
jìn rǎn
  • Impregnation;dip-dye;be contaminated;inoculate;be gradually tainted with;be gradually influenced
浸染 [jìn rǎn]
  • [inoculate] 逐渐沾染

浸染[jìn rǎn]
  1. 染色促进剂的合成及在涂料浸染中的应用

    Synthesizing dye accelerant and its application in dip-dye by dope

  2. 印染企业中,染色加工是浸染生产的核心,也是产生污染的主要工序。

    Dyeing process is the core of dip-dye production and also the major polluting process in dyeing enterprises .

  3. 这种滤液的浸染性应归之于不能描述的细菌。

    The nondescript bacteria were responsible for the infectivity of the filtrate .

  4. 江西德兴铜矿是一个细脉浸染型斑岩铜矿田

    The Dexing copper mine in Jiangxi Province is a porphyry copper ore field of veinlet-dissemi-nated type .

  5. 申屠敦家西边的一位邻居鲁生一见到就十分喜爱,让铜匠模仿着也铸了一尊,用一种奇特的药浸染之后,挖了一个坑,把它埋在地下。

    Lu Sheng , his neighbour on the west , took a fancy to it instantly . He asked a coppersmith to cast a tripod in imitation , soaked and dyed it with a strange decoction , dug a pit and buried it underground .

  6. 金矿体主要为浸染状,富集As、Sb、Hg;

    Gold mineralization , which is enriched in Hg . As and Sb occurs as disseminations in siliceous rocks ;

  7. 分析了金川铜镍硫化物矿床的一组浸染状矿石和一组块状矿石的Re、Os含量和Os同位素组成。

    Re and Os concentrations and Os isotopic ratios for disseminated and massive ores from the Jinchuan Cu-Ni sulfide deposit are analyzed .

  8. CVC混纺针织物中浅色一浴法浸染工艺实践

    One-Bath Exhaust Dyeing of CVC Knitted Fabrics for Light to Medium Colour

  9. 当他仍是一名内科住院年夜夫的时辰,见证了浸染于这类受体的药物对患者发生了巨年夜的影响,年夜此,他对G卵白偶联受体发生了乐趣。

    He became interested in G protein-coupled receptors when he was a resident in internal medicine , witnessing how medications affecting these receptors could have a dramatic impact on his patients .

  10. 微细浸染型金矿成矿与找矿的几个问题新型捕收剂ROB浮选微细粒级钛铁矿的试验研究

    Discussion on metallogeny and exploration of micro-fine disseminated gold deposits Flotation of Micro-fine Ilmenite Using New Type Collector ── ROB

  11. 原生金矿有含Au石英脉型、伴生金型、构造蚀变岩型、岩浆岩型及浸染型。

    The primary gold includes gold bearing quartz vein type , associated gold type , tectonic altered rock type , magma type and dissemination type .

  12. 第四章则是分析浸染了后现代特征的网络XX体现象所引起的社会影响。

    The fourth chapter is the analysis of the social impact caused by postmodern characteristics of the network " XX style " .

  13. 小鼠下丘脑室旁核与第三脑室的相互关系Golgi浸染、免疫组织化学和透射电野观察

    Relationship between the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus and the third ventricle in mouse : a golgi , immunocytochemical and electron microscopic study

  14. 噻吩浸染金表面的TOF-SIMS的研究

    Study on Gold-Sulfur Cluster Ions of Thiophene Impregnating Gold Surface in TOF-SIMS

  15. Cu在矿化过程中,变质作用和构造控制有重要意义,地层中的成矿元素在有利的构造部位沉淀,形成浸染状矿化和石英硫化物脉。

    Metamorphism and deformation played an important role in the Cu mineralization , and the ore-forming elements from the strata were precipitated in favorable structures , leading to the formation of disseminated ores and quartz sulfide veins .

  16. 在用OPDA处理的叶片中,在两个浸染阶段都发现了荧光信号的变化。

    Fluorescence signatures of both infection phases were found in leaves infiltrated with OPDA .

  17. 对活性染料代用固色碱SL在活性染料浸染染色工艺中的应用性能进行研究,并比较使用固色碱SL与传统固色碱碳酸钠在应用性能和效果上的差别。

    The applications of the substitutive alkali SL to dip dyeing with reactive dyes were studied , and the differences between SL and soda in fixation and effects were compared .

