
liú tōng liàng
  • circulation
  1. 影响哈尔滨地区公共图书馆流通量的相关因素分析

    Analysis of Relative Factors Affecting the Book Circulation of Public Library in Harbin Area

  2. 感谢客户惠顾,简述指南的流通量。

    Thank the client for his business and describe the circulation of the directory .

  3. CO2湍流通量误差的修正和不确定性研究进展

    Correction of errors and uncertainty in the measurements of co_2 turbulent flux

  4. RBF网络在图书馆流通量预测中的应用

    The Application of RBF Network in Prediction of Library Loan Quantity

  5. 湍流通量贡献区主要在0.01~2Hz频率范围内,冠层上方低频传输的湍涡贡献了更多的CO2通量.这说明开路式涡度相关仪器系统可以满足冠层上方湍流通量观测的基本要求。

    The frequency ranges of eddy contributions to CO2 fluxes were mostly within 0.01-2.0 Hz , and the eddy translated by low frequency over canopy contributed more of CO2 fluxes .

  6. 弗里德曼与该书合著者美国国家经济研究局(nationalbureauofeconomicresearch)的安娜施瓦茨(annaschwartz),不辞辛苦搜集了内战结束以来美国经济中的货币流通量数据。

    Friedman and his co-author , Anna Schwartz of the National Bureau of economic research , painstakingly assembled data on the amount of money circulating in the US economy going back to the end of the civil war .

  7. 流通量方向通过Eikonal方程隐式地依赖于行人流密度。

    The flux direction is implicitly dependent on the instantaneous global density through an Eikonal equation .

  8. 市场现金流通量(M0)为11204亿元,增长10.1%。

    The cash money in circulation ( M0 ) amounted to 1,120.4 billion Yuan , up by 10.1 percent .

  9. 在不增加网络流通量的前提下,且算法复杂度在可接受的范围内,克服了DV-Hop算法在非规则网络中定位的不足。

    In precondition of not increasing the amount of communication and acceptable complexity of computing , IDV-Hop can get over the shortcomings of DV-Hop .

  10. 瑞典央行瑞典国家银行(Riksbank),预计现金流通量将下降得很快,但未来20年仍然会流通。

    The Swedish central bank , the Riksbank , predicts it will decline fast but still be circulating in 20 years .

  11. 此时,对比于上面简单的Eikonal方程,流通量方向通过静态Hamilton-Jacobi方程隐式地依赖于行人流密度。

    Compared with the simple Eikonal equation , the flux direction is implicitly dependent on the pedestrian density through an more complicated Hamilton-Jacobi equation at the time .

  12. WENO格式的主要思想是通过低阶的数值流通量的凸组合重构得到高阶的逼近,并且在间断附近具有本质无振荡的性质。

    The basic idea of WENO is to obtain a higher approximation by a linear combination of low order numerical fluxes .

  13. 试验结果表明,热喷麦秸补添鱼粉和青饲后,降低了瘤胃内乙酸的比例,提高了丙酸的比例,NGR指标也趋于改善;瘤胃和十二指肠食糜流通量增加;

    The results showed that the supplementation to heat extruded wheat straw with fish meal and fresh forage decreased the proportion of acetate and increased that of propionate , in consequence , resulted in a lowe NGR .

  14. 美国财政部宣布新版20美元纸币将印上南北战争时期废奴主义者哈丽雅特•塔布曼(HarrietTubman)的头像。20美元是流通量最大的美元之一,这是美国首次将一位非裔美国人作为其主要人物。

    The US will for the first time have an African-American as the star of one of its highest-circulation bank notes after the Treasury announced that Civil War-era abolitionist Harriet Tubman would be featured on a new $ 20 bill .

  15. 供应链物流能力:流通量和响应时间测算模型

    Calculating model for the circulation and response time in supply chains

  16. 增大图书馆自然科学图书流通量之管见

    On enlarging amount of circulation of natural science books in Library

  17. 图书流通量统计时间序列的非线性特性

    Nonlinear Characteristics of Statistical Time Sequence of Circulation Quantity in Library

  18. 告知关于新版筹备工作和扩大流通量之事宜。

    Write about the new edition and the plans for wider circulatin .

  19. 春季黄海海-气湍流通量交换的特征

    The Exchange Characteristics of Air Sea Turbulent Fluxes of Huanghai in Spring

  20. 空气动力学方法在湍流通量计算中的误差分析

    Errors Analysis of Aerodynamic Method in Turbulent Flux Calculation

  21. 汞矿区大气汞的流通量与汞干湿沉降研究

    Study on air Hg flux , dry and wet distribution in mercury mine

  22. 商业:贸易流通量继续扩大。

    Commerce : the turnover of Commerce and trade of Beijing was expanded .

  23. 最佳容积率的确定环上的最大流通量问题

    Maximize the throughput of ring routing problem in SONET

  24. 近地层组合法确定湍流通量精度的研究

    Study on the accuracy of turbulent flux determined by the surface layer synthetic method

  25. 地下蓄能热扩散和传输的能流通量描述

    Description of energy flux on thermal diffusion and transport in underground thermal energy storage

  26. 我经常买卖外汇,大概是因为它的波幅及流通量都较高。

    I have always traded currencies , probably for the high volatility and liquidity .

  27. 利用二端口时变耦合网络实现储能和能流通量控制

    Energy Storage and flow Control by Means of a 2-Port , Time-Variable Coupling Network

  28. 我国股票流通量与股票价格变动率关系的实证分析

    A Substantial Analysis of Relation between Stock Circulation Quantity and Price Change Rate in China

  29. 所以我们采用一个守恒的流通量差分,对二阶导数项直接进行逼近。

    Therefore , we directly approxi-mate the second derivative term using a conservative flux difference .

  30. 利用有效空间法对实体进行了分组以实现组通信,降低了分布式仿真的网络流通量;

    The method of Group Communication is applied to reduce the traffic in distributed simulation .