but not real-time .

  22. 在人工目标检测中,消失点信息比边缘、拐角等特征更加鲁邦。

    In the field of man-made object detection , vanishing point feature is more robust than edge and corner features . So it has been paid much attention .

  23. 度量校正过程中,传统方法需要摄像机按照特定轨迹移动或者需要图像中具有消失点或平行线等信息,具有一定的应用局限性。

    In the process of metric correction , traditional methods are limited in practical application as they need vanishing points , vanishing lines or the special movement of camera .

  24. 在消失点计算过程中,算法改进了投票策略,依据两个像素之间的距离,对投票的可信度做了定量的衡量。

    During the process of voting for Vanishing Point , my algorithm also has improved the voting rules by introducing the measurement of reliability according to the distance between to pixels .

  25. 基于地面垂直目标的标定方法,由垂直目标(人体)的头顶点和脚底点得到垂直消失点和水平消失线。

    In vertical ground objects based approach , vertical vanishing point and the plane vanishing line can be obtained by top-points and bottom-points of vertical objects ( always , human ) .

  26. 首先,我们给出了一个自动方法来获取图像中的消失点,这些消失点可以被分为垂直消失点和水平消失点。

    First , we obtain the vanishing points in the image using an unsupervised method . There are two kinds of vanishing points : vertical vanishing points and horizontal vanishing points .

  27. 与传统的多视图重建算法相比,本文提出的算法能够获得精确的最小配置解,重构时不需要借助消失点、消失线等优点,具有更广泛的应用前景。

    Compared to traditional multiple-view reconstruction methods , our method obtained an accurate minimum case solution , can be used wider as we reconstructed the 3D object without vanishing points or lines .

  28. 按照针孔成像模型,经过数学推导可以建立摄像机的外部参数与消失点和成像斜率之间的解析表达式,无需经过迭代和优化计算。

    Without iteration and optimization calculation , an analytical expression of the external parameters of a camera , vanishing point and imaging slopes can be established through mathematical derivation according to pinhole imaging model .

  29. 同时,提出一种消失点定位投票选择方法,对聚类于消失点的边缘点进行分类统计来检测直线。

    At the same time , a vanishing point detection and location algorithm was proposed based on vote , straight lines were detected based on classification and statistics of edge points which cluster with vanishing points .

  30. 提出了一种利用棋盘格模板图像中的消失点和栅格线特征以及局部灰度特征,实现棋盘格模板角点自动定位的方法。

    An effective approach is proposed to automatically locate the internal target corners of a planar checkerboard pattern image , based on the characteristics of the vanishing point , the grid line architecture and the local gradation .