
  • 网络neritic facies;shallow-sea facies
  1. 沉积物化学4.浅海相;

    CHAPTER 5 MARINE SEDIMENTATION Section 5 Sedimentary Chemistry 4 . neritic facies ;

  2. 河漫滩相和浅海相砂质透镜体为超浅层生物气最有利和较有利的储集带。

    It is suggested that the sandy lenticular bodies of alluvial flat and neritic facies are favourable reservoir zones for ultra shallow biogas exploration .

  3. 通过对Sonne号调查船第50航次的地震剖面资料分析,结合一些钻井资料,认为珠江口盆地中部第四纪以来的沉积可分为四套,其中层Ⅰ是浅海相沉积,属全新世;

    Based on data of seismic profiles from SO 50 and several wells , the Quarternary sediments of the central part of Pearl River Mouth Basin can be divided into four layers .

  4. 该区地层为下元古界桃湾群(Pt1t),玉矿赋存于浅海相泥质碳酸盐岩及钙质泥岩,局部夹中基性火山岩的桃湾组中。

    The quality of the two jades was also appraised in the paper . The stratum of the area is proterozoic , Tao wan group ( Pt1t ) .

  5. 锰矿体赋存于陡山沱组(Z1d)顶部,为浅海相沉积菱锰矿床,锰矿体呈层状或似层状产出,层位稳定,其中常因断层重复或局部断失。

    Ore bodies developed in the the top of Doushantuo Formation ( Z1d ) Which is shallow sea facies sedimentary dialogite deposits and the ore body in the stratified or stratoid , stable but often repeat or lost because of faults .

  6. 深圳湾浅海相淤泥固结变形特性研究

    On consolidation deformation properties of neritic facies silt at Shenzhen Bay

  7. 白登磷矿是我国重要的浅海相磷块岩矿床,而青龙哨磷矿是我国重要的陆相磷块岩矿床。

    The Baideng phosphorite deposit is of shallow-sea facies ; while the Qinglongshao phosphorite belongs to continental facies .

  8. 甘肃公婆泉浅海相含铜斑岩的地质与地球化学特征

    Geological and geochemical characteristics of marine bearing copper porphyry of Gongpoquan copper ore field , gansu , China

  9. 围岩为一套滨海-浅海相富含碳质碳酸盐(石英砂岩)建造。

    Its wall rocks are a suit of shore to shallow sea facies carbonaceous carbonate and quartz sandstone formations .

  10. 中条山北段变质岩系中:绛县群变质原岩是由一套滨海相、浅海相陆源碎屑沉积为主的岩石组成;

    In the metamorphic rock series of Northern Zhongtiao Mountains , the original rocks of Jiangxian Group consist and neritie facies ;

  11. 甘肃公婆泉铜矿田中&晚志留世浅海相火山喷发旋回及火山作用演化

    The Middle and Late Silurian Marine Volcano Eruption Cycle and Volcano Action Evolution of Gongpoquan Copper Ore Field , Gangsu Province

  12. 该类岩石呈白色、黄白色,夹于浅海相黄白色长石石英砂岩、粉砂岩和砾岩中。

    The rocks , white or light yellow-white in color , is intercalated in the feldspathic quartz sandstone , siltstone and conglomerate .

  13. 铁锰矿赋存于下三叠统菠茨沟组浅海相泥质&碳酸盐类的混合沉积物中,地层、岩性控矿明显。

    Fe-Mn ores are confined to the neritic argillaceous-carbonate formation of the Lower Triassic Bocigou Formation and controlled by the stratum and lithology .

  14. 近岸浅海相以发育五种不同类型的碳酸盐岩风暴沉积为特征,代表了台地相区浪基面之上、海水动荡环境的沉积记录。

    The proximal shallow marine facies includes five different types of carbonate storm deposits and represents high energy carbonate platform environment under fair weather wave base .

  15. 一般为玄武岩、页岩发育的土壤可提取态钛含量高于花岗岩、砂岩、浅海相沉积物发育的土壤;

    In general , contents of extractable Ti of soils from basalt and shale are higher than those from granite , sandstone , and shallow sea deposits ;

  16. 在锦州龙栖湾地区分布有不同范围的浅海相沉积物,有必要对软土路基的沉降量进行预测和控制。

    Jin Zhou Long Qi Bay distributes in different areas of shallow marine sediments , it is necessary to predict and control the settlement of soft soil subgrade .

