
  • 网络malware;Rogue Software;malicious software;ADware;cdnprot.sys
  1. 此前联想一直在努力为自己打造良好声誉,而且已经赢得了顾客的信任。但流氓软件问题立刻给该公司带来了信誉风险。

    Lenovo has worked hard to build a positive reputation . They had earned the trust of their customers , but the scandal over malware installation on their computers has suddenly put that reputation at risk .

  2. 在284份邮件中就有1份包含着流氓软件。

    1 in284 emails contain malware .

  3. 介绍流氓软件的相关概念、分类及危害。

    This paper introduces relevant concept , classification and damage of the rogue software .

  4. 流氓软件原理及解决方案

    Principle of the Rogue Software and a Scheme

  5. 但我们做反流氓软件的时候得罪了做流氓软件的公司。

    However , we do anti-hooligan software to do when a rogue software to offend .

  6. 流氓软件的技术分析和预防

    Technical Analysis and Prevention of Malicious Software

  7. 今后,联想应该担心的是本次流氓软件事件的长期影响。

    Moving forward , Lenovo should be concerned about the long-term implications of this scandal .

  8. 从防患于未然的角度出发,阐明防范流氓软件的具体措施。

    Starting from precaution , the paper sets forth the specific measures in preventing malicious software .

  9. 怎样防范流氓软件

    How to Guard Against Malicious Software

  10. 在自己的产品中安装流氓软件,这种不明智行为让联想受到公众指责,这一点儿也不奇怪。

    It 's no wonder that Lenovo is being publicly shamed for its unwise choice to install malware on computers .

  11. 这一流氓软件才只被为数不多(4/44)的安全软件包探测了出来。

    This piece of malware is only detected by a small number of security software packages ( 4 our of44 ) .

  12. 近来一场讨伐流氓软件的战役拉开帷幕,流氓软件遭到广大计算机用户的一致谴责。

    A campaign against rascal software has been undertaken recently . Every computer user is condemning the rascal software for its harm .

  13. 从探析流氓软件的涵义出发,流氓软件与不良软件实则是同一涵义。

    This article analyses the meaning of rascal software , and believe that the meaning of rascal software is as same as that of bad software .

  14. 本文主要总结和探讨如何让用户安全、稳定地使用计算机,有效防范恶意软件(也称流氓软件)造成的侵害。

    This article summarize and discuss how to use computer safely and stably , including how to protect system effectively against any intrusions by rogue software .

  15. 而具体该流氓软件在做什么,仍然是个迷&至少我目前还不知道,没人提及它做了什么。

    What , exactly , the malware does is a mystery-and by that I mean a mystery to me , since nobody seems to mention what it does .

  16. 采用其创新和智能检测引擎,可以有效的检测和修复系统中的安全隐患,修复三方应用程序中的软件隐患,阻止流氓软件的开机启动。

    The use of its innovative and smart detection engine can effectively detect and repair security systems , repair of the three software applications hidden to prevent rogue software start-up .

  17. 通过分析流氓软件的作用原理,探讨对此类软件的解决方案和防范措施,给电脑用户提供参考技术。

    By analysing the principle of the rogue software , it discusses a scheme solving and keeping watch to the problem caused by the software . It provides a kind of reference technology for the computer consumers .

  18. 尽管后面提到的这几款无线路由器产品也许还值得一试,不过任何有经验的网管都会奉劝你离前面提到的那两款流氓监控软件远一点为好。

    While its routers might be worth taking a punt on , its software , as any network admin who has had to work with IOS will tell you , is best given a wide berth .

  19. 昨天我们报道了苹果公司发布了一款抵御流氓病毒恶意软件的程序macdefender。

    Yesterday , we reported that Apple has released an instruction on how to get rid of the rogue anti-virus malware program MAC defender .

  20. 不少专门的防护软件都可以保设备免遭流氓程序和恶意软件的侵害。

    Look for applications that specialize in antivirus or file integrity that helps protect your device from rogue applications and malware .