
  • 网络superficial reflex;superfacial reflex;shallow reflexes
  1. 浅层反射多次覆盖技术在滑坡勘探中的应用

    Application of multiple coverage technique of shallow reflection in Landslide Exploration

  2. 浅层反射波法在寻找某些基岩地下水中的应用

    Application of shallow seismic reflection method to finding bedrock ground water

  3. 延庆怀来地区高分辨率浅地震反射剖面

    Shallow seismic reflection profiling with high resolution in Yanqing Huailai region

  4. 浅层反射波的检测及定量解释方法

    Method of detection and quantitative interpretation on shallow seismic reflection

  5. 因此,浅层反射数据中的面波干扰的压制与衰减的方法是十分必要的。

    So suppression of ground roll is very necessary for reflection data .

  6. 抚顺活断层浅层反射横波地震勘探资料解释与分析

    Interpretation and Analysis on the shallow seismic S-wave reflection prospecting of active fault in Fushun

  7. 利用走时进行浅层反射成像及其应用

    A new method for the reflection image by travel time in shallow layer and its application

  8. 高分辨率浅震反射波法在鞍山城区岩溶勘查中的应用

    Application of shallow seismic reflect wave technique to detection of karst in Anshan city , Liaoning

  9. 浅震反射法在厦门美景花园工地工程勘察中的应用

    Shallow earthquake reflection method in the application of engineering reconnaissance of Xiamen construction site of landscape

  10. 本文首先应用最为简单的频率滤波器对浅层反射数据进行处理,观察其应用效果。

    Firstly , the frequency filter is applied in shallow reflection data processing , application effect is observed .

  11. 所以,针对不同构造区带地质条件和油藏分布特征,采用了不同的地震勘探方法;用保护浅层反射的勘探方法勘探斜坡外带的地层不整合油藏;

    Different seismic exploration methods are used in different areas which have their distinctive geological conditions and reservoir types respectively .

  12. 利用浅层反射波方法获得的反射地震剖面,成功地揭示原成都理工学院主楼所在场地的浅层地下结构,就是浅层地震反射法勘探应用的一个成果。

    The seismic profiling with the shallow reflection technique successfully maps the shallow underground structure in a field of Chengdu Institute of Technology .

  13. 高分辨折射勘探技术在浅层反射勘探失效地区的应用&兰州市活断层浅层地震探测实例

    Application of high-resolution seismic refraction technology in inapplicable area of shallow reflection survey : examples of shallow seismic exploration for active fault in Lanzhou City

  14. 在反射地震记录中,特别是浅层反射地震记录中,常常出现浅层多次反射、折射波。

    A sort of interference wave called multiple reflected refraction in the near surface layer usually appears in seismic records , especially in shallow seismic records .

  15. 在此基础上提出以环境同位素技术、浅层反射波法、层析成像技术为主的结合化学动力学水文地质学理论的综合预测预报技术。

    Finally , with the use of the hydrogeochemical model , the synthetic prediction technology will be advanced , mainly including environmental isotope , shallow earthquake reflection , computer tomography .

  16. 并通过对整条测线的单炮数据进行处理,得到的叠加剖面的效果表明,该方法为浅层反射资料的面波干扰压制提供了一条有效的途径。

    Measured by the whole line of single shot data processing , the effect of stack section obtained show that this method provides an effective way for suppression of ground roll .

  17. 浅层反射地震勘探因具有突出的纵横向分辨能力及较大的勘探深度范围而得以在工程勘察中发挥越来越重要的作用。

    Shallow reflection seismic exploration ( SRSE ) is going to play a more and more important role in engineering investigation thanks to its prominent vertical and horizontal resolution and wide depth rang .

  18. 在延庆怀来地区穿过深断裂位置开展的浅地震反射测量获得了高分辨率的地壳浅部结构图像。

    High resolution shallow seismic reflection measurements were carried out crossing deep faults which were revealed by deep seismic reflection profiles in Yanqing-Huailai region , and high-resolution images of shallow crust were obtained in this region .

  19. 正是由于面波的存在,严重影响了反射数据的信噪比,并且浅层反射数据中的面波表现十分复杂给反射资料的后续处理带来了许多不便和麻烦。

    It is because of the existence of ground roll which is normally found in the shallow reflection data , seriously affecting the reflection data signal to noise ratio . It can bring a lot of inconvenience and trouble to follow-up processing of the reflection data .

  20. 探测实例表明,在覆盖层厚度不超过20m的条件下,浅层地震反射法、折射法联合探测可获得良好的地质效果。

    The case studied showed that good geological results can be achieved by using joint exploration method of shallow seismic reflection and refraction waves in the condition of overburden thickness variation between 0 and 20m .

  21. 针对秦岭山区浅层地震反射资料的特点,讨论在VAX-11/750机上进行相应数字处理的方法,并通过WF-2测线实例,说明处理效果。

    - In accordance with the characteristics of shallow seismic reflection data from Qingling mountion area , the thesis discussed the corresponding digi - tal processing method on VAX-11 / 750 seismic data processing system and illustrated the pro - cessed result by means of WF-2 survey profile .

  22. 浅层地震反射法探测隐伏土、溶洞的初步效果

    Preliminary results of shallow seismic reflection method for detecting hidden caves

  23. 浅层地震反射波法与声波测井在岩土工程中的应用

    Application of Shallow Seismic Reflection and Sonic Logging to the Geotechnical Engineering

  24. 浅层地震反射波法在隧道探测中的应用

    The Application of Shallow Seismic Reflection Method In Tunnel Exploration

  25. 抗干扰浅层地震反射方法技术

    The anti - interference shallow seismic reflection method and technique

  26. 浅层地震反射波法在桥位工程地质勘察中的应用

    Application of Shallow Earthquake Reflection Shooting in the Reconnaissance of Location of Bridge

  27. 浅颜色可以反射太阳光,而深颜色吸收阳光并使自己变热。

    Lighter colors reflect sunlight while dark colors absorb it and heat up .

  28. 浅层地震反射法在城市活断层勘查中压制干扰方法探讨

    A Discussion on Shallow Seismic Reflection Noise Elimination during Urban Active Fault Prospecting

  29. 复杂目标浅层地震反射法观测技术

    Shallow seismic reflection survey technique to complicated object

  30. 溶洞的浅层地震反射特征及工程应用

    Characteristics of Shallow Seismic Reflection of Karst Caves