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  • Vulgarity;current fashion;prevalent custom
流俗 [liú sú]
  • (1) [prevalent custom; current fashion] 世俗,一般的风俗习惯

  • 文史星历近乎仆祝之间,固主上所戏弄,倡优畜之,流俗之所轻也。-- 司马迁《报任安书》

  • 诋尽流俗

  • (2) 也指一般的风俗习惯。另指世俗之人

流俗[liú sú]
  1. 我们要彻底改变这种不好的流俗。

    We should get rid of this bad current fashion .

  2. 朱迪思马丁著有《不流俗酒店:威尼斯的欲望和追求》(NoVulgarHotel:TheDesireandPursuitofVenice)(2007年出版)。

    Judith Martin is the author of No Vulgar Hotel : The Desire and Pursuit of Venice ' ( 2007 ) .

  3. 简论流俗词源现象的产生途径及特点

    A Study on the Originating Channels of Folk-etymology and Its Characteristics

  4. 网络传媒市场化下新闻流俗现象的本质研究

    The Essential Research of the Phenomena of Vulgarization in Network News under Marketization

  5. 论海德格尔在《存在与时间》中对流俗时间观的批判

    On the Critique of the Customary Views of Time from Heidegger in " Being and Time "

  6. 流俗之见认为,语言是由人创造,供人支配和使用的工具。

    Language is commonly assumed to be a tool invented by man and used under its control .

  7. 本文介绍一种以部件为基础的汉字教学法&流俗汉字教学法。

    This paper introduces an alternative method , based on Character components , how to teach and learn Chinese characters .

  8. 并且其中亦透露出对世教风习与人心流俗之针砭,而深蕴超越名士主流的平等观点。

    It also reveals criticism of thoughts and custom in that era , which deeply contains a fair viewpoint beyond the mainstream celebrities .

  9. 在研究流俗词源的产生范围时,论文主要从汉语成语、汉语新词语、地名词语等三个方面来探讨流俗词源的产生途径,并列举了大量的实例;

    The paper concentrates on three production channels of folk-etymology : Chinese idioms , Chinese neologies , and place names , with abundant examples provided .

  10. 在今天的眼光看来,这些问题的答案当然是多方面的,但至关重要的两个原因就是天才的艺术创造和迥异于流俗的诗歌思想性。

    On today 's eyes , keys of all this questions isn 't single , but the most two of which are his fantastic creation in article and uncommon thought in poem .

  11. 这些年来,我想出了很多避免炒作和流俗的方法来给母亲过节。

    Over the years , I 've come up with some ways to give to my mom that avoid all the hype and the sappy generic-ness of the holiday as its often celebrated .

  12. 现在,为充分说明友谊底这第二种功用起见,我们再一谈那个显而易见的、流俗之人也可以注意到的那一点,就是朋友底忠言。

    Add now , to make this second fruit of friendship complete , that other point , which lieth more open , and falleth within vulgar observation ; which is faithful counsel from a friend .

  13. 在此基础上,文章还透过流俗词源现象揭示了产生此现象的心理动因和由此反映出的语言文化心理,涉及到操不同民族语言的人们的心理趋同性和差异性。

    Furthermore , the paper represents the psychological incentives for the origin of folk-etymology and the linguistic and cultural psychology , which is reflected by the psychological convergence and divergence of people speaking different languages .

  14. 现代性社会中人的总体性异化造成了人类当前流俗性生存观念的泛滥,而使人类面临严峻的生存危机,更导致了教育对其本体的迷失。

    Modernity , however , caused the current human society in overall alienation remorse survival concept and make the human face serious survival crisis , even led to the lost of the ontology on education .

  15. 在自然主义态度中,“文化”通常被我们作流俗的理解,即仅仅被理解为现成的“在手状态”的“文化现象”和“文化样态”。

    According to the theory of naturalism ," culture " was usually understood in current fashion as a kind of existent " cultural phenomena " and " cultural patterns " that have been already " at hand " .

  16. 苏童是先锋文学的代表人物之一,在文体演变上是一位具有鲜明的自觉创新意识的代表作家,同时又是一个不随流俗坚持文学立场与文学原则、坚守文学精神的作家。

    As one of the representatives of pioneer literature , Tong Su is a writer who has outstanding conscious of innovation on the style evolution issue , as well as a writer who resists prevalence and insists on strict literature standings , principles and spirits .

  17. 实验动画在以其短小精干的特点,对动画艺术进行着极限尝试,从形式上及内涵表达上表现出强烈的探索意识和先锋意识,展现出了独立思考、表现自我、拒绝流俗的艺术魅力。

    Experimental animation in its short features , the art of animation is a limit to try , from the form and connotation of the expression showed a strong consciousness of exploring and pioneering consciousness , showing the independent thinking , self expression , refused to folk art charm .