  17. 可能的储集岩是浅滩相介壳灰岩、浅海相泥晶灰岩及潮坪相砂岩,裂隙是其主要的储集空间;

    Coquina of shoal facies , micrite of neritic facies and sandstone of tidal flat facies may constitute the reservoir rocks in which the fractures serve as reservoir space .

  18. 容矿地层属青白口系的浅海相碎屑岩碳酸盐岩建造,矿区断裂活动频繁,多属浅层次脆性、韧脆性剪切断裂带。

    Stratum of bearing ore is shallow-sea facies fragmentary rocks and carbonatite construct , the activity of ore area fracture is multifarious , belong to shallow layer brittleness , toughness-brittleness shear fracture zone .

  19. 南海北部陆缘盆地深水区具有良好的石油地质条件:发育始新统-渐新统湖相泥岩和渐新统半封闭浅海相泥岩两套主要烃源岩;

    There are excellent petroleum geology conditions in these deepwater areas : ( 1 ) Two sets of main source rock developed in Eocene Oligocene lacustrine mudstones and Oligocene semi closed neritic mudstones ;

  20. 成矿带内主要出露古生界海相、浅海相碎屑岩、中基性火山岩夹碳酸盐岩建造及晚古生代中酸性-酸性岩体。

    The Mongolia arc structure is mainly consisted of Palaeozoic Erathem shallow marine , marine facies clastic rock formation , volcanic formation , carbonate rock formation , and the Late Palaeozoic intermediate-acidity intrusive body .

  21. 粘土岩以浅海相页岩为主,含有粘土矿物伊利石、少量绿泥石和高岭石,有机质高,层理极平直,表现了海水较深的还原条件下的沉积特征。

    The claystones are dominated by shales of shallow-sea facies with illite and little glauconite and kaolinite , high organic content and the extremely straight beds . These characters reflect the reduction environment in the deep seawater condition .

  22. 进入全新世,随海平面上升,该地被淹没成为古长江河口湾(鼎盛时期的顶点在镇江扬州)的一部分,发育河口湾浅海相沉积。

    After entering the Holocene , the sea level rised rapidly , the channel became part of the ancient Yangtze River estuary which the mouth was at Zhenjiang and Yangzhou City at its heyday , and developed shallow marine estuaries sediments .

  23. 研究表明,三级层序SQSkp1主要以深绿色浅海陆棚相泥岩沉积为主。

    The research indicates that SQ_Skp1 mainly with deeply green shallow sea shelf mudstone deposition .

  24. 铜陵地区石炭纪威宁期存在潮坪相、泻湖相和浅海陆棚相。

    The Weining age of Carboniferous period in Tongling area is a transgressive one .

  25. 有机质形成环境既有浅海陆棚相开阔型水体环境,也有半封闭型泻湖相等沉积环境。

    The environments for the formation of organic material include neritic shelf open water environment and semi-enclosed lagoonal sedimentary environment .

  26. 雾迷山组风暴沉积主要发育在正常浪基面之下的近源浅海盆地相及缓斜坡带之上。

    The storm deposits are mainly developed in the proximal shallow-sea basin facies and gentle slope zone below the normal wave base .

  27. 在北带,泥盆纪白云岩,是由台盆&浅海陆棚相碎屑沉积物,在埋藏压实的条件下,经白云石化而成。

    In the northern belt of Qinling , the Devonian dolomite was formed by elastic sediments of platform-basin-shelf fecies through dolomization under buried and pressed conditions .

  28. 区分出本区主要的沉积相类型包括滨海相、河口湾相、三角洲相、浅海陆棚相、火山盆地相、湖泊相等。

    The main types of sedimentary facies include marine facies , estuarine facies facies , delta facies , shallow shelf facies , volcanic basin facies , lake facies .

  29. 宿松地区茅口阶为一连续的海退沉积序列,先后发育浅海陆棚相、开阔台地相、颗粒滩相。

    Maokou stage ( P1 ) is a continuous regressive sequence in Susong of Anhui . Shelf , open sea platform and grain beach facies developed successively in this area .

  30. 在岩石学研究的基础上,本文讨论了发育在赫章奥陶纪湄潭期岩石地层中的一个进积型海岸沉积序列,从下至上它由浅海陆棚相、过渡相、临滨相及前滨相组成。

    Based on the studying of sedimentary lithology , this paper deals with a coastal sedimentary sequence of progressive sand-depositing type developed in the rock layers in the Meitan period of Ordovician in Hezhang , Guizhou .