
  1. 这是对浑天说的经典论述之一。

    This represents a classic elaboration on the theory of sphere-heavens .

  2. 石申的著作包括:8卷本《天文》、一卷本《浑天图》、一卷本《石氏星经簿赞》。

    His works included the 8-volume Astronom , the one-volume Celestial Map and the one-volume Star Catalogue of Shi .

  3. 他提出“浑天说”,认为宇宙在空间上没有边界,在时间上没有起点。他创造的天文仪器浑天仪,是一种演示天体星象运动的表演仪器。

    He held that the universe was infinite in both space and time and invented the world 's first eauatorial armillary sphere .

  4. 王夫之认为浑天说是庄子立论的根据所在,并从此出发对庄周学说进行了从新建构。

    Wang Fuzhi thinks that Zhuangzi sets forth ones views according to the theory of " Hun Tian ", and sets out to .

  5. 浑天说还认为.天球北高南低,通过南北天极的轴旋转。

    According to the theory , the heaven was higher in the north and lower in thesouth , revoMng around a north-south axis .

  6. 落下闳是浑天说的创始人之一,经他改进的赤道式浑天仪,在中国用了2000年。

    Luo Xiahong was the initiator of the theory of sphere-heavens , and the equatorial armillary sphere he improved was in use for 2 000 years .

  7. 第二,在浑天说的基础上,科学地阐述了月食的原因。

    Second , based on the theory of sphere heavens , the book scientifically elabo-rates on the lunar eclipse . 、。。 explanation of the phenomenon , Zhang Heng wrote in the book

  8. 浑天说在中国天文学史上占有重要的地位,对中国古代天文仪器的设计与制造产生了重大的影响,对天文学的有关理论问题的解释也产生了重大影响。

    The theory of sphere-heavens played an important part in the history of Chi-nese astronomy , exerting significant influence on the design and manufacture of anaent astronomic instruments , as well as on the explanation of relevant astro-nomic theories . The Theory of Expounding Appearance in the Night Sky

  9. 公元3到6世纪是中国天文学快速发展的时代。在这段时期内,涌现了许多讨论天地结构的学说,其中最重要的是盖天说、浑天说和宣夜说。

    The period between the 3rd and 6th centuries witnessed enormous develop-ment in China 's astronomy , with the rise of many theories on the cosmic structure.The most important of these were the theory of canopy-heavens , the theonrt of sphere heavens , and the theory of expounding appearance in the night sky . The Theory of Canopy-Heavens