
liú dònɡ jī jīn
  • Liquidity Fund;current fund
  1. 从基金经理高流动看基金公司的制度创新

    The Institutional Innovation of Fund Management Company from the High Mobility of Fund Managers

  2. 金融政策上涉及优惠贷款、贷款担保、资金跨区流动、投资基金等。

    To banking policies , there are favor of loan , guaranty of loan , flow of fund , fund of invest and so on .

  3. 发现合同不对称的程度越大,则基金组合偏离基准组合的程度越大,而流动不对称对基金风险承担行为的影响正好相反。

    We show that the impacts of the degree of the asymmetry of the contract and of the cash flow on the risk-taking behavior of the fund are opposite .

  4. 该制度体现了不同群体之间的合同契约关系,既确立了社会公共基金,有效地分散了老年风险,又明晰了个人账户的所有权,有效解决劳动力流动产生的基金转移问题。

    This system has manifested the contract relationship among different groups , it established social public funds which distracted elderly risks effectively , and defined the individual account of the ownership to solving labor flow fund transfer problems produced in the process .

  5. 该系统的指标体系由三个部分组成:基金的风险收益特征、基金资产的流动性和基金的投资管理水平,然后使用因子分析方法构造综合评价函数,最后使用聚类分析的方法确定基金的星级。

    The system consists of three parts , i.e. the risk-return characteristic of funds , the liquidity of their assets , and the level of investment management . This paper establishes an integrated evaluation function by factor analysis and determines the rates of funds by cluster analysis .

  6. 变现流动性损失超出基金可承担的正常范围时产生流动性危机。

    When redemption liquidity lost exceeds the common range , liquidity crisis may break out .

  7. 这不仅需要欧盟层面的监管和监督,最重要的是一个具有流动性的纾困基金。

    This would not only require EU-level regulation and supervision , but most importantly a liquid bail-out fund .

  8. 之后,随着金融全球化的发展和资本的自由流动,主权财富基金开始迅速发展。

    Later , with the development of financial globalization and the free movement of capital , sovereign wealth funds started to develop quickly .

  9. 依据题目所给的条件,在作一些必要的简化假设后,根据资金的运转规律,通过建立资金流动方程,把基金优化问题化归为线性规划问题,从而建立起线性规划模型。

    Based on the law of capital movement , the paper established movement equation , transforming the problem of fund optimization into the problem of linear programming , so as to establish the linear programming model .

  10. 开放式基金当事人的风险主要体现在基金持有人的流动性风险、基金管理者的基金管理风险与基金托管人的基金代理、销售风险等。

    The persons concerned with the open - end fund have to face big risks , which may mainly fall into three parts ; the liquidity risk for the fund investors , the fund operation risk for the fund officers and the fund sale and custody risk for the custodians .

  11. 它是指任何从流动的非本地人身上征收的税,流动的对冲基金经理和报酬过于丰厚的银行家都是从天国而来的财政甘露。

    By ' it ' I mean the fact that any tax gathered from the nomadic nom-doms , itinerant hedge-fund managers and overpaid bankers is all fiscal manna from heaven .

  12. 首先是资产的流动性管理,这包括三个方面:确定最佳现金留存量;制定开放式基金最优变现策略;流动性评估及基金资产配置。

    First part is the mobility of asset management , which includes three aspects : to determine the optimal cash remaining stock , to develop open-end funds realized optimal strategy for mobility assessment and rational allocation of fund assets .