
pō shuǐ jié
  • the Water-Sprinkling Festival;Water-sprinkling Festival of Dai and some other minority nationalities
泼水节 [pō shuǐ jié]
  • [Water-sprinkling Festival of Dai and some other minority nationalities] 中国傣族和亚洲中南半岛某些民族的新年节日,在傣历六月或七月(清明节前后十日左右)。节日期间,人们相互泼水祝福。

泼水节[pō shuǐ jié]
  1. B:我想知道它是否和云南傣族的泼水节相似。A:我觉得是。

    B : I wonder if it 's similar to the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province . A : Yes , I think so .

  2. A:是的,没错。但是那里4月13日到15日要举办泼水节。

    A : Yes , that 's true.But there 's a water festival there from April 13th to 15th .

  3. 我们明年去泰国参加泼水节吧!

    Let 's go to Thailand for next year 's festival !

  4. 干旱致使云南无法庆祝泼水节。

    China : Drought Changes Yunnan 's Songkran Water Festival .

  5. 泼水节是傣族最富民族特色的节日。

    Water-sprinkling festival is the Dai national minority richest nationality characteristic holiday .

  6. 泼水节是傣族一年一度的盛大节日。

    The Water-Sprinkling Festival is an annual grand festival for the Dai ethnic group .

  7. 去西双版纳参加泼水节,已成为一个十分吸引人的旅游节目。

    Going to Xishuangbanna for the Water-sprinkling Festival has been an attractive tourism activity .

  8. 泼水节溯源与传播小考

    The Origin and Spread of Water Pouring Festival

  9. 柬埔寨、泰国、缅甸、老挝等国也过泼水节。

    Cambodia , Thailand , myanmar , Laos and other countries also cross water-sprinkling festival .

  10. 旅游业发展中的节日符号操弄&以西双版纳傣族泼水节为例

    Utilizing Festival Symbols to Development Tourism Industry

  11. 新年?傣族的新年不是泼水节嘛。

    The New Year ? Isn 't the Dai New Year also the Water-Splashing Festival ?

  12. 泼水节是法定节日吗?

    Is water shrinking Festival official ?

  13. 缅甸曼德勒市的居民正举行泼水节,这象征佛教的新年。

    Residents of Mandalay , Myanmar , participate in the Water Throwing festival marking the Buddhist new year .

  14. 参与世界上最大的水上活动&泰国的泼水节。

    Participate in the world 's biggest water fight during Thailand 's New Year 's festivities ( Songkran ) .

  15. 同时,民族旅游业的发展,给泼水节带来很大影响。

    At the same time , the development of the national tourism has a great impact on the Water-splashing Festival .

  16. 泼水节一般持续三天,人们把这一天视为最美好、最吉祥的日子。

    Songkran generally continued for three days , it is this day as the most beautiful , the most auspicious day .

  17. 每年四月,云南傣族人民载歌载舞庆祝泼水节,泼水节是傣族的新年。

    Every April , the Dai people in Yunnan Province sing and dance to celebrate their Water-Sprinkling Festival , their New Year 's Day .

  18. 深圳不属傣族聚居地区,所以没有规定泼水节放假日期。

    Shenzhen does not belong to area of Dai inhabit a region , did not set so " Water-splashing Festival " put false date .

  19. 暴力冲突导致曼谷市政府取消了4月13日开始的泰国新年泼水节的官方庆祝活动。

    The violence led to the Bangkok city government to cancel official celebrations for the Thai New Year , the Songkran festival , which begins Tuesday .

  20. 在泼水节是一年中最重要的传统节日之一,是中国云南省傣族的节日。

    The Water-Splashing Festival is the Year , as well as the most important traditional festival , observed by the Dai nationality in Yunnan Province of China .

  21. 泼水节源于印度,随着佛教在傣族地区影响的加深,泼水节成为一种民族习俗流传下来,至今已数百年。

    Water-sprinkling festival originated from India , with Buddhism in dai area influence deepen water-sprinkling festival became a national customs handed down , now has hundreds of years .

  22. 泼水节期间,还要举行赛龙船、放高升、放飞灯等传统娱乐活动和各种歌舞晚会。

    Water-Sprinkling Festival period , but also must rises high , releases for flight lamp tradition recreational activity and each kind of dance party and so on hold the acetate ship , put .

  23. 支持:“泼水节”是傣、布朗、德昂等兄弟民族极为隆重的传统节日,族人对其的关注程度,丝毫不逊于春节。

    For : Songkran Festival is a very important traditional celebration for Dai , Blang and Palaung ethnic minority groups and is of the greatest meaning to them as the Spring Festival to the Hans .

  24. 每年泼水节(又称“宋干节”),成千上万生活在大城市的泰国人都会骑摩托返乡,与家人团聚,他们通常不戴安全头盔。

    During the annual Songkran holiday , thousands of Thais take to the road on motorbikes - often without helmets - to return to their home villages from the big cities to reunite with families .

  25. 泼水节在每年11月的月圆之夜举行,即是在湄公河退潮、恢复到正常水位之后。

    The water Festival is held on the full moon of the eleventh month each year , at the end of the rainy season when the Mekong River begins to sink back to its normal levels .

  26. 笔者认为旅游业逐渐成为21世纪的支柱产业,而泼水节作为一项重要的民俗资源,受到民间、政府、商家等社会各界的追捧。

    Tourism has gradually become the pillar industry of the 21st century and the Water-splashing Festival . As an important folklore resource , tourism is in hot pursuit by the public , government and the community .

  27. 提到泼水节,人们会自然而然地想到傣族,可以说泼水节在某种程度上已经成为傣族及其传统文化的重要表征,成为人们了解傣族文化的窗口。

    Referring to the " Water-splashing Festival ", people would naturally think of the Dai People . It can be said the Water-splashing Festival has become an essential characteristic of the Dai people and the " window " to know the traditional culture of the Dai people .