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liú huǒ
  • filariasis;erysipelas on the leg
流火 [liú huǒ]
  • (1) [filariasis]∶丝虫病

  • (2) [erysipelas on the leg]∶丹毒

流火[liú huǒ]
  1. 中午时刻古色古香,八月流火余光仅剩,为了安息预作准备,赞美的乐曲飘如幽灵。

    Antiquest felt at Noon When August burning low Arise this spectral Canticle

  2. 对房地产非理性繁荣的理性思考七月流火&七月份港口生产态势分析

    The Reasonable Thinking about the Unreasonable Prosperity of Real Estate

  3. 这副药可以消除你的流火。

    This dose of medicine will eradicate your erysipelas .

  4. 在七月流火的日子里,出了多少汗已经记不得了,飞没有空调的单发螺旋桨飞机不是件容易的事情哦!

    It 's not a comfortable job to fly single prop airplane on such hot days in july .

  5. 这是迈克尔在准备《就是这样》谢幕巡演时写给自己的警句:训练有素,展现完美,阳春三月,细雨四月,拼尽全力,流火五月

    Words of encouragement : Michael wrote to himself : 'Train , perfection , March , April , Full Out , May * 'as he prepared for the This Is It tour

  6. 已出版的著作有诗集《小人鱼之歌》、《郑玲诗选》、《风暴蝴蝶》、《瞬息流火》以及散文集《灯光是门》等。

    Her released works include poem anthologies of " The Song of Little Merman "," Zheng Ling Anthology "," Storm Butterfly " and " Instinct Fluid Fire "; prose anthology " The Light is the Gate " etc.