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hǎi táng
  • Begonia;Chinese flowering crabapple;Malus spectabilis;cherry-apple tree
海棠 [hǎi táng]
  • (1) [Chinese flowering crabapple]

  • (2) 即海棠树,落叶乔木,卵形叶,开淡红或白花,结红、黄色球形果,酸甜可食

  • (3) 该植物所结果实

海棠[hǎi táng]
  1. 红宝石海棠叶片花青素及叶绿素含量的影响因子

    Affecting Factors of Contents of Anthocyanin and Chlorophyll in leaves of Malus spectabilis Royalty

  2. 在不同浓度NaCl处理条件下,无花果和海棠的耐NaCl逐渐表现出明显的差异。

    Treated with NaCl at different concentrations , the seedlings of fig and Chinese flowering crabapple showed significant differences in NaCl tolerance .

  3. 重庆市海棠晓月B区建筑节能设计

    Building Energy Efficiency Design of " Haitangxiaoyue B Department " Engineering in Chongqing

  4. 外源H2O2对湖北海棠根系线粒体膜透性和细胞核DNA的影响

    The Effect of Exogenous H_2O_2 on Mitochondrial Membrane Permeability and Cell Nuclear DNA in Roots of Malus hupehensis

  5. 昆明山海棠对中国仓鼠V(79)细胞二酰基甘油含量的影响

    The effects of 1,2-diacylgcerol content induced by Tripterygium hypoglaucum ( level ) hutch in v_ ( 79 ) cells

  6. PP(333)对不同发育阶段的湖北海棠营养生长和开花的影响

    Effects of PP_ ( 333 ) on vegetative growth and flowering of crabapple of different developmental stages

  7. ~(60)Coγ辐射对苹果属观赏海棠诱变效应的研究初报

    A Primary Report of the Mutagenic Effects on Malus Ornamental Crabapple Induced by ~ ( 60 ) Co γ - Irradiation

  8. 水分胁迫下湖北海棠根系脂氧合酶活性与ABA积累的关系

    Relationship Between Lipoxygenase Activity and ABA Accumulation in Malus hupehensis Roots Under Water Stresses

  9. 昆明山海棠抗生育活性提取物TH5对雄性大鼠性行为与血清性激素水平影响的观察

    Observation of effection on the sexual behavior and serum sex hormone level by antifertility active TH_5 extract in male rats

  10. 丽格海棠抗茎腐病的生物学研究及EMS诱导的突变体筛选

    The Bioresearch of Resisting Stem Rotten and the Mutant Bolting Induced by EMS of Rieger Begonia

  11. β-诱抗剂对湖北海棠防御酶系活性的诱导可维持11天以上;活性氧迸发在SA诱导抗性中可能发挥中间信使作用。

    The inducement of β - elicitor on the activity of resistance enzymes could maintain more than 11days ;

  12. 昆明山海棠总生物碱诱导小鼠淋巴瘤细胞tk基因突变的研究

    Effects of Total Alkaloids of Tripterygium Hypoglaucum Hutch on tk Gene of Mouse Lymphoma Cells

  13. 昆明山海棠总生物碱对肺腺癌A549细胞株增殖抑制作用的实验研究

    Inhibition on proliferation of human lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549 by alkaloids from tripterygium hypoglaucum hutch

  14. 西府海棠幼苗根内可溶性糖含量对VA菌根侵染的影响

    Effect of soluble sugar content in

  15. 昆明山海棠总生物碱诱发HL-60细胞凋亡的观察

    Apoptosis of human promyelocytic leukemia HL-60 cells induced by total alkaloids of Tripterygium hypoglaucum ( Level . ) Hutch

  16. 湖北海棠种内遗传变异的SRAP分析

    The intraspecific variation of Malus hupehensis analyzed by SRAP

  17. 经试验研究,初步断定八棱海棠种子内GA、ZR和ABA三激素水平的平衡影响种子休眠和发芽。

    Through this study , it is concluded that the balance of GA , ZR and ABA in seed of M.robusta influence dormancy and germination .

