
  • 网络subsea pipeline;submarine pipeline;offshore pipeline;sea line
  1. 本文设计了PPM-PTC(脉位调制-脉冲周期编码)信息水声编码方式并将其运用于海底管线保护电位水声遥测系统中;

    In this paper , the PPM-PTC ( Pulse Potential Modulation-Pulse Time Code ) are designed to transmit the acoustic information of the cathodic protection potential of the subsea pipeline .

  2. 液化土中海底管线的运动与受力分析

    The Movement and Forcing Analysis on Subsea Pipeline under Liquefied Soil

  3. 基于VB平台的海底管线设计技术程序开发

    The Development of the Offshore Pipeline Design Technology Software Based on Visual Basic

  4. 以VISUALBASIC6.0为平台,开发了海底管线断裂评定软件。

    The appraisal software of submarine pipeline fracture based on Visual Basic 6.0 as platform and developed fracture appraisal software of submarine pipeline .

  5. 海底管线2A级断裂评定

    Class 2A Fracture Appraisal of Submarine Pipeline

  6. 基于VISUALBASIC平台,融合计算机技术、海底管线力学理论,依据中国船级社和中国石油相关设计标准,采用面向对象的程序开发方法,开发设计了海洋管道设计技术软件(简称PDT)。

    Based on Visual Basic platform , computer technology , pipeline mechanics , the design standard of CCS and CNPC are used and we developed the offshore pipeline design technology software ( PDT ) .

  7. 本文基于Morison方程建立了悬跨海底管线在地震作用下的动力方程。

    Based on Morison equation , dynamic equation of free spanning submarine pipelines under seismic load is deduced in the paper .

  8. 在给定裂纹尺寸与载荷条件下,利用断裂评定程序对一裂纹缺陷进行了评定,得到了海底管线失效评定曲线(FAD图)。

    Under given crack dimensions and load condition , to appraise to cracks defects with fracture appraisal program and obtained submarine pipeline failure appraisal diagram ( FAD ) .

  9. 尽管从世界范围来看,海底管线铺设已经达到接近3000m,但我国的现状仍然停留在水深小于150m的情况。

    Although the laying of submarine pipelines has reached close to 3000 meters in worldwide , the current situation in China remained at less than 150 meters .

  10. 海底管线保护电位遥测系统中PPM-PTC水声传输方式的设计

    The design of the ppm-ptc acoustic transmission pattern in the telemetering system for the protection potential of the subsea pipe-line

  11. 宝钢开发以热连轧方式生产用于制造直缝埋弧焊管的海底管线用X65级管线钢板,其产品具有高强度、高韧性和良好的焊接性等综合性能。

    The grade X65 pipeline steel used for LSAW submarine line pipe has been developed at Baosteel , which is produced by hot continuum rolling processing .

  12. 通过多AUV群体协同区域覆盖技术研究,对于未来海洋空间立体监测、海底管线检测、水文学调查、军事目标搜索与猎雷作业等军、民事前景具有重要的应用价值。

    The research on AUV group cooperative area coverage has important application value , for the future of space marine monitoring , submarine pipeline testing , hydrology survey , military target search and research operations such as military and commercial applications .

  13. 渤海BZ-34油田海底管线敷设中的水声定位技术

    The application of underwater acoustical positioning technology to pipeline laying of sea floor in bz-34 Bohai oil field

  14. BZ28-1海底管线工程设计

    Design of Submarine Pipelines

  15. 海底管线是保证油气田正常运转的生命线,从1950s年第一条海底管道的铺设以来,随着海上油气田开发的不断深入,对管道铺设水深的要求也在不断增加。

    Submarine pipelines are very important to ensure normal operation of offshore oil and gas field . Since the first submarine pipeline was laid in 1950s , the requirements of laying water depth increases fast as the exploitation of oil and gas continues deep water trend .

  16. 浅海海底管线检测与维修船的运动仿真分析

    Kinetics simulation analysis of underwater vehicle for pipeline detection and maintenance

  17. 波浪对海底管线作用的物理模型实验及数值模拟研究

    Physical model test and numerical simulation of pipeline under wave action

  18. 海底管线焊接接头δ-R曲线的试验研究

    Welded Joints δ - R Curve Test Study of Seabed Pipeline

  19. 海底管线维修干式舱作业控制与监测

    Control and monitor for dry cabin operation of seabed pipeline maintenance

  20. 波浪作用下的泥沙起动及海底管线周围局部冲刷

    Sediment Threshold and Local Scour around Submarine Pipelines under Wave Action

  21. 单重保温管海底管线在铺设状态的层间剪力分析

    Inter-Surface Shear Stress Analysis for Ocean Pipelines with Heat Preservation Foam

  22. 单层保温海底管线钢管外壁腐蚀评价方法探讨

    The discussion on external corrosion evaluation method for singly insulated pipeline

  23. 海底管线水力、热力、强度、稳性设计

    Design of hydraulics , thermodynamics , strength and stability for subsea pipelines

  24. 海底管线抗震设计的极限地震应力计算法

    Method for Evaluating Ultimate Subsea Pipeline Stress in Anti-Seismic Design

  25. 海底管线挖沟埋设方法及其设备

    Trenching and embedment method of submarine pipeline and its equipment

  26. 海底管线用钢焊接接头的安全评定及寿命预测

    Safe Assessment and Life Prediction of Weld in Offshore Pipeline

  27. 海底管线导流技术的数值计算与试验研究

    Experimental and Numerical Study on the Submarine Pipelines with Spoiler

  28. 海底管线开沟埋设时的应力分析

    Stress analysis of marine pipeline in trench digging and laying

  29. 海底管线溢油数学模型研究

    Study of mathematical model for oil spills from seabed pipeline

  30. 微合金化在海底管线管生产中的应用

    Application of Microalloy in the Production of Submarine Line Pipe