
  • 网络jon huntsman;Jon Meade Huntsman;Jon Meade Huntsman, Jr
  1. 我还期待着才华出众的美国驻华大使、州长洪博培(JonHuntsman)的提名获得确认。

    I also look forward to the confirmation of an outstanding U.S. Ambassador to China , Governor Jon Huntsman .

  2. 犹他大学近40%的外国留学生是中国人,该州前州长洪博培(JonHuntsman)曾是美国驻华大使。犹特人队的篮球馆便是以洪博培父亲的名字命名的。

    Nearly 40 percent of the University of Utah 's foreign students are Chinese , and the state 's former governor Jon Huntsman , for whose father the Utes " basketball arena is named , was the American ambassador to China .

  3. 罗姆尼先生和蒂姆•帕伦蒂(TimPawlenty)都没有参加,洪博培(JonHuntsman)也于最后时刻取消出席。

    Neither Mr Romney nor Tim Pawlenty attended , and Jon Huntsman cancelled his appearance at the last minute .

  4. 洪博培说,对失联航班的搜寻(目前搜寻工作已进入第11天)还可能促使搜救、信息共享以及反恐等主题摆上亚太经济合作组织(AsiaPacificEconomicCooperation)和其他地区机构的议事日程。

    Mr. Huntsman said the hunt for the plane which is now in its 11th day would also likely boost search and rescue , information sharing and counterterrorism as subjects on the agendas of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum and other regional bodies .

  5. 但西奥多•罗斯福是首位支持全民医保的美国总统,而曾任犹他州州长的洪博培在共和党初选期间却曾主张废除奥巴马医改(Obamacare)。

    But that same Teddy Roosevelt was the first president to espouse national healthcare , while Mr Huntsman , a former Utah governor , advocated repeal of ObamaCare during the Republican primaries .

  6. 洪博培大使:对。而且毫不奇怪:“在一个有3亿5千万网民,6千万博客的国家,你听说没听说过防火墙?”第二,“我们该不该能够自由使用Twitter(叽喳网)?”——就是这个问题。

    AMBASSADOR HUNTSMAN : That 's right . And not surprisingly , " in a country with 350 million Internet users and 60 million bloggers , do you know of the firewall ? " And second , " should we be able to use Twitter freely " -- is the question .

  7. 亨茨曼(Huntsman,中文名洪博培)州长,他很快——或许今晚就会被确认——亨茨曼大使不仅期待着为执行我国的政策而工作,而且期待着作为美国人民的代表与中国人民交往。

    Governor Huntsman , who will soon be - maybe even confirmed tonight - Ambassador Huntsman , is looking forward to working not only on behalf of our nation 's policies but really representing the American people to the Chinese people .

  8. 共和党总统候选人洪博培能说流利的中文。

    New Republican Presidential candidate Jon Huntsman is fluent in Chinese .

  9. 洪博培是最新正式宣布共和党提名的参选人。

    Huntsman is the latest contender to formally declare for the Republican nomination .

  10. 洪博培昨日呼吁中方释放薛峰。

    He yesterday called for Mr Xue 's release .

  11. 美国前任驻华大使洪博培正考虑角逐共和党总统候选人。

    The former ambassador Huntsman is considering a run for the GOP presidential nomination .

  12. 和罗姆尼一样,洪博培相貌英俊,从商成绩斐然。

    Like Mr Romney , he has good looks and a successful record in business .

  13. 美国驻华大使洪博培站在大昭寺前,远处可以看到美丽的布达拉宫。

    Ambassador Huntsman at Jokhang Temple ; Potala Palace can be seen in the distance .

  14. 我想在正式开始之前,我们美利坚合众国的驻华大使洪博培先生有几句话要讲。[洪博培]

    Before we start officially , we will ask Ambassador Huntsman to say a few words .

  15. 洪博培表示,如果成功,这种搜救活动可逐渐成为中国和美国的强项。

    If successful , such activities could increasingly become a point of strength for Beijing and Washington .

  16. 如今,洪博培表示,完全废除奥巴马医改是不太可能的,并希望放弃毫无意义的政治口号。

    Now he says full repeal of ObamaCare is unlikely and wants the pointless sound bites dropped .

  17. 是什么让洪博培认为共和党人正在寻找一个具备资质的人选,答案尚不清楚。

    It is unclear what possessed Mr Huntsman to believe Republicans were looking for someone with qualifications .

  18. 我所能想到的代替洪博培大使的最合格人选非骆家辉(骆家辉)莫属。

    In replacing Ambassador Huntsman , I can think of nobody who is more qualified than Gary Locke .

  19. 在任职期间,洪博培一直是本届政府和我国的杰出代表。

    During his tenure , Jon has been an outstanding advocate for this administration and for this country .

  20. 两位前州长--前犹他州州长洪博培和前麻萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼--在阿富汗问题上针锋相对。

    Two former governors - Jon Huntsman of Utah and Mitt Romney of Massachusetts - clashed over Afghanistan .

  21. 在欢迎中国教练来到盐湖城的仪式上,洪博培用流利的普通话向他们发表了讲话。

    At a ceremony welcoming the coaches to Salt Lake City , Huntsman spoke to them in fluent Mandarin .

  22. 骆家辉接替最近请辞大使一职的前犹他州共和党州长洪博培大使。

    Locke succeeds Ambassador Jon Huntsman , the former Republican governor of Utah , who recently asked to step down .

  23. 而支持洪博培的超级政治行动委员会则在新罕布什尔州攻击罗姆尼,它声称:只要一个州,就能把那只变色龙拉下马。

    The super-Pac backing Mr Huntsman attacked Mr Romney in New Hampshire , saying : One state can stop the chameleon .

  24. 福特表示,洪博培加入董事会,能够为公司带来一些知识和经验“特别是有关亚洲贸易问题的”知识和经验。

    It said Mr Huntsman would bring knowledge and experience " particularly in Asia with trade issues " to his new board role .

  25. 在捐赠仪式上,洪博培大使对手中的《中国绘画三千年》表现出了极大的兴趣。

    During the ceremony , Ambassador Huntsman carefully held the book Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting and read it with great interest .

  26. 洪博培两次当选犹他州州长,他因担任奥巴马总统驻华大使而提早结束了第二次州长任期。

    Huntsman was twice elected governor of Utah and left early in his second term to become President Obama 's ambassador to China .

  27. 我还要感谢我们出色的大使洪博培,他代表了我们两国之间的深远联系和相互尊重。

    I 'd also like to thank our outstanding Ambassador , John Huntsman , who exemplifies the deep ties and respect between our nations .

  28. 洪博培在共和党党内竞选中被视为是相对的温和派,包括其他几名保守派参选人都严厉批评奥巴马总统。

    Huntsman is seen as a relative moderate in a Republican field that includes several conservative contenders who are severe critics of President Obama .

  29. 众所周知,洪博培摩托车穿梭于上海的街道,有时还会骑自行车去中国外交部开会。

    Huntsman famously rode his motorcycle through the streets of Shanghai and would occasionally ride a bicycle to meetings at the Chinese foreign ministry .

  30. 洪博培曾经担任犹他州州长,他表示将在一周之内正式加入角逐。

    Mr Huntsman , who 's also served as the governor of Utah , said he would formally enter the race in a week 's time .