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zé qī
  • euphorbia helioscopia;wartwort
泽漆[zé qī]
  1. 本试验从健康泽漆中分离出内生真菌、细菌和放线菌共101株。

    101 endophytes strains including fungi , bacteria and actinomycetes were isolated from healthy Euphorbia helioscopia .

  2. 泽漆内生菌的分离鉴定及抗病毒活性筛选

    Isolation , Identification and Screening of Anti-Virus Activity Endophytes in Euphorbia Helioscopia

  3. 麦田泽漆的发生为害与防治

    The Damage and Control of Sun Euphorbia in Wheat Field

  4. 泽漆根体外抗肿瘤实验研究

    Antitumor Activity of the Root of Euphorbia helioscopic in Vitro

  5. 用3龄菜青虫对曼陀罗、泽漆、苍耳、天名精等12种杀虫植物的提取液进行了室内杀虫活性的测定。

    Extracts from 12 insecticidal plant species were tested for the insecticidal activities against Pieris rapae .

  6. 泽漆,大戟科植物,广泛野生于全国大部分地区。

    E. helioscopia ( Family Euphorbiaceae ) is widely distributed in the most parts of China .

  7. 泽漆氯仿萃取液通过线粒体途径和死亡受体途径诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡。

    The chloroform extraction could induce apoptosis through signal transduction of mitochondrial and caspase pathways or fas and caspase pathways .

  8. 现代研究表明,泽漆根的水提取液在体外、体内均有抗肿瘤作用。

    Modern researches reveal that the water extraction of E. helioscopia ( EWE ) has anti-tumor activity in vitro and in vivo .

  9. 与对照分生孢子23.11%的萌发率相比,10.00%浓度的薄荷提取液处理的萌发率为0.00%,20.00%的泽漆为18.96%。在抑制效果上,薄荷提取液显著优于泽漆提取液。

    In addition , conidiospore gemination rates were 0.00 % and 18.96 % respectively , compared with that of CK was 23.11 % .

  10. 泽漆发生密度和小麦产量损失及穗数减少均呈直线函数关系,其危害临界期在2月25日~3月25日之间。

    The relation between of the growth density of sun euphorbia and wheat yield and panicle decrease was the linear correlation and the period of damage happened was from 25 Feb. to 25 March .

  11. 据古籍记载,泽漆很早就用于预防和治疗多种疾病,如肝癌、食管癌、鼻咽癌、支气管炎、急性肾炎及流行性腮腺炎等,并有复方泽漆散等成药付诸应用。

    It has been traditionally used for the prevention or cures of various diseases such as liver cancer , esophagus cancer , nasopharyngeal carcinoma , bronchitis , acute glomerulonephritis , and epidemic parotitis in China for centuries .

  12. 槲皮素是泽漆的主要活性成分之一,泽漆中槲皮素的含量可作为药物质量控制的一个指标;泽漆叶为槲皮素类黄酮化合物的最佳原料,六月为最佳采集时间。

    Quercetin was one of the main active components . HPLC could be used as quality control for content determination of quercetin . The leaves of E. helioscopia are the best raw material of quercetin and the best acquisition time is June .