
  1. 最早在八月份第一批MG汽车就将会通过海运出口到国外了。

    The first exports could be shipping out as early as August .

  2. 对于单独资源的推荐和组合资源的推荐,本文设计了不同的推荐算法实现。其次,对海运出口业务过程中不同角色的业务规则进行分析,对业务规则进行了设计和提取。

    On this basis , according to the recommended of separate resources and the combination of resources , this paper designed the different recommended algorithms . Secondly , we analyze business rules in the process of export business for different roles , and design and extract business rules .

  3. 海运是我们出口通常采用的运输方式。

    Transportation by sea be the mode ( of transportation ) we usually adopt for our export .

  4. 信用证只要求投保综合海运险。出口信贷保险;出口信用保险;输出信用保险

    In the letter of credit only coverage for " all marine risks " was requested . export credit insurance

  5. 适合于海运的紧缩机出口包装,外裹棉布或其他不能产生异性纤维的包装,捆扎牢固,包装完整。

    Compressed export packing suitable for voyage , outside wrapped by cotton cloth or other packing materials that do not contain foreign matters , tightly and completely packed .

  6. 公司海运设有国际部与国内部,承接海运出口的相关业务,包括:租船、订舱、单证制作、仓储、出口拼箱、进口分拔等到业务。

    Sea Transportation department provides services related to import and export sea shipment includes leasing , booking , documentation , storage , export LCL , import break-bulk , etc.