
The enzymes in malts can be greatly activated and the good dissolution of malt proteins is promoted when steeping water is 38 % , germinating water is 40-42 % , and germinating time is 4 d.
Under given steeping degree steeping time is reduced with raising of steeping temperature .
When saccharogenic power was considered as the primary index , three factors including malting temperature , steeping degree , and kilning temperature in sequence had important influence .
With steeping degree and germinating temperature increasing and kilning temperature decreasing , the content of β - Glucan of dry malts and the viscosities of wort were reduced .
When the steeping degree reaches about 39 % , it is transferred into Saladin . The final steeping degree is 42-45 % , the highest not over 46 % .
Then the best malting parameters were obtained : steeping degree 47 % ~ 48 % , germinating temperature 18 ~ 20 ℃, and kilning temperature 80 ~ 81 ℃ .
The highest β - Glucanase activity in dry malt was obtained when steeping degree was controlled at 47 % ~ 48 % , germinating temperature 15 ~ 17 ℃ and kilning temperature 80 ~ 81 ℃ .
It was reported that the short period steeping with long resting and spraying sometimes is a good steeping method suiting wheat malting . The steeping degree can be 41 % ~ 43 % .