
  • 网络Active market;inactive;Dynamic
  1. 公司是活跃市场经济、推动经济发展最重要的商事主体。

    The company is the main commercial active market economy , the most important of promoting economic development .

  2. 比如大蒜或者绿豆的价格,即使贵得离谱,只要是买卖双方自愿在活跃市场上进行交易的价格,就可以认定为是公允价值。

    Such as the price of garlic , even ridiculously expensive , as long as buyers and sellers on a voluntary transaction in an active market prices to be determined to be fair value .

  3. 活跃市场,完善市场经济体制;

    It can flourish themarket and perfect the market economy system .

  4. 如何扩大有效需求,活跃市场,促进经济增长?

    How to enlarge effective demand and how to enliven the market and increase economic growth ?

  5. 抽奖式有奖销售运用适当,可以起到活跃市场,促进竞争的积极作用;

    Using prize sale in a proper way can active the market and promote the competition .

  6. 探索一套适应在非理性、非活跃市场条件下的公允价值操作系统是当务之急。

    Then it is urgent to find a fair value operating system which adapt to the non-rational , non-active market conditions .

  7. 因发行方发生重大财务困难,该金融资产无法在活跃市场继续交易;

    Issue side occurred as a result of significant financial difficulties , the financial assets can not continue in active trading market ;

  8. 许多人认为,解决办法是让政府活跃市场,购买资产或为银行损失承保。

    The solution , many suggest , is for governments to make a market , buy assets or insure banks against losses .

  9. 中小企业在活跃市场经济、满足社会多方面需要、吸收劳动力就业方面起着重要作用。

    SMEs play an important and active role in market economy to meet the various needs of society and absorb the labor forces .

  10. 它们在促进科技进步、增加财政税收、扩大劳动就业、活跃市场以及维护社会稳定等方面都起着难以替代的作用。

    They play an irreplaceable role in promoting technical improvement , increasing tax and revenue , providing job opportunities and keeping the society steady .

  11. 所有活跃市场数据包括在建项目,筹备阶段或最后筹备阶段的工程,但是不包括处于前期策划中的项目。

    Total active pipeline data includes projects in the construction , final planning and planning stages , but does not include projects in the pre-planning stage .

  12. 本文认为企业以排污为目的持有的排污权属于无形资产,而以投资为目的持有的排污权属于金融工具,但是在非活跃市场上,排污权都应被确认为无形资产。

    First , this paper argues that the emission rights assets held for the purpose of sewage are intangible , and held for investment purposes are financial instruments .

  13. 2006年新准则提倡公允价值的使用。活跃市场的存在是公允价值获取的前提条件。

    The new criterion will recommend the use of the fair value in 2006 . The existence of enlivening the market is the precondition that the value is obtained .

  14. 交易所关心在模拟的合约以及设定的交易状态下,是否能保证市场的流动性,并且得到不同的市场者认可,从而实现衍生产品套期保值及活跃市场的功能。

    What the exchange care is whether the experimental contract trade can guarantee the market liquidity , and can attract different participants , thus realize derivative products ' hedging function .

  15. 从营销学的视角来看,作为一种行之有效的营销手段,广告在提升产品销售业绩、改善企业文化形象以及活跃市场经济氛围等方面扮演着举足轻重的角色。

    From a marketing perspective , advertising as an effective marketing tool plays an important role in enhancing performance , improving corporate image and culture , and flourishing market economy .

  16. 中小企业的发展对于缓解当前的就业压力、活跃市场经济、促进技术创新和保持经济的持续稳定发展都起到了积极的作用。

    The development of SMEs has played a positive role in mitigation of current employment pressure , activating market economy , promoting technological innovation and maintaining a sustainable and stable development .

  17. 非公有制经济在促进经济增长、扩大就业、增加税收和活跃市场等方面,发挥着越来越大的作用。

    As a result , the nonpublic sector of the economy is playing an increasingly bigger role in stimulating economic growth , creating jobs , increasing tax revenue , and invigorating the market .

  18. 然而中小企业又是我国国民经济发展的重要力量,对活跃市场经济、提供就业机会、推动技术创新起着重要的作用。

    However , small and medium-sized enterprises play important roles in the economic development of our country . They help to animate the market economy , provide jobs and promote the new technology .

