
fú pí
  • see also 浮皮儿
  1. 红桔浮皮枯水果生理生化指标的测定

    Determination of Physiological Biochemical Indexes of Puffy and Granulated Tangerine Fruit

  2. 枯水浮皮与腐烂是柑桔果实贮藏中的主要问题。

    Granulation and decay is the key problem of citrus fruits storage .

  3. 我拿块面包撇下牛乳的浮皮。

    I skimmed the milk scum off the top with a piece of bread .

  4. 在提高果实糖及防止浮皮方面,高钙营养液具有较好的效果。

    Ca nutrient solution had better effects in improving fruit sugar and inhibiting the occurrence of puffing fruit .

  5. 胁山果实浮皮的根本原因是膜脂过氧化作用引起的果皮早衰。

    Therefore , the reason of puffiness was the premature senescence of peel caused by cell membrane lipid peroxidation .

  6. 柑桔果实浮皮发生机理及控制途径研究Ⅱ.特早熟温州蜜柑果实浮皮与衰老的关系

    Mechanism of Puffiness and the Methods of Control in Citrus Fruit ⅱ . Relation between Puffiness and Senescence of the Early maturing Satsuma Mandarin

  7. 为探寻柑桔果实浮皮发生的机理及控制途径,以特早熟温州蜜柑品种胁山为材料,对其浮皮发生的规律及生理特性进行了研究。

    Early maturing variety citrus was used in this study to investigate the mechanism of puffiness in citrus fruit , and seek for the methods of control .

  8. 与对照相比,高钙营养液处理还显著降低了果实的浮皮指数,处理果的浮皮指数比对照下降13个百分点。

    In comparison to control fruit , treatment of Ca nutrient solution significantly decreased the rate of puffing fruit , the puffing index decreased by 13 percentage point .

  9. 贮藏150天后从桔水(浮皮)果实取样制片,还能看到细胞核、核仁、线粒体及有色体。

    After storing 150 days , taking a sample from the granulation ( rind puffing ) fruit , the nucleus , nucleolus , mitochondrion and chromoplast could also be seen .