
  • Thai Baht;THB;Baht
  1. 售价:400泰铢(13美元)

    Price : 400 Thai Baht ( US $ 13 )

  2. 嗯,为了这次旅行,我把所有钱都换成泰铢了。

    Well , I 've changed all my money to Thai baht for my trip .

  3. 自两个月前抗议活动开始以来,曼谷基准的泰国证交指数(StockExchangeofThailandIndex)已累计下跌8.5%,泰铢兑美元汇率跌至三年低点。

    Bangkok 's benchmark Stock Exchange of Thailand Index has fallen 8.5 % since the protests began two months ago , while the Thai baht has fallen to a three-year low versus the dollar .

  4. 泰国央行(BankofThailand)昨日实行了严格的资本管制措施,以阻止泰铢迅速升值。此举要求海外投资者将资金在泰国存放至少一年,否则就要为提前取款而受到严厉处罚。

    Thailand 's central bank yesterday imposed draconian capital controls to try to stem rapid appreciation of the Thai baht , forcing offshore investors to keep their money in the country for at least a year or face stiff penalties for early withdrawal .

  5. 泰国政府旅游局(TourismAuthorityofThailand)顾问SuwanchaiRitthirak援引官方数据说,每位外国游客平均在泰国待9.6天,花费4100泰铢(约合141.50美元)。因此,为提升曼谷的排名,需要做出更多努力吸引游客待更长时间和/或更多消费。

    Tourism Authority of Thailand ( TAT ) adviser Suwanchai Ritthirak cited official data in saying that each foreign visitor spends an average of 9.6 days and 4 , 100 baht ( about US $ 141.50 ) in the country . Therefore , to boost Bangkok 's ranking , more needs to be done to increase either or both factor .

  6. 据Kasikorn研究中心(一家资产管理公司)预测,今年泰国电影业收入将增长10%,达到55亿泰铢。

    Thailand 's cinema industry is forecast to expand by10 % this year to5.5 billion baht , according to Kasikorn Research Centre , a securities firm .

  7. 不过,泰国财政部长乃功(kornchatikavanij)似乎意识到,由于贸易顺差、经常账户盈余以及经济增长速度位于15年高点,泰铢的上行压力将难以遏制。

    Finance minister Korn Chatikavanij seems to recognise , though , that with a trade surplus , a current account surplus , and economic growth at a 15-year high , upward pressures will be hard to contain .

  8. 泰铢跌了大约一个交易日,之后又重拾升势。

    It fell for about one day then continued its up trend .

  9. 许多新的10泰铢硬币并没有在泰国进行铸造。

    Many new 10 baht coins are not being minted in Thailand .

  10. 泰铢在12月升至九年高位。

    The baht hit a nine-year high in december .

  11. 当前它向税务局支付大约7亿泰铢的税收。

    Currently it pays taxes of about Bt700 million to the Revenue Department .

  12. 1997年时,泰国经受到了经济危机,泰铢贬值。

    In1997 , Thailand was in economic crisis with the devaluation of the Thai Baht .

  13. 全团每晚大约能获得两万泰铢(约合640美元)。

    The whole troupe gets paid 20000 bath ( about $ 640 ) per night .

  14. 在“塾站”进行监狱体验的收费为每晚790-1630泰铢。

    Sook Station charges between 790 and 1630 baht a night for the prison-themed experience .

  15. 1997年,泰国政府试图将泰铢维持在被高估的水平。

    In 1997 the Thai government tried to maintain the Thai bhat at an overvalued level .

  16. 目前,泰铢浮动自由,在中央银行的干预下避免了过度波动。

    The baht currently floats freely , with the central bank intervening to avoid excessive volatility .

  17. 这导致的其中一个结果就是泰铢和美元兑换的极大不平衡。

    One of the results was a major imbalance between the Thai baht and the US dollar .

  18. 在金融危机中,国际投机资本不仅仅运用各种金融工具,还充分利用中央银行的防御手段,进行全方位的投机。我以对泰国泰铢的投机冲击为例进行了分析。

    In crises international speculative capital use not only financial instruments , but defensive measure of central banks .

  19. 同样,如果央行出手干预,卖出泰铢买入美金也会增加货币供给。

    Similarly , central-bank intervention to hold the baht down by buying dollars would also boost the money supply .

  20. 泰铢兑美元汇率今年已上升近17%,超过任何其它亚洲货币的升值幅度。

    The baht appreciated nearly 17 per cent against the dollar this year more than any other Asian currency .

  21. 在100逆转-泰铢流通纸币自2005年在百年传统描绘在海军制服朱拉隆功废除奴隶。

    The reverse of100-baht notes in circulation since the2005 centennial depict Chulalongkorn in navy uniform abolishing the slave tradition .

  22. 泰国当选总理英禄•西那瓦称,泰铢应该自由的浮动,受市场机制的调节。

    Thai Prime Minister-elect Yingluck Shinawatra says the Thai baht should float freely and be left to market forces .

  23. 以防万一嗯,为了这次旅行,我把所有钱都换成泰铢了。

    just in case A : Well , I 've changed all my money to Thai baht for my trip .

  24. 在泰国,外国投资者同期将泰铢债券的持有量削减了24%。

    In Thailand , foreigners cut back holdings of baht denominated bonds by 24 per cent in that same period .

  25. 泰国企业界人士希望银行能够降低泰铢币值,使泰国出口产品变得便宜,出口的国际竞争力。

    Thai industrialists want the central bank to help weaken the baht to make Thai exports cheaper on the international market .

  26. 周四,新华社估计建造成本可达106亿美元(3500亿泰铢)。

    The Xinhua news agency on Thursday estimated the construction cost at US $ 10.6 billion ( 350 billion baht ) .

  27. 国际投机者对这个亚洲市场肥肉早已经虎视眈眈,并在1997年7月发动了货币追击行动,於是全球最大规范的亚洲金融危机,就由泰国泰铢的贬值拉开序幕。

    Finally they began to chase the money of Thailand on July of 1997 and the Baht was beginning to fall down .

  28. 1997年对冲基金光顾泰国,使泰铢大幅贬值,并由此引发东南亚金融危机;

    In 1997 , it patronized Thailand , making babt heavily devalued . And this initiated the financial crisis of southeast Asia .

  29. 10年前,当泰铢出现的下行压力时,没人预料到接下来发生的事7月初它开始贬值。

    When downward pressure on the Thai baht started 10 years ago , nobody expected what followed - its devaluation in early July .

  30. 然而不像黑色星期三或泰铢贬值的战役,这一次他只是被动应战,并没有领军进攻。

    But unlike Black Wednesday , or the baht devaluation , this time he was along for the ride , not leading the attack .