- wither away;die out;extinct;subduction;disappear;vanish;demise;dissolution;crumble;crater;die

[wither away;die out] 灭亡;消失
Could the Literature Wither Away Really ? & The Speech for Yat-Sen University
We grow little and we get to a certain age then we wither away .
Our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate .
When the government is finally brought down , no one will mourn its passing .
The Russian peasantry stood on the brink of disappearance .
But that doesn 't mean this brand of politics is dead or dying
The centuries-old ritual seems headed for extinction .
Civilizations do eventually decline and perish .
Gaelic has been a dying language for many years , though children are nowadays taught it in school
A man is deliberately designed to be mortal . He grows , he ages , and he dies .
Some have vanished from the face of the earth , others are dying slowly , but all have undergone changes as they have come into contact with an expanding machine civilization .
As a day-to-day essential , it will die off with the generation who read print newspapers .
Languages have been coming and going for thousands of years , but in recent times there has been less coming and a lot more going .
If [ hand-drawn animation ] is a dying craft , we can 't do anything about it .
He praised the union 's aims but predicted its early demise .
The behavior will normally fade quickly once the perception of novelty is gone .
Were all stars to disappear or die
The dearth of such APIs and toolkits is largely due to the extremely application-specific needs of each individual scraping tool .
After the anti-cyclonic center to the east of the Philippines moves to130 ° - 145 ° E , diabatic heating vertical change plays a major role in its maintenance .
Alternately H5N1 may subside naturally as infected animals die off , or it may mutate to a less aggressive form .
During deposition of the lower Xiangshan Group ( J1 ), the foreland basin shrank and became small separated basins before disappearance of the foreland basin .
The results from the 6-value and r-value comprehensive analysis showed that the key developmental stages within the first generation to fluctuate the 2nd , 3rd and 4th generation populations were the 4th and 6th instar , and pupal stages , respectively .
Accordingly continuous section mill will grow up , existing , belgian section mill will be shut down , part of them may remain after technical revamping , but it is not suitable to be modified into H beam mill .
After 30 minutes , the disinfection rate of bacteria is 100 % .
Its demise is being blamed on the boom in creative businesses , such as Facebook and Google , and online trading companies where formal dress codes tend to be shunned in favour of a more casual approach .
" Fukushima marked the death of conventional light-water reactors ," says Kirk Sorensen , founder of Flibe Energy , a highly regarded nuclear technology startup based in Huntsville , Alabama .
The particle PHD filter reduces to the standard particle filter in the case where there is only one target with no birth , no death , no clutter and unity probability of detection .
During different periods of Dan , there was great water vapor change as indicated by stream function , velocity potential and vapor budget , which showed the importance of water vapor in the development of typhoon Dan .
The major change that influenced the demise of the mammoth fauna in southern Siberia was probably initiated after the Last Glaciation Maximum ( LGM ) .
In the field spraying disinfection trial , the same dosage with a 30 min contact time caused over 90 % eliminating rate of natural bacteria in indoor air .