
  1. FDI、产业集聚与技术溢出&基于浙江制造行业数据的实证检验

    FDI , Industrial Agglomeration and Technology Spillover & An Empirical Test Based on Zhejiang Manufacturing

  2. 本文通过建立模型,分别在税前列支和EET税制条件下,对养老金替代率、缴费率和销售净利率之间的关系进行计量分析,并结合浙江制造业进行实证分析。

    Under the conditions of before tax-pay and EET , this article sets models to analyze the relation of substitute rate , pay rate and retained profits rate . Then , author use the model to analyze the financial feasibility combining with the manufacturing in Zhejiang province .

  3. 国际产业转移与浙江制造&浙江制造业基地建设路径选择

    Transfer of International Industries and " Made in Zhejiang Province "

  4. 生产性服务业与浙江制造业互动发展的思考

    The Interactive Development of Producer Services and Manufacturing Industry in Zhejiang

  5. 信贷资金配置方式与配置效率&以浙江制造业贷款为例的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Loan Allocation and Allocation Efficiency

  6. 技术创新对浙江制造业外向国际化发展的影响研究

    The Research on the Influence of Technological Innovation on Zhejiang Manufacturing Outward International

  7. 浙江制造业企业技术创新对策研究

    The Countermeasures of Zhejiang Manufacture Enterprises Technical Innovation

  8. 广东和浙江制造业产业集聚状况及其影响因素的比较研究

    A Comparative Analysis on the Development and Affecting Factors of Manufacturing Agglomeration in Guangdong and Zhejiang

  9. 对浙江制造业企业的实证研究表明,制造业生产管理模式的更新与资源演化之间存在一定的关联度。

    Based on Zhejiang manufacturing enterprises experience , the empirical research demonstrates the correlation between production management model development and resource evolvement .

  10. 浙江制造业集群企业的知识吸收并不直接影响创新绩效,而是通过知识创造间接影响创新绩效,起完全中介作用。

    Zhejiang manufacturing cluster knowledge absorption have not significant positive impact on innovation performance , Instead , through Completely mediate of knowledge creation .

  11. 工业设计:浙江制造走向浙江创造的桥梁&来自韩国的经验与启示

    Industry design : a Bridge from " Made in Zhejiang " to " Innovated in Zhejiang " & Experiences and Inspirations from Korea

  12. 目前,浙江制造业已取得辉煌的成绩,浙江模式已被世人所熟知。

    At present , manufacturing industry in Zhejiang has achieved brilliant results both in and abroad and " Zhejiang Model " has been known to the world .

  13. 在总结浙江制造业环境现状的基础上,提出了绿色制造工程的概念、特征、运行模式和推行绿色制造工程在建设先进制造业基地中的意义;

    On the basis of summarizing the connotation of green manufacturing , this paper dwells on the concept and characteristic features of green manufacturing and its significance in the construction of advance manufacturing bases .

  14. 我国学者对浙江制造业低端锁定现象从不同角度都有所关注,但是全面的,系统的论述还很少见,围绕低端锁定这一问题进行的定量分析更是薄弱。

    The scholar of the our country never target the phenomenon to the manufacturing industry low-locked of Zhejiang together the angles all have the concern , but overall of , the treatise of the system still seldom sees .

  15. 国际化已成为未来经济发展的重要因素,如何在新时期推进浙江制造业国际化的脚步,促进国际化发展成为了目前所面临的重大课题。

    Internationalization has become the most important factor of the economic development in the future , meanwhile , how to impulse internationalization process in the new period has become the most urgent issue currently , especially in the manufacturing sector .

  16. 浙江制造业的新特点是投资存在着无序性,本论文通过建立模型,分析了浙江制造业的垄断竞争的市场结构,揭示了其中蕴涵的投资效率机理。

    Manufacturing Industry has shown new features , however , there are also disorder issues . We have built models to show that Zhejiang currently facing a monopolistic and competitive market . We also reveal the mechanism of investment efficiency in it .

  17. 但是近年的制造业发展的情况表明,浙江制造业还是没有脱离以量的扩张为主的模式,甚至有锁定在低端产业的趋势。

    But recent years , the circumstance enunciation of the manufacturing industry development is that the manufacturing industry of Zhejiang still did not escape from the measure of extend for the mode of the lord , even target the trend in the low level industry .

  18. 行业因素对FDI溢出效应的影响&以浙江省制造业为例

    Spillover Effects of FDI on Manufacturing of Zhejiang Province & Demonstration and Policy 's Conclusions

  19. 浙江传统制造业国际竞争力实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on International Competitiveness of Traditional Manufacturing Industries in Zhejiang

  20. 浙江省制造业产业结构升级的政府就业对策

    Employment Countermeasures Made by Zhejiang Government for the Upgrading of Manufacturing Structure

  21. 浙江省制造业国际化发展影响因素分析

    An Analysis on the Impact Factors of Internationalization Development of Zhejiang Manufacturing Industry

  22. 浙江传统制造产业群与专业市场互动发展研究

    The Interactive Development of Traditional Manufacture Industrial Cluster and Technical Market in Zhejiang

  23. 现代服务业与制造业竞争力关系研究&以浙江先进制造业基地建设为例

    The Relationship Between Service and Manufacturing Competitiveness : A Case Study of Zhejiang Province

  24. 浙江传统制造产业群和专业市场之间已形成共生共荣、互动发展的关系,形成了浙江经济增长的长波效应。

    The relationship between Zhejiang traditional manufacture industrial cluster and professional market is symbiosis and interacting development .

  25. 这枚戒指在浙江义乌制造,这里是中国廉价、劣质的出口商品的制造中心。

    The rings are made in Yiwu , capital of all that is cheap and trashy about Chinese exports .

  26. 本文结合浙江省制造业信息化重大共性关键技术攻关项目,对需求描述与报价响应进行了研究。

    This paper focused on the research of requirement description and responding to quotation on the support of a practical project .

  27. 本研究针对浙江民营制造业企业的资源发展状况和组合架构,对浙江民营制造业企业的资源与能力体系进行了划分。

    This research decomposes firm resources and capabilities of private manufacturing enterprises in Zhejiang according to their resource combination and developing situation .

  28. 统计分析阶段,本文依据理论模型基础,通过问卷设计与数据采集,对浙江省制造型中小企业进行了大样本调查。

    In the large sample statistical analysis , by questionnaire survey and data collection , this paper analyzes the manufacturing SMEs of Zhejiang Province .

  29. 现代生产性服务业作为制造业的中间投入对浙江先进制造业基地的建设具有重要作用。

    Considering the relationship of producer service and manufacturing industry , the paper discusses the reasons why manufacturing industry in Zhejiang requires advanced producer services .

  30. 基于254家浙江民营制造业企业的调查问卷数据,本文用结构方程模型对直接模型和间接模型进行了对比检验。

    Based on survey data from 254 non-governmental manufacturing enterprises in Zhejiang , this paper examines comparatively direct and indirect models by structure equation modeling .