
qiǎn shuǐ
  • shallow water;wade;shoal water
浅水 [qiǎn shuǐ]
  • (1) [shallow water]∶水深小到河底地形能影响表面波的水体

  • (2) [shoal water]∶深度较小的水或浅滩上的水

浅水[qiǎn shuǐ]
  1. 在浅水区,我们看到一群小鱼在游来游去。

    In the shoal water , we could see shoals of tiny fish darting about .

  2. 用计算方法得到浅海波浪谱,对于浅水海域上建筑物的设计计算及动力分析都具有极其重要的意义。

    It has very important significance for calculation in design or dynamic analysis for coastal structures to obtain wave spectra in shoal water zone by calculation method .

  3. 这些鱼生长在海边浅水水域。

    These fish are found in shallow waters around the coast .

  4. 黄昏时分,更多的鱼游到了浅水区。

    At dusk more fish come into the shallows .

  5. 这艘倒霉的船偏离航道误入浅水区,被另外一艘船撞上了。

    The ill fated ship was sent off course into shallow waters and rammed by another vessel .

  6. 到了秋天,它们就到浅水区觅食。

    And when it is autumn , they move to shallow water and get their food .

  7. 这个浮标在浅水里漂来漂去。

    The buoy floated back and forth in the shallow water .

  8. 该群岛包围由珊瑚礁封闭的浅水清澈泻湖

    The Islands are by shallow crystal clear lagoons enclosed by coral reefs .

  9. 令人担忧的是,这座冰山可能会陷入浅水处,一连数年扰乱生态系统。

    The worry is the berg could get stuck in shallows , unsettling the ecosystem6 for years .

  10. 几个淘气的孩子在水池边玩耍,浅水中正在游泳的几只青蛙映入他们的眼帘,他们便用石头去打青蛙,以此作为消遣娱乐。甚至于,他们还打死了几只青蛙。

    Some mischievous1 boys were playing on the edge of a pond , and , catching2 sight of some frogs swimming about in the shallow water , they began to amuse themselves by pelting3 them with stones , and they killed several of them .

  11. 不是不让你知道我的存在,只是不奢求爱情会降临到我头上,有时候想,我们是不同水域的动物,虽然我很艳羡你那个世界的美丽,但是浅水区的我一走近,就会被深水淹死。

    I never let you not to know my existence , but I just never thought thatlove will fall upon on my head . Sometimes , I just wonder , we are fromdifferent waters , although I admire your world , I will be drowned if Iget close to you .

  12. 基于MATLAB的非结构网格生成器和浅水问题的数值模拟

    An unstructured-mesh MATLAB generator and numerical simulation of shallow water problems

  13. ~(210)Pb沉积速率测定法在浅水动力环境中的应用

    Application of ~ ( 210 ) pb-method to shallow water environments

  14. 用格子Boltzmann方程模拟浅水波问题

    A lattice Boltzmann equation method for the shallow water wave equations

  15. 浅水波方程的一种基于特征方向的Galerkin方法

    A characteristics based Galerkin method for the system of shallow water equations

  16. 用改进的格子Boltzmann方法模拟浅水长波问题

    An improved lattice Boltzmann method for the shallow water long wave equation

  17. 二维浅水波方程的Galerkin方法

    Galerkin Methods for Two Dimensional Shallow Water Equations

  18. 浅水动力学的格子Boltzmann模拟

    Lattice Boltzmann simulation of shallow water dynamics

  19. 浅水浮式生产储油系统(FPSO)二阶波浪力数值仿真研究

    Study on Second Order Wave Drift Force on FPSO in Shallow Water

  20. 国际上,越来越多的LNG船、LNG浮式接收终端需要系泊于近岸浅水海域。

    Besides , increasing LNG carriers and LNG floating terminals will be moored in shallow water in the world .

  21. SWAN浅水波浪模式在渤海的应用研究&Phillips线性增长比例系数的改进

    Application of the SWAN wave model to Bohai Sea : Improvement of Phillips linear growth term

  22. 浅水波方程的TVD有限差分数值模拟

    The TVD finite difference scheme to simulate the shallow water wave equations

  23. 构造了浅水方程组的二阶精度的TVD格式。

    A Second-order accurate TVD scheme for shallow water equations is presented .

  24. 广义WKB方法及其对浅水波问题的应用

    Generalized WKB method and application to problems of shallow water wave

  25. ADCP在浅水低流速条件下的应用

    Application of ADCP in the shallow and low speed flow condition of water

  26. 变形浅水波方程和广义Klein-Gordon方程

    Modified Shallow Water Wave Equation And Generalized Klein-Gordon Equation

  27. 利用大规模并行机,在MPI的环境下对求解Euler方程和浅水方程的高分辨差分格式进行了并行实现,其并行效果较好。

    The numerical results obtained under environment of MPI for parallel computation of these schemes for Euler equation and shallow water equation are satisfied .

  28. 本文通过shader语言对GPU编程实现了浅水效果的仿真。

    In this thesis , we use shader language to program the GPU to achieve shallow flat water effect .

  29. 三角形网格下求解二维浅水方程的和谐Godunov格式

    Well-balanced Godunov-type scheme for 2D shallow water flow with triangle mesh

  30. 现采用1kgTNT当量药包,进行浅水爆炸试验;

    Now 1 kg TNT equivalent charge package were used in shallow water explosion test .