  18. 实验结果表明:以胡萝卜下胚轴为材料,用苗龄7d,共培养2d,浸染15min的体系,Kan抗性芽的分化频率可达52%。

    Result showed that differentiation frequency of Kan resistant shoots reached to 52 % in the system of 7 d seedling , 2 d of co cultivation and 15 minutes of infection .

  19. 染座剂DM-2008在棉涂料浸染中的应用

    Dye site agent DM-2008 for pigment dip dyeing of cotton

  20. 方法:H-E染色、Glees银浸染观察神经元和轴突的变化;

    Methods : Histological changes of the striatum , hippocampus and frontal cortex were observed by HE and Glees silver staining .

  21. 对影响农杆菌转化效率几个主要因素进行的研究发现,毛白杨叶片外植体在农杆菌浸染前预培养2d,感染后共培养2~4d可获得较好的转化效果;

    Several crucial factors influencing the transformation efficiency were studied . It was found that pre-culture of explants for 2 days before infection with A. tumefaciens , cocultivation for 2 ~ 4 days after infection would be favorable for the transformation .

  22. 结果表明:染色单板表面材色与着色度的变化与染液质量分数、染色温度、浸染时间的关系不同,高温下染色时染液质量分数增大,着色度(ΔEab)提高;

    Results showed that dyeing concentration , dyeing temperature and dyeing time have different effects on the surface coloration and the color grade of veneer .

  23. 为了进一步研究雪里蕻和白菜SGR基因的功能,本研究构建了雪里蕻和白菜SGR基因的RNAi沉默载体,并采用了农杆菌介导的花序浸染法和组织培养转化法,进行了雪里蕻的遗传转化。

    To further study the function of potherb mustard and cabbage SGR gene , We have constructed SGR gene silencing RNAi vector of potherb mustard and cabbage , and have carried out genetic transformation of Brassica juncea with floral-dip and tissue culture transformation by Agrobacterium-mediated .

  24. 试材为I-214杨木单板,以染料酸性大红GR和活性艳蓝KN-R为染化试剂,选取染液质量分数、染色温度、浸染时间为考察工艺因子,进行单板染色试验。

    Dyeing experiment was conducted to explore the effects of dyeing concentration , dyeing temperature and dyeing time on surface coloration of poplar veneer using poplar I-214 as test material and acid red GR and reactive blue KN-R as reagents .

  25. 为了减少活性染料染色残液对环境的污染,节约染化料,本文研究了活性染料雅格素蓝BF-RR浸染残液回用染色工艺。

    The recycling process of Argazol Blue BF-RR dip dyeing water was studied in order to reduce environmental pollution of reactive dyeing effluent and save dyes .

  26. 方法:取大鼠胚胎脊髓前角细胞(SAMNS)培养,5d后加入急性运动性轴索型神经病(AMAN)病人血清,干预12h后用铜-银浸染法染色。

    Methods : Spinal anterior motor neurons ( SAMNs ) were cultured for 5 days from rat embryo . The cultured neurons were exposed in the AMAN serum for 12 hours . Then the cultured neurons were stained by copper-silver impregnation method .

  27. 微细浸染型金矿是目前国内外重要的金矿床类型之一,目前,我国微细浸染型金矿累计资源量已超过1000t,该类型矿床也己经成为中国重要的黄金资源。

    Carlin type gold deposit is one important type of gold deposit at home and abroad . At present , Carlin type gold deposit resources have accumulated more than 1000t , the type of deposit also has become an important gold resource .

  28. 以标记或浸染的侧索内白质树突(WMD)的表面密度相比,CB-HRP胫骨前肌注射者是Golgi切片的2.9倍。

    As to the surface densities of the white matter dendrites ( WMD ) in the lateral funiculi from the neurons of the lateral groups of the anterior horns , the density revealed by injection of CB-HRP to the tibialis anterior is 2.9 times more than that in Golgi sections .

  29. 黄铁矿多以浸染状、细脉浸染状分布于碳酸盐中,其粒度极为细小,多为几微米至几十微米;

    Pyrite is distributed in the carbonate as micrograin-disseminated and veinlet-disseminated .

  30. 汉麻织物活性染料浸染染色工艺研究

    Research on Hemp Fabric Dyeing with Reactive Dyes The Wide Han