
tú liào
  • coating;paint;coating material;daubing
涂料 [tú liào]
  • [coating;paint] 涂在物体表面,使其美观或防蚀的物质。如:油漆、煤焦油等

涂料[tú liào]
  1. 镁质喷涂料在CSP连铸中间罐上的应用

    Application of magnesia coating material in tundish for CSP caster

  2. 研究了纳米TiO2在涂料中分散,及涂料的抗菌性能。

    The decentralization of nano TiO_2 in the coating material and the antiseptic performance of the coating material were studied in this paper .

  3. 这栋建筑的墙上随意涂了一层红色涂料。

    The walls of the building were daubed with red paint .

  4. 这种涂料用一点就可涂一大片。

    A small amount of this paint goes a long way .

  5. 墙壁刷了一层薄的浅黄色涂料。

    The walls were covered with a pale yellow wash .

  6. 涂料太稠就会破坏效果。

    The effect will be ruined if the paint is too thick .

  7. 这房间所需要的是刷点儿涂料。

    What this room needs is a lick of paint .

  8. 地板加了密封涂料防止渗水。

    The floor is sealed to prevent water penetration .

  9. 他把毛刷在涂料里蘸了蘸。

    He dipped his brush in the paint .

  10. 卧室用了三桶涂料。

    The bedroom needed three tins of paint .

  11. 涂料尽量干一些,以免颜色相互渗透。

    Keep the paint fairly dry so that the colours don 't bleed into each other .

  12. 用的是永久性的涂料,洗不掉。

    With permanent tints , the result won 't wash out .

  13. 雷用专门的防锈涂料涂船的吃水线以下的部位。

    Ray painted below the waterline with a special anti-rust paint .

  14. 用水把涂料稀释到牛奶般的稠度。

    Dilute the paint with water until it is the consistency of milk

  15. 蓝色底色将红色涂料衬托得愈加浓重。

    The blue base gives the red paint more depth .

  16. 你将收到涂料、窗帘、家具垫衬套的样品。

    You 'll receive samples of paint , curtains and upholstery

  17. 经营剧院的风险似乎比加入家族涂料产业的风险要小一些。

    The hazards of the theatre seemed preferable to joining the family paint business

  18. 那个房间很奇怪,墙壁一半贴壁纸,一半刷涂料。

    The room was strange , the walls half papered , half painted .

  19. 选对了涂料,这项工作就成功了一半。

    Choosing the right type of paint for the job is half the battle .

  20. 他的继父经营着一家生意红火的涂料公司。

    His stepfather ran a prosperous paint business

  21. 其中运载工业树脂和涂料稀释剂的两辆卡车起火了。

    Two of the lorries , carrying industrial resin and paint thinner , burst into flames .

  22. 墙上涂料已剥落了。

    The paint on the wall has peeled off .

  23. 干性油在所有油基涂料中是主要的载色剂。

    The drying oils are the major vehicle in all oil-base paints .

  24. 如果你先把墙弄湿,那么表面就能更均匀地刷上这水性涂料。

    If you wet the walls down first , the surface will take the water-based paint more smoothly .

  25. 但这些科学家表示,他们的“超白”涂料可以使屋顶变得更凉爽。

    But these scientists say their ULTRA-white paint could make those rooves even cooler .

  26. 一种用云母氧化铁颜料配制而成的双组份聚酰胺固化环氧涂料

    It 's a two-component , polyamide cured epoxy paint , pigmented with micaceous iron oxide ( MIO ) .

  27. 以往英国的调查主要关注政府的情报使用情况,这些调查被认为不过是一桶粉饰错误的白色涂料而已。

    Previous British reports , which concentrated on the government 's use of intelligence , have been dismissed as whitewashes .

  28. 在纽约,超过1000万平方英尺(92万9千平方米)的屋顶被涂上了白色的热反射涂料。

    In New York , more than ten million square feet [ 929000 square metres ] of rooves have been coated with white heat-reflecting paint .

  29. 目前可用的最白涂料可以反射80%到90%的阳光,而这些研究人员说他们的涂料能反射98%以上的阳光。

    While the whitest currently available paints reflect between 80 and 90 per cent of sunlight , these researchers say theirs reflects more than 98 per cent .

  30. 用这种涂料漆上1000平方英尺(92.9平方米)的屋顶,据科学家们估计,能比普通的中央空调提供更强的降温效果。

    Covering a 1000 square foot [ 92.9 square metre ] roof with this paint , they estimate , would provide more cooling power than a typical central air conditioner .