
  • Lugu Lake;Lake Lugu;xichang
  1. 论泸沽湖摩梭人文化保护区的建立

    On the Establishment of the Lugu Lake Moso Cultural Preservation Zone

  2. 泸沽湖地区人地系统案例研究

    Case study on the human-nature system of the Lugu Lake area

  3. 泸沽湖有水生生物133种。

    There are 133 kinds of aquatic life in Lugu Lake .

  4. 云南泸沽湖矿物学沉积记录及其环境辨识意义

    Mineralogical records and their environmental aspects of Lugu lake , yunnan Province

  5. 泸沽湖自然保护区园林树木资源功能分类研究

    Study on garden tree resources function categories in Lugu Lake Nature Reserve

  6. 泸沽湖:美丽留痕奥运湖不同补水方案营养状态趋势分析

    Nutrition Status Trends Analysis on Different Compensation Water Scenarios for Olympic Lake

  7. 论民族地区旅游社区参与主体的培育&以泸沽湖里格岛为例

    On the Cultivation of Tourism Community Participant in Ethnic Region

  8. 艺术经纬:嗯!为泸沽湖放电影是一个行为作品?

    Editor : Is showing a film performance act in Lugu Lake ?

  9. 泸沽湖自然保护区森林植被及木本植物区系

    The forest vegetation and woody flora of the protected area of Lugu Lake

  10. 泸沽湖区域内生态与经济问题的思考

    Thinkings about the Problem of Ecology and Economy in the Lugu Lake Region

  11. 高原上的雷暴云较其它地区容易产生冰雹,冰雹日数与雷暴日数比值最大为0.36。泸沽湖:美丽留痕

    Thunderstorm clouds in plateau easily grow into hail . LAKE ON THE PLATEAU

  12. 云南宁蒗泸沽湖地区的古环境重建

    The record of paleo-climatic environment in Lugu Lake area of Ninglang county , Yunnan

  13. 泸沽湖沉积物α纤维素的提取及其稳定碳同位素研究初探

    Extraction of α - cellulose from Lugu Lake Sediment and its stable carbon isotope

  14. 迈克:请问去泸沽湖应该到哪里坐车?

    Mike : Where can I take get a bus to Lugu-Lake , please ?

  15. 沉迷在泸沽湖的怀抱里。

    Plunged into the embrace of Lugu Lake .

  16. 泸沽湖沉积物-水界面扩散作用对上覆水体基本化学组成的影响

    The Influence of Diffusive Processes on Overlying Waters at the Sediment-water Interface of Lake Lugu

  17. 泸沽湖位于云南境内,距离丽江300公里。

    Lugu Lake , located in Yunnan Province , is300 kilometers away from Lijiang County .

  18. 在上一代,少有外地人听说过泸沽湖或摩梭族。

    A generation ago , few outsiders had ever heard of Lake Lugu or the mosuo .

  19. 泸沽湖生态旅游建设研究

    Eco - Tourism at Lugu Lake

  20. 泸沽湖:母系社会的最后领地

    The Last Territory of Matriarchal Society

  21. 基于旅游产业化的泸沽湖场所精神建设

    Research on the place spirit construction of Lugu lake with the development of the tour industrialization

  22. 提出了用搬迁措施解决泸沽湖面临的环境与资源问题的思路、区划方式和主要步骤;

    We suggest that the government can take the remove measures to settle the environmental problems .

  23. 发展人类学视野中的文化生态旅游开发&以云南泸沽湖为例

    Development Anthropology 's Perspectives of Eco-Cultural Tourism : A Case Study on Lugu Lake in Yunnan

  24. 论西部大开发中旅游环境的保护&以云南省泸沽湖为例

    Tourism Environment Protection in Massive Development of the West & Case Study of the Lugu Lake

  25. 在泸沽湖旅游业发展中,只有将生态旅游的保护思想融入旅游开发和管理,才能实现可持续发展,否则最终将导致旅游业的衰落。

    The sustainable development can be achieved only through combining the environmental protection and tourist development and management .

  26. 泸沽湖生态旅游资源丰富、独特,发展生态旅游潜力巨大。

    Enjoying abundant and unique tourism resources , the Lugu Lake has a great potential in developing eco-tourism .

  27. 泸沽湖沉积物有机质碳同位素组成与气候变迁记录

    Carbon Isotopic composition of Organic Matter in Lugu Lake ′ s Sediment and the Recording of Climate Changes

  28. 为了迎接客人,泸沽湖湛蓝的湖水旁突然冒出了很多家庭经营的旅店。

    In response , a number of family-run hotels have popped up along the lake 's pristine blue waters .

  29. 泸沽湖不仅有美丽的自然风景,更有第一流的垄断性的人文资源&摩梭人文化。

    Lugu Lake boasts not only beautiful natural scenery , but also its specific humane resources & Moso culture .

  30. 泸沽湖是高原湖泊,湖水面积52平方公里,水面海拔2685米。

    It is a plateau lake with a total area of52 square kilometers , 2685 meters above sea level .