
  • 网络FDI;overseas direct investment;ODI
  1. 第二部分介绍中国海外直接投资的现状,以及在新的国内外形势下发展海外直接投资的意义;

    Chapter two is a general presentation of the present situation of the FDI of China and analyses importance of it .

  2. 刍议TRIMs协定对我国海外直接投资的影响

    On TRIMs Convention 's Influence to China 's Overseas Direct Investment

  3. 世界银行(worldbank)数据显示,在2000至2010年的十年间,美国在全球海外直接投资(FDI)中所占比重下降了20%。

    The US share of world foreign direct investment fell a fifth in the decade to 2010 , according to World Bank data .

  4. 中国加入WTO后,资本市场面临着逐步开放,伴随着海外直接投资的显著增加,通过并购国内上市公司进入中国市场将成为外资的另一种主要投资方式。

    China 's WTO Entry requires gradual opening of capital market . On the one hand , foreign direct investment will increase re markably ; On the other hand ;

  5. 但是,联合国贸发会投资和企业司司长詹晓宁(JamesZhan)警告说,海外直接投资复苏可能面临几个风险。

    But , UNCTAD Director of Division on Investment and Enterprise James Zhan warns of several risks related to the recovery of FDI .

  6. 福建企业海外直接投资的创新策略

    Research on Innovation Strategy of Foreign Direct Investment of Fujian Enterprises

  7. 这无疑给中国企业的海外直接投资造成了许多障碍与不确定性的风险因素。

    This undoubtedly causes many obstacles and uncertain factors of risks .

  8. 农业海外直接投资已经成为一种必然趋势。

    Agricultural outward foreign direct investment has become an inevitable choice .

  9. 日本海外直接投资与企业国际化

    Japan 's direct foteign investments & its enterprises ' internationalization

  10. 北京海外直接投资若干重要战略问题的研究

    Research on Some Important Strategic Issues of Foreign Direct Investment in Beijing

  11. 战后日本海外直接投资的基本理念

    Fundamental Knowledge of Japan Foreign Direct Investment In Postwar Period

  12. 中国可以通过海外直接投资来解决全球失衡问题。

    China can expand its overseas direct investments to address global imbalances .

  13. 江苏企业海外直接投资的战略分析

    Strategic Analysis on the Direct Investment Overseas from the Enterprises in Jiangsu

  14. 我国能源海外直接投资政治风险及法律防范

    Political Risks of China 's Energy Overseas Direct Investment and Legal Precaution

  15. 论我国企业海外直接投资发展战略

    On the Developing Strategies of the Overseas Direct Investment from Chinese Enterprises

  16. 中国电信业海外直接投资研究

    A Study on the FDI of Chinese Telecommunication Industry

  17. 中国企业海外直接投资风险的成因及对策

    The Causes and Countermeasures for the Risk Involved in the Overseas Direct Investment

  18. 至今,香港仍然是亚洲区内吸收海外直接投资最多的地方。

    Hong Kong still leads Asia in the introduction of overseas direct investment .

  19. 我国对海外直接投资应采取的四项域外法律保护措施

    Our Government Should Adopt Four Terms of Legal Measures to Protect Overseas Direct Investment

  20. 海外直接投资指在国外建厂或建立销售网络。

    Foreign direct investment refers to establishment of a plant or distribution net-work abroad .

  21. 因而,中国企业的海外直接投资肩负着神圣的使命。

    Therefore , China 's enterprises ' direct overseas investment undertakes a sacred mission .

  22. 文章探讨分析福建企业海外直接投资的现状与优势。

    The paper analyses present and strength of outward foreign direct investment in fujian province .

  23. 由此可见,对于海外直接投资的非商业风险防范及其保障法律制度的构建,已成为我们面前的一项紧迫而艰巨的任务。

    So it is a very pressing task before us to protect our oversea direct investment .

  24. 第二章,主要描述了中国海外直接投资的历史与现状。

    Chapter two , has described history of China 's overseas direct investment and current situation mainly .

  25. 第三章分析了非能源类矿业海外直接投资所具有的特性以及存在的风险。

    Chapter 3 analyzes the characteristics and risks of our non-energy mineral enterprises ' overseas direct investment .

  26. 中国企业的海外直接投资是实施走出去战略的一个主要且行之有效的途径,研究中国企业的海外直接投资战略也就是研究中国企业国际化战略的核心部分。

    Abroad direct investment is a efficient way of implement internationalization to chinese enterprise foreign direct investment .

  27. 第四部分分析比较发达国家和新兴市场经济体海外直接投资的管理政策,并对中国现行的海外直接投资管理政策进行评析;

    Chapter four analyses China 's FDI policies on the basis of comparing different countries ' FDI policies .

  28. 他们说,美国应该利用中国在海外直接投资的迅速增长的机会。

    They said that the US should take the opportunity of China 's rapidly growing direct investment abroad .

  29. 在这样一个前提条件下,政府通过所得税政策调节居民企业海外直接投资行为才有意义。

    Under such a premise dose the regulation to outward FDI through tax policies by the government make sense .

  30. 第三章,详细分析了中国海外直接投资的优势及劣势。

    Chapter three , has analysed the advantages of China 's overseas direct investment and inferior position in detail .