
  • 网络zhejiang model
  1. 浙江模式的C-D形式检验及启示&基于CES生产函数

    Test and Inspiration for C-D of Zhejiang Model Based on CES Production Function

  2. 体育行业职业技能鉴定的浙江模式实证分析研究

    An Empirical Analysis on Zhejiang Model of Professional Skills Identification in Sports Industry

  3. 关于浙江模式的形成和发展前景问题的若干思考

    Certain Reflections on the Formation and Future of the Zhejiang Pattern

  4. 浙江模式:一个区域经济多重转型范式&多视野的三十年转型

    Zhejiang Pattern : A Multifold Transitional Way of the Chinese Regional Economies

  5. 论浙江模式的制度涵义及其启迪

    Significance of the System of the " Zhejiang Model " and Its Implication

  6. 省管县体制与浙江模式的生成机制及其创新

    Province Governing County System and Emergence Mechanism of Zhejiang Model and Its Innovation

  7. 两种模式随着时间的推移而逐渐演化为苏州模式与浙江模式。

    As time goes on , two models are gradually evolved Suzhou-model and Zhejiang-model .

  8. 地方企业集群制度变迁的演化论解释&以浙江模式为例

    An Interpretation of Institutional Change in Local Clusters of Enterprises : The Model in Zhejiang Province as Example

  9. 企业自主创新路径与政策环境互动的浙江模式研究

    Study on Zhejiang Mode of the Interaction between the Approach of Enterprises ' Independent Innovation and Policy Environment

  10. 浙江模式劳资关系运行的特点是在以上要素基础上,形成了“自行协调、合作,走向两利、共赢”的运行体制。

    The features of operating mechanism of Zhejiang mode can be self-coordination , cooperation , mutual benefit and all-win .

  11. 块状经济是当前中国地方经济发展的一大特色,也是浙江模式的主要内涵之一。

    Block economy is the feature of the Chinese regional economy development and the main content of the Zhejiang Model .

  12. 国内的许多地区因地制宜,分别采取了不同的农险经营模式:政府财政补贴推动+商业化运作的上海模式;政府推动+共保经营的浙江模式;黑龙江的农业保险互助模式等。

    According to local conditions , many parts of China were taken to a different mode of operation of agricultural insurance .

  13. 浙江模式也作为中国市场经济发展的一大蓝本,被各地纷纷仿效。

    " Zhejiang Economy Mode " has been a model of developing market economy in china and been copied by various places .

  14. 要采用浙江模式,中国政治精英就要从根本上扭转对农民的看法。

    To move to a Zhejiang model requires a fundamental change in the way the Chinese political elite thinks about the peasantry .

  15. 如果中国其它地区像保尔森所希望的那样,都采用浙江模式,那么中国将十分幸运。

    China would be lucky if , as Mr Paulson hopes , the Zhejiang model was adopted by the rest of the country .

  16. 浙江模式也为中国面临的两个棘手问题提供了一条出路发展缓慢的农村地区和陷入困境的银行体系。

    The Zhejiang model also provides a way out of two intractable problems facing China its struggling rural sector and its troubled banking system .

  17. 浙江模式是浙江精神及相应的行为方式的产物,本质上是一种软件概念。

    Zhejiang Pattern is the product of the spirit and its correspondent behavior manner of Zhejiang Province , and it is an conception of software in essence .

  18. 文章认为,中心边缘处自由市民群体的形成,是浙江模式起源的成因;

    This thesis holds that the formation of free citizen group at the marginal area of the center is the cause of the origin of Zhejiang model .

  19. 多数学者认为,浙江模式有一定扩展性,并对我国欠发达地区和国企改革有重要的借鉴意义。

    Most scholars believe that Zhejiang Model is , to some extent , expansible and of important reference value to the less-developed regions and the reform of state-owned enterprises in China .

  20. 中国民营企业从发展模式和人员组成结构上一般有两种典型模式,一种是自下而上的浙江模式,一种是自上而下的精英模式。

    The private enterprises of China have two typical patterns in the respect of developing process and the structure of the staff . One is the down-to-up pattern , namely Zhejiang Pattern , the other is up-to-down pattern , namely Elite Pattern .

  21. 改革开放以来,随着浙江模式,浙江经验,浙江现象的不断出现,社会大众对浙江所取得的成就和经验给予高度评价,对浙商企业的未来发展给予越来越多的关注。

    As " Zhejiang model ", " Zhejiang experience ", " Zhejiang phenomenon " appear since reforming and opening-up carried out , the public give high evaluation to the achievements and experience of Zhejiang and pay more and more attention to the future development of those enterprises .

  22. 浙江发展模式转型与机制体制创新

    The Transformation of Developmental Mode in Zhejiang Province and the Innovation of Economic System

  23. 民国时期的地方财政与乡村政治&以浙江兰溪模式为中心,兼论内卷化模式

    Local Finance and Rural Politics in Republic China & on Lanxi pattern , and state involution pattern

  24. 江苏省小城镇发展处于全国的领先水平,形成了与广东珠江模式、浙江温州模式齐名的苏南模式。

    With the high level developments of small towns in Jiangsu province , the south Jiangsu model in Jiangsu province like Zhujiang model in Guangdong province and Wenzhou model in Zhejiang province has been formed .

  25. 浙江发展模式的优势不仅表现在硬件方面,还表现在人文背景和商业传统以及与市场经济相适应的观念体系等软件方面。

    Development pattern in Zhejiang Province has advantages not only in the aspect of hardwares but also in cultural background , commercial traditions , and the system of conceptions that suit the market economy and other sofeware aspects .

  26. 总结浙江发展模式成功经验,对比两省建筑业特色和不足,提出陕西发展模式的推进措施,并简要分析发展模式的推广前景与推广政策。

    Summary successful experience of Zhejiang developmental pattern , comparing the characteristics and the insufficiency of two provinces construction , proposed the promote measures of developmental pattern of Shaanxi province , to brief the analysis the promotion prospects and promotion policy .

  27. 通过浙江产业集群模式的形成及国内外发达地区的产业集群的形成来看,产业集群也是适用于南昌市县域经济的有效区域发展模式。

    The industry group pattern is a appropriate developing mode for the area of Nanchang County .

  28. 浙江农业发展模式的选择总体上应以土地劳动高效型高效生态农业为主。

    The Agriculture development mode in Zhejiang , as a whole , should take the way of Land intensive and labor intensive efficient ecological agriculture .

  29. 浙江省水银行运作模式及保障机制研究

    Research of Zhejiang " Water Bank " operation mode and guarantee mechanism

  30. 浙江农村劳动力转移模式研究

    On the Transfer Patterns of Rural Labour Force in Zhejiang