  19. 引进做市商制度,消除市场信息不对称对交易的制约,活跃市场成员之间的联系,增进银行间债券市场的流动性;

    To set up the market-making system , to dispel the restriction of the information asymmetry , to enliven the connection between the members of market and to improve the mobility of the inter-bank bond market ;

  20. 上海是我国的经济中心,中小企业在创造社会财富、增加国家税收、吸纳就业人口、活跃市场经济等诸多方面也正发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    Shanghai is the economic center of China , SMEs are playing more and more important role in creating social wealth , increasing national revenue , absorbing workforce , making market economy actively and so on .

  21. 在产权交易市场中,产权经纪公司起着沟通信息、促成交易、活跃市场、加快产权流动、合理配置资源等中介服务作用。

    In the market , property broker company play the role of media service , as transferring information , promoting a deal , animating the market , accelerating the flow of property , allocating resources reasonably , ect .

  22. 但近几年,由于金融市场不断开拓,大量没有活跃市场或者有活跃市场却无法活跃交易的金融工具逐渐涌现,使得公允价值计量变得十分复杂。

    However , because of the rapid development and expansion of the financial market in recently years , a large number of financial instruments which can not be freely traded emerge constantly , which makes fair value measurement become very complex .

  23. 对于我国这样一个人口众多、地区经济发展极不平衡的国家来说中小企业的良性发展对于增加就业、活跃市场、促进竞争、从而促进整个经济社会的发展有着十分重要的作用。

    To China , which has a large population and uneven developed regions , they are of great importance in many ways , such as enlarging employment , revitalizing the economy , stimulating competition and promoting the development of the whole country .

  24. 因此,即使棉花价格在2010年看上去不那么公允,但只要要是买卖双方自愿在活跃市场上进行交易的价格,就可以认定为是公允价值。

    Therefore , even if cotton prices in 2010 do not look so " fair ", but as long as voluntary if the buyers and sellers to trade in an active market , the price to be determined to be fair value .

  25. 中小企业与大企业一样,是现代经济不可缺少的组成部分,其在扩大就业、活跃市场、增加收入、稳定社会以及形成合理的国民经济结构等方面发挥着难以替代的作用。

    Like large enterprises , small and medium-sized enterprises ( SMEs ) are indispensable component of modern economy . They are playing a unreplaceable role in increasing employment , animating market , raising income , stabilizing society and forming healthy national economic structure .

  26. 四川省中小企业发展有助于促进经济增长,缩小地区差异,解决就业,活跃市场,加快农村经济结构的调整,提高大型企业的竞争力。

    The development of small-medium enterprise in Sichuan province is helpful to promote economy growth , narrow difference between districts , decrease unemployment , activate market , accelerate the adjustment of economic structure in rural and enhance the competition ability of big enterprise .

  27. 小微企业作为国民经济的生力军,在吸收就业、活跃市场、稳定社会等方面具有重要作用,然而小微企业融资难的问题一直是制约其发展的重要因素。

    Small & Micro-Enterprises , as the main force of the national economy , play an important role in employment absorption , active market and social stability and so on . However , financing difficult has been an important factor of restricting its development .

  28. 如此庞大数量的流通业小微企业,在经济活动中创造了大部分的就业和税收,对活跃市场经济和保障社会稳定起着关键性作用。

    Such a large number of small and micro enterprise in distribution industry , create most of the jobs and tax in our economy , at the same time they play a key role of the market and economy activation and social stability maintenance .

  29. 随着经济的市场化和全球化进程,私营经济快速发展,对促进经济增长、扩大就业和活跃市场等发挥着越来越大的作用。

    Following the process of economic marketization and economic globalization , private economy is developing fleetly , which displays more and more effects in so many aspects , such as promoting economic growth , creating more jobs , flourishing of market and so on .

  30. 解决公允价值采用难从而澄清因缺乏活跃市场,中国难于采用公允价值的模糊认识的关键是正确认识公允价值与现值的关系、建立现值计量理论框架并采用现值。

    The key to the settlement of the fact that it is difficult to apply fair value is to correctly realize the relationship between fair value and present value , and set up a theoretical framework of present value measurement and adopt present value .