
  1. 提供远程系统访问正是ssh及其派生工具(scp和sftp)的任务。

    Remote system access is the purview of ssh and its derivatives , scp and sftp .

  2. 投资者还可以从几乎失去边界的许多派生工具中任意选择,这些工具可以迎合任意需求甚至是直觉去定制合约。

    Investors may also choose from an almost limitless number of derivative instruments , including customized contracts designed to meet any need or hunch .

  3. 当我们被允许利用客户的派生金融工具时,我们会运用货币期货合约来保护在货币疲软时投资组合的资本价值。

    Where we are permitted to use derivatives by our clients , we may use forward currency contracts to protect the capital value of a portfolio against a weak currency .

  4. 衍生金融工具是在基本金融工具的基础上派生出来的金融工具,具体划分为金融资产和金融负债,对金融资产和金融负债应在其合约签订并符合一定条件时进行确认;

    Derivate financial instrument originated from basic financial instrument , which is divided into financial asset and financial liability .

  5. 您可以找到用于从模型自动派生模式的许多工具,其中包括

    You will find a number of tools that can be used to derive schemas from models automatically , including