
  • 网络food chain;foodchains;marine food chain
  1. 铜在海洋食物链中的积累转移和致毒效应

    Accumulation , Transport and Toxicity of Cu in Marine Food Chain

  2. 浮游生物处于海洋食物链的最底层。

    Plankton is at the bottom of the marine food chain .

  3. ~(137)Cs、~(60)Co在海水及海洋食物链网中的转移Ⅰ

    The transfer of cs 137 and co 60 along marine food web and water I

  4. 鲨鱼是位于海洋食物链最顶端的捕食者。

    Sharks are the ocean 's top predators .

  5. 它的涉及面同样广泛,例如美国电力网、神经网络、海洋食物链网等等。

    It covers widely such as the U.S. electric power networks , neural networks , marine food webs and so on .

  6. 虎鲸是在海洋食物链的最高层,它习惯于捕食抹香鲸和须鲸。

    Killer whales , who live at the top of the ocean food chain , used to prey on sperm and baleen whales .

  7. 丹尼尔·西格曼:海藻生长过程中需要氮,而海藻本身为海洋食物链中的其他生物提供养分。

    Daniel Sigman : Algae require nitrogen to grow , and their bodies , in turn , fuel the rest of the ocean food web .

  8. 新的实验证明:在比较温暖的、富含营养成分的水域中,位于海洋食物链最底层的浮游植物将会繁殖得较少。

    New experiments confirm that phytoplankton , which form a bottom rung of oceanic food chains , will become less productive in warmer , nutrient-rich water .

  9. 化学诱变剂在实验海洋食物链中的流动以及遗传毒性的检测&I.无机诱变剂镉(I)镉在褐指藻中的吸着与积累

    FLUX OF CHEMICAL MUTAGENS THROUGH AN EXPERIMENTAL MARINE FOOD CHAIN AND THEIR GENOTOXICITY I. Inorganic Mutagen-Cadmium (ⅰ) Sorption and Accumulation of cadmium by Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin

  10. 它一方面大量摄食浮游细菌和微小浮游植物,另一方面被一些经济动物摄食,因此在海洋食物链的传递和生态系统的物质循环中占有重要位置。

    Pelagic tunicates play an important role in marine food web carbon cycle as they feed on bacterioplankton and pico-and nano-phytoplankton and meanwhile are preys for commercial animals .

  11. 鲨鱼位于海洋食物链的顶端,是海洋生态系统的重要组成部分,对于海洋生态系统的稳定和多样性起着极其重要的作用。

    As the top predators in the oceanic food web , shark is the one of the most important compositions in marine ecosystem , which greatly contribute to diversity .

  12. 浮游生物种群结构变化对整个海洋食物链中的生态结构以及传递到深海的有机物质通量都产生重要作用。

    The structural changes in plankton populations play a significant role in the entire marine food chain of the ecological structure and the flux of organic matter delivered to the deep-sea .

  13. 浮游植物是河口生态系统中重要的初级生产者,是海洋食物链的基础环节,影响着整个食物链的物质循环和能量流动,浮游植物的多样性与海洋生态系统的稳定性有着密切的联系。

    Phytoplankton is the most important primary producer in the estuary ecosystem , and also a basic link of marine food chain . It influences on the material circulation and energy flow . Phytoplankton biodiversity is closely related to marine ecosystem stability .

  14. 鲨鱼已经在地球上存在了4亿年。它们在海洋的食物链中扮演着不可缺少的角色。

    Sharks have been around for 400 million years and play an important role in the ocean 's food chain .

  15. 最危险的鱼是处于海洋上层食物链中最高级的食肉鱼,比如旗鱼和鲨鱼(见图表)。

    The fish most at risk are predators high in the pelagic food chain , such as swordfish and sharks ( see chart ) .

  16. 然后其它细菌再将氮气送回陆地及海洋的食物链中,至此它最终形成氨基酸。

    Then other bacteria fix that nitrogen gas back into food chains - on land and in the ocean - where it eventually finds its way into amino acids .

  17. 鱼类正在以塑料微粒为食,以为这是浮游生物或者其它食物,于是塑料就进入了海洋中的食物链。

    The fish are consuming small particles of plastic thinking it is plankton or other food then the plastic enters the food chain of the ocean .

  18. 它所在的海域营养贫乏、温度高于正常的海水——大概比平均温度高4华氏度——正在扰乱海洋生物的食物链。

    Out in the ocean , the nutrient-poor warmer waters of the Blob - about four degrees Fahrenheit higher than average - are disrupting the food web of marine life .

  19. 紫外线辐射还可以通过杀死单细胞的浮游植物来破坏海洋生命,这种浮游植物是构成海洋食物链的基础。

    Ultraviolet radiation may also damage marine life by killing one-celled plants called phytoplankton , which form the base of the ocean 's food chain .

  20. NASA最新卫星资料展示了未来海洋升温可能带来的严酷考验:海洋升温,海洋食物链正在逐渐萎缩。

    In a " sneak peak " revealing a grim side effect of future warmer seas , new NASA satellite data find that the vital base of the ocean food web shrinks when the world 's seas get hotter .

  21. 海洋浮游硅藻&褐指藻PhaeodactylumtricornutumBohlin对海水培养基中无机诱变剂镉的吸着与积累,是镉在实验海洋食物链中流动的起始。

    Sorption and accumulation of cadmium by marine planktonic diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin were investigated in this study .