
nónɡ chóu
  • sticky
  1. 这是因为烟立刻就能深入血液,改变其化学成分变得更加浓稠,形成血块堵住已经很窄的动脉。

    This is because smoke immediately seeps into the bloodstream and changes its chemistry so that it becomes more sticky , allowing clots to form that can squeeze shut already narrowed arteries .

  2. 酸辣酱应该是浓稠的软糊状。

    The chutney should be a thick , pulpy consistency .

  3. 他狼吞虎咽地吃下了一大块牛排、很多色拉和浸着浓稠酱汁的花耶菜,还喝了半升红酒。

    He polished off a large steak , salad , broccoli swimming in thick sauce , and half a litre of wine .

  4. (将黄油搅拌到面粉和鸡蛋里,搅成浓稠的面糊。)

    Whisk the butter into the flour and eggs to create a thick batter .

  5. 还可以提供金属阀座V形流道设计结构,用于浓稠浆(包括造纸原料)等流体的可靠节流控制应用场合。

    A metal-seated V-port design is also available for reliable throttling control of thick slurries including paper stock .

  6. 新闻门户网站Life的一则视频显示,一位村民正在室内的水龙头上接了一桶看起来浓稠、黝黑、黏黏的东东——显然是石油。

    A video on the Life news portal shows one villager filling a bucket from an indoor tap . What flows out is thick , black and viscous - unmistakably oil .

  7. 这6款葡萄酒首先是货真价实的山区酒——颜色浓稠,而且具有阿根廷高海拔葡萄酒那种精心酿制的醇厚味,甚至可以与西班牙海拔300-400米杜罗河区(RiberadelDuero)酿制的美酒相媲美。

    They are first and foremost mountain wines , with the dense colour and vivid , finely etched flavours that you find in the high-altitude wines of Argentina or even in the best of Spain 's Ribera del Duero wines grown at a mere 300m or 400m .

  8. 这种石油浓稠、类似于柏油,要使它流动需要额外的热量。

    The thick , tar-like oil requires extra heat to flow .

  9. 另一种是浓稠的甜汁,用于搭配鳗鱼寿司食用。

    the other is a thick sweet sauce used on eel .

  10. 消费者能够买到味道温和、质感浓稠,而且健康的酸奶。

    The consumers get a mild , creamy and healthy yoghurt .

  11. 将玉蜀黍淀粉和水混合,直到比较浓稠。

    Mix cornstarch and water together until you get a thick consistency .

  12. 放入冰箱冷藏1小时直到浓稠。

    Chill for1 hour until the whole mixture has thickened .

  13. 搅拌至液体光滑浓稠。

    Blend together until there is a nice smooth consistency .

  14. 顺着一个方向摇动保证奶沫浓稠顺滑。

    Swirl the milk around to create dense smooth foam .

  15. 倒入适量玉米淀粉糊,使汤汁浓稠。

    Pour enough dissolved cornstarch into wok to thicken sauce .

  16. 鲜奶油打浓稠后,加入糖霜继续打发。

    Whip the heavy cream and icing sugar until the soft peaks form .

  17. 由菜泥制成的浓稠的奶油汤。

    A thick cream soup made of pureed vegetables .

  18. 你浓稠如脂的肌理和炽热的肤皮使我沉醉不已。

    Thy creamy flesh and hot rind intoxicate me .

  19. 煮2分钟,其间不断搅拌至浓稠状。

    Cook and stir for2 minutes or until thickened .

  20. 它会让汤口感更好,更浓稠。

    It adds texture and thickness to the soup .

  21. 他认为火星上的水可能呈浓稠液体状。

    He says the Mars water might be more like a thick fluid .

  22. 如果太稀了,就中火加热,搅拌,直到变得浓稠。

    If too thin , cook over medium , stirring , until thickened .

  23. 抹去这些雕塑的身份是非常重要的。我先把它们放在浓稠的棕色液体蜡之中,

    To do this , I dip them in a thick , brown wax

  24. 将粘土做成浓稠的糊状。

    Make a thick paste of the clay .

  25. 请在肉汁里加点酒。加面粉使肉汁浓稠。

    Add some wine to the gravy . Use flour to thicken the gravy .

  26. 你们有卖浓稠式睫毛膏吗?

    Do you have a good thickening mascara ?

  27. 甘油是一种很甜且无色的浓稠液体。

    Glycerin is a thick sweet colorless liquid .

  28. 利用多级分散取样进行浓稠料液的连续分析测定

    Continuous Determination of the Component of Thick Liquid Mixture by Using Multistage Dispersion Sampling

  29. 围在太阳下层的那团白色烟尘,正在变得浓稠,似乎在缓慢而沉重地移动。

    The white sand clouds beneath it were thickening , moving slowly and heavily .

  30. 加面粉使肉汁浓稠。

    Use flour to thicken the gravy .