  18. 海棠(Malushupehensis)叶提取物的清除自由基活性和成分分析

    Radical scavenging activity and Constituents analysis of methanol extracts from leaves of Malus hupehensis

  19. 昆明山海棠诱导人白血病细胞HPRT基因突变的研究

    Preliminary studies on the HPRT gene mutation of human promyelocytic leukemia cells induced by THH

  20. 溶液随时间变化而改变的不同浓度处理下,无花果和海棠的耐NaCl胁迫的动态响应表现出显著差异。

    While the concentration in NaCl treatments wre changed with time , the seedlings of fig and Chinese flowering crabapple showed a dynamically increasing tendency in NaCl tolerance .

  21. 经SO2处理后,贴梗海棠和大叶黄杨的SOD和POD活性均上升,抗性植物的升高比率大于敏感植物,随SO2浓度的增加SOD和POD活性的增加比率而升高。

    The SOD and POD activity were increased in the both plants treated with sulfur dioxide , but the increased ratio of the susceptible plant is greater than the resistant one .

  22. 以丽格海棠叶片为外植体,以MS为基本培养基,通过对比试验研究了不同植物激素对丽格海棠叶片不定芽诱导、增殖与生根的影响。

    The leaves of Rieger Begonia were taken as explants and cultured in different mediums to study the effect of different exogenous hormones on the induction , multiplication and rooting of the leaves adventitious buds .

  23. 本文叙述竹节秋海棠(BegoniaPresident-Carnot)的器官培养与植株再生。

    This paper reports the organ culture and plantlets regeneration of Begonia President-Carnot .

  24. 无花果的耐NaCl能力低于海棠,其枯萎症状的出现早于海棠。

    The seedlings of fig had a lower NaCl tolerance than those of Chinese flowering crabapple and thus the wilting symptoms of the former appeared earlier than those of the latter did .

  25. 观赏海棠(Malussp.)系蔷薇科苹果属,与苹果亲缘关系较近,常作为苹果的授粉树栽植。

    Crabapple ( Malus sp. ) , Malus of Rosaceae , has close genetic relationship with apple , and often been planted as pollination tree for apple .

  26. 品种间各指标比较表明,八棱海棠比平邑田茶具有较强的抗水分胁迫能力,UWL反映幼苗品种抗旱性结果与用其它生理指标测定的结果一致。

    And the drought resistance reflected by UWL and other physiological characters were consistent .

  27. 使用毛细管电泳法(CE)检测了健康食品中常见的六种黄酮类化合物:橙皮甙、海棠甙、异鼠李素、山奈酚、槲皮素、芦丁。

    A capillary electrophoresis ( CE ) method has been developed for the determination of six bioactive flavonoids that are commonly found in health foods : hesperidin , hyperin , isorhamnetin , kaempferol , quercetin and rutin .

  28. 昆明山海棠合剂组的皮损中ICAM-1和血清INF-γ明显低于生理盐水对照组(P0.05)。

    The levels of ICAM-1 expression on skin lesion and INF - γ in serum were also markedly lower in the compound THH group than those in the normal saline group and THH alone group respectively ( P 0.05 ) .

  29. 实验目的:昆明山海棠[Tripterygiumhypoglaucum(Levl.)Hutch,THH]为卫矛科雷公藤属植物,是一种民间传统中药,具有消炎、解毒、祛风湿等作用。

    Objective : Tripterygium Hypoglaucum ( Levl . ) Hutch ( THH ) is a traditional Chinese medicine with anti-inflammatory , detoxification , and rheumatism effects .

  30. 海棠MDA含量,随胁迫浓度的增大,表现出增高的趋势,而无花果的MDA含量变化较早地出现了下降趋势,但是仍高于对照水平;

    The MDA content in the seedling of Chinese flowering crabapple presented an increasing tendency with intensified NaCl stress , while the MDA content in the seedling of fig showed a declining tendency earlier but remained at a higher level than that of the control .