
jīn tiē zhì dù
  • Allowance system;financial aid system
  1. 迈克尔马丁(MichaelMartin)是下议院议长以及英国议会最古老办公室之一的负责人。他被列为英国议员多年来滥用和从中渔利的报销和津贴制度的替罪羊。

    Michael Martin , the chairman of the Commons and holder of one of Westminster 's most ancient offices , was lined up as a fall-guy for a system of expenses and allowances which was exploited and abused by MPs for years .

  2. 关于完善航海专业岗位津贴制度的思考

    Thinking of perfecting the post welfare system of the navigation profession

  3. 检讨社会福利津贴制度顾问服务

    Consultancy Service for the Review of the Social Welfare Subvention System

  4. 老年津贴制度(非缴费型养老金制度)在国际有成功的实践经验。

    The Noncontributory pension system has successful experience in the international .

  5. 高等学校岗位津贴制度的现状分析

    An Analysis of Present Post Subsidy System in Institution of Higher Education

  6. 进一步完善军队地区津贴制度探讨

    A study of perfecting the system of troops District allowance

  7. 对高校岗位津贴制度的探讨

    Probe into the System of Job Subsidy in University

  8. 建立大学生失业救助津贴制度的思考

    A Discussion about the Unemployment Security for College Students

  9. 建立科研津贴制度的实践与成效分析

    Institute a Research Allowance System to Prompt Scientific Research

  10. 地方应用型本科院校岗位津贴制度改革的若干问题思考

    Reflection on Problems of Post Allowance System Reform in Local Applied Undergraduate College

  11. 高校教师岗位津贴制度效益分析及级别评定方法研究

    Methods of Grade Evaluation and Benefit Analysis in Post Allowance System for Universities Teachers

  12. 将性别平等观念纳入中国的养老保障体系&国外遗属津贴制度介绍

    Enhance Gender Equality in Social Old-age Security System & Introduce of Foreign Survivor 's Pension

  13. 修订标准成本津贴制度

    Modified standard cost system

  14. 高校岗位津贴制度是高校分配制度的创新之举。

    Post allowance system ( PAS ) is an innovation method of distribution system in college and university .

  15. 激励如何可能?中国高校岗位津贴制度的实践与反思

    How to Stimulate the Staff ? Reflection on the Practice of Post Allowance System in China 's Higher Education Institutions

  16. 作为高等学校人事分配制度改革的一个部分,岗位津贴制度是一个备受高校教职工关注的敏感问题。

    As a part of the personnel distribution reform in institutions of higher education , post subsidy system is a sensitive issue highly concerned by staff .

  17. 但是,校内津贴制度远非一剂包治百病的药方,它在给教师通过自己的努力提高自身物质待遇的同时也给教师带来了导向上的偏差。

    However , far from a panacea , it guides teachers to error direction when it gives teachers chance to increase their income through their efforts .

  18. 目前一些地方均设立了工艺美术行业保护发展基金,落实了大师带徒津贴制度。

    At present , some areas have been set up arts and crafts industry , protect the Development Fund to implement the master system of allowances with believers .

  19. 岗位津贴制度的实施带来了高校教职工收入的实质性增加,更带来人事管理体制、思想的变革。

    The implementation of post allowance system in China 's higher education institutions has raised the staff 's income , and brought the deep change of personnel administration system .

  20. 基于对样本高校的分析,可以一定程度地反映出我国高等学校岗位津贴制度的现状。

    Based on the analysis of sample university , extent the current situation of post subsidy system in Chinese institutions of higher education can be reflected to a certain .

  21. 高层次人才是事业成败的关键,特殊津贴制度是调动人才积极性的一种手段。

    High-level talents are the key to success or failure of the business , the system of special subsidy is the method to manoeuvre the positivity if high-level talents .

  22. 校内津贴制度正好体现了这种分配原则,它以教师拥有的知识作为要素参与分配,不仅提高了教师的待遇,而且体现了一定的公平性。

    Internal allowance systems embody this distribution principle . It distributes according to teacher ' knowledge , so it not only improves teacher ' income , but also reflects fairness .

  23. 完善调动大学教职工积极性的两项分配制度&建立弹性岗位津贴制度和突出以贡献为主的奖励制度

    Perfecting Two Distributive System of Mobilizing Enthusiasm of the Faculties in the University & To set up the system of stretch allowance and the encouraging system given priority to contribution

  24. 遗属津贴制度是许多国家社会保障制度的一个重要内容,一般属于养老保障的一部分,它的设立主要是为了保障去世者家庭成员基本生活需求的一种福利制度。

    Survivor 's pension , which was founded to provide and fulfill the basic needs of people who lost their family ( s ), is very important in many countries ' social security .

  25. 本研究主要以高校业绩津贴制度为主要研究对象,探讨业绩津贴制度与公平认知和组织承诺之间的关系,其中公平认知充当业绩津贴制度和组织承诺之间的中介变量。

    My researches mainly focus on university performance allowance system and discuss the relationship among performance allowance & impartial cognition and organization commitment which impartial cognition is intermediary variable of performance allowance and organization commitment .

  26. 1999年&2000年前后,我国许多大学都进行了校内岗位津贴制度改革,逐渐建立起以岗位津贴制为核心的薪酬分配制度。但是这一制度依然没有处理好学术与效率之间的矛盾。

    Many institutions of higher education are trying the post subsidy system reform to create new rewards system since 1999 . But the new system do not deal with the contradiction of science and efficiency well .

  27. 因此,从国际视野看,保障残疾人的公民权利,设计残疾人津贴制度,就成为构建和完善残疾人福利体系的重要内容。

    Therefore , view from the international aspect , protecting the civil rights of the disabled , design the disability benefits system is an important content to build and improve the welfare system of the disabled .

  28. 其次,构建出具体的目标模型,包括体现公平的全国统一的基本养老保险、兼顾效率的强制储蓄的个人账户、完全自愿的商业保险和城乡居民老年津贴制度。

    Secondly , it constructs the specific target model , which includes the national unified basic endowment insurance , mandatory personal savings accounts , completely voluntary commercial insurance , and aged allowance system of urban and rural residents .

  29. 研究高层次人才特殊津贴制度,分析高层次人才特殊津贴制度实施的现状,建立健全高层次人才特殊津贴制度,是具有重要现实意义的课题。

    Researching on high-level talent 's system of special subsidy , analyzing current implementation situation of special subsidy system , establishing and improving special subsidy system for high-level talents , they are the course that has important realistic meaning .

  30. 高校津贴分配制度改革的实践与再思考

    The Practice and Reconsidering of The Reforms of The Distribution System of Subsidies at Higher Institutions