
hǎi shànɡ lì liànɡ
  • sea power
  1. 中世纪时,威尼斯以地中海的主要海上力量而称雄。

    Venice reigned as the major sea power of the Mediterranean during the Middle Ages .

  2. 国家的海上力量决定了国家在国际秩序中的地位和作用。

    The national sea power determines the status and function of a nation on international order .

  3. 美国海上力量的变化与发展

    Change Variation and Development of American Naval Power

  4. 古往今来,中国领袖们一直不太重视海上力量。

    For centuries , Chinese leaders have generally set little store by maritime strength .

  5. 海基制天平台&国家海上力量的新增长点

    Anti - satellite sea - base platform & a new growing point of nation sea power

  6. 乔治华盛顿号军舰上-没有什么能比超级航母更清楚地展示美国在全球的空中和海上力量。

    ABOARD THE USS GEORGE WASHINGTON – Nothing projects U.S.global air and sea power more vividly than supercarriers .

  7. 我们的航空母舰是美国军事力量的核心设施,投射力量和我们无与伦比的海上力量。

    Our carriers are the centerpiece of American military might , projecting power and our totally unparalleled strength at sea .

  8. 美国海军转型是一场深层次变革,并已经成为与海军陆战队的联合海上力量转型。

    US naval transformation is a kind of deep revolution and has become US navy and marine corps ' combined transformation .

  9. 在实施自己的海洋安全战略时,发展海上力量是印度非常重要的手段之一。

    When carring out her maritime security strategy , India regards the promoting of her maritime as one of the important methods .

  10. 本文第一章节讨论有关海权的形成与定义,进而探讨海权的控制,引出第二章节维护海权的海上力量。

    The first chapter discusses the formation and definition of sea power , then explores the sea power of control further more .

  11. 那条线路上有一系列港口。在那条线路上我们可以最有效地利用海上力量。

    On that route are the ports , and on that route we can use our sea power to the best advantage .

  12. 现在,拥有一个间谍网络和一支有着法国海上力量支撑的现代陆军,华盛顿准备好了最后的摊牌。

    Now , with a spy network and a modern army backed by French naval power , Washington is ready for a final showdown .

  13. 要维持国家对海洋的干预能力,海上力量就必须能够有效地抑制军事空间系统的作用。

    To hold the ability for nation to intervene sea , the sea power should be able to repress the functions of military space system availably .

  14. 英国成为“日不落帝国”,海军在18世纪前后拥有世界最强大海上力量是功不可没。

    Britain become a " sun does not set empire ", the navy in the18th century around the world 's most powerful naval forces to go up .

  15. 海权主要指海洋权益和海上力量,它以海权意识作为内在驱动力。

    The conception of sea power mainly refers to naval force and maritime rights and interests , of which the ideology of sea power is the inner core .

  16. 作者认为,中国海权是中国的海上力量和影响,也就是利用、开发、管辖和控制海洋,有效地维护海洋利益及整个国家利益进而实现国家强大的能力。

    It refers to the ability to use , exploit , regulate and control the sea , and to maintain the maritime interests and state interests to make China powerful .

  17. 若要考察这一时期东地中海世界的国际格局,研究雅典帝国的兴起,对于雅典海上力量发展的探究是尤为关键的。

    To study the situation in the eastern Mediterranean world and the rise of the Athenian empire , the key is to study the development of the Athenian marine forces first .

  18. 而《21世纪海上力量》的发表则意味着经过九一一事件的冲击之后美国海军战略的重新定位。

    From the Sea is an icon of this transition , and the publicity of Sea Power 21 indicates a repositioning of US naval strategy after the shock of 9 / 11 attack .

  19. 美国不成比例地向亚洲大规模投射影响力,主要通过控制亚洲海域以及航道,而扩充海军舰队是在赞同加强业已强大的海上力量。

    US power is disproportionately projected through command of the seas and shipping lanes in Asia , and an expansion of the navy is a nod to strengthening an already powerful seaborne force .

  20. 海军技术力量的提高,能够增强海上力量,改变作战方式,维护海权,但是海军技术并不是影响海权的唯一因素。

    The improvement of Navy technology strength can enhance marine power , change the mode of combat , and protect ocean authority . However , Navy technology is not the only factor that influences ocean authority .

  21. 军事空间系统的发展使得海洋力量的差距进一步地扩大,并且空间力量对海上力量的直接威胁在21世纪也变得越来越大。

    The development of military space system causes the gap of the sea power to be further enlarged . And the direct threat to sea power from military space system will also become more and more big in 21 century .

  22. 在海洋权益的众多内涵中,海上力量是一个非常重要的内容,它既是维护国家海洋权益的重要手段,又是国家追求海洋权益的重要目标。

    In the various connotations , the sea power is a significant content ; it is not only a major tactics for protecting national sea rights and interests , but also an important target for pursuing of sea rights and interests .

  23. 基于地缘之上,欧美列强推行夺取储煤站、建立海军基地、控制重要航道、以小规模舰队威胁或集中海上力量击溃对手的海军制胜战略。

    Depending on East Asian geographical features , European and American Powers developed the naval dominative strategy which seized coaling stations , constructed naval bases , controlled key sea routes , depended on small scale fleets threatening opponents or concentrated sea powers to destroy opponents .

  24. 此外在地中海,欧洲要面对一股越来越汹涌的难民潮(而俄罗斯和中国刚宣布,两国海军五月中旬会在那里举行联合军事演习),德国别无选择,只能力主欧盟海上力量进行某种回应。

    And in the Mediterranean Sea , where Europe now faces a rising tide of refugees ( and where Russia and China just announced that their navies will hold a joint exercise in mid-May ) , Germany will have to catalyze some kind of E.U. naval response .

  25. 本文介绍名为21世纪海上力量的美国海军21世纪战略概念,阐述其各要素的内涵、现状和未来,并对21世纪海上力量做一些粗浅的分析。

    This paper presents " Sea Power 21 " & the U.S. Navy 's strategic concept for the 21st century , discusses content , status and future for elements of " Sea Power 21 ", and simply analyzes the U.S. Navy 's strategic concept for the 21st century .

  26. 历史表明,海上力量平衡会迅速发生改变,从而重塑全球格局,他写道,这场灾难的政治影响,终结了美国在太平洋地区长达75年的统治地位,并巩固了中国作为亚洲霸主的地位。

    History shows how the maritime balance of power can shift suddenly , re - arranging [ the ] global order , he writes . The political fallout from the disaster ended 75 years of US dominance in the Pacific Ocean and cemented China 's position as the Asian hegemon .

  27. 该文就我国舰炮武器的现状及未来海战的需要,分析了我国建设舰艇末端防御系统的可行方法,据此提出陆基武器移植上舰以建设我海上力量。

    In this paper , according to the current situation of our navy and the requirements of future marine battle , the practicable method for establishing the ending defense system is analyzed , and the viewpoint about army weapons ' transplanting on ship for enhancing our navy is put forward .

  28. 因此这种安全利益表现为沿海国的海上军事力量、海上执法力量和海洋管理力量在其EEZ的活动,同时兼备海防、海洋执法和海洋管理功能。

    Therefore , appeared as the activities of naval and air force , law of the sea enforcement and marine management strength in EEZ , these interests combine the functions of the sea defense , law of the sea enforcement and marine management as well .

  29. 论我国海上执法力量的整合与构建

    Conformity and construction on the law enforcement of forces on sea in China

  30. 海洋权益的维护主要依靠海上军事力量的建设。

    Development and equipment of navy armament is significant way to maintain the ocean rights and interests .