
  • 网络loken;Lorcan;Kristanna Loken;Lorkhan;Lokken
  1. 如果你感冒了,千万别去游览“伊斯坦布尔的洛肯”(LokumIstanbul)香料店。

    Don 't visit Lokum Istanbul if you have a cold .

  2. 洛肯的签名古龙水(售价25土耳其里拉;按照1美元等于2.20里拉计算,约合11.30美元)堪称嗅觉的盛宴,它是店主斋南浦·开曼(ZeynepKeyman)研制的,从玫瑰、无花果、茶和含羞草等经典的土耳其香料中提炼精致而成。

    A feast for the nose awaits in Lokum 's signature colognes ( 25 Turkish lira , or about $ 11.30 at 2.20 lira to the dollar ) , which were developed by the owner , Zeynep Keyman , from classic Turkish essences like rose , fig , tea and mimosa .

  3. 亲爱的洛肯,这个寓言的每个特征都符合我们前面的分析。

    My dear glaucon , is meant to fit our earlier analysis .

  4. 在洛肯,连大脑都可以找到刺激。

    Even the brain finds stimulation at Lokum .

  5. 在土耳其毡帽造型的银烛台(185里拉)上点燃一支玫瑰香味的洛肯蜡烛,在烛光下阅读这本厚重的书,气氛格外迷人。

    The tome is probably best read by the glow of a rose-scented Lokum candle in a silver fez-shaped holder ( 185 lira ) .