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  • 网络Taizhou;taizhou city
  1. 泰州市GPS高程拟合的研究分析

    Research and Analysis of GPS Height Fitting of Taizhou City

  2. 泰州市中压燃气用聚乙烯管选型探讨

    Discussion on Lectotype of Medium-pressure Gas PE Pipe in Taizhou City

  3. GPS定位技术在城区地籍测量中的应用&以江苏省泰州市为例

    Application of GPS to Taizhou Cadastral Survey of Jiangsu Province

  4. 方法收集泰州市2009年度公共场所卫生监督统计上报资料,用SPSS软件进行统计分析。

    METHOD Data of Taizhou public places health inspection surveillance in the year of2009 was collected and analyzed by SPSS .

  5. 目前HM-1型超声治疗仪已经在南通市肿瘤医院、泰州市普济医院等用于临床治疗且使用情况良好。

    Currently HM-1 ultrasonic therapeutic apparatus has been used in Nantong Tumor Hospital , Taizhou Puji Hospital for clinical treatment in good condition .

  6. 泰州市东城河水环境整治的生态思考

    The Ecological Reflection on Aquatic Environment Remediation of Taizhou Dongcheng River

  7. 泰州市脱水蔬菜加工业发展的研究

    The Development of the Industry of Dehydrated Vegetables Processing in Taizhou

  8. 农村拆迁安置小区户外空间环境设计研究&以江苏省泰州市高港区庆丰村为例

    Research in Outdoor Space Environment Design of Rural Resettlement Residential Area

  9. 泰州市卫生监督人力资源现状分析

    An Analysis on Manpower Resources of Health Inspection Departments in Taizhou

  10. 2008年泰州市学校卫生状况调查

    Investigation on Hygienic Status in Schools in Taizhou City in 2008

  11. 泰州市水文化研究与实践设计

    Research on Taizhou City 's Water Culture and Practical Design

  12. 泰州市肺结核发病率的预测

    The Prediction for the Incidence Rate of Tuberculosis in Taizhou

  13. 泰州市卫生监督机构人力资源配置研究

    Study on the structure of human resource in Taizhou health inspection agencies

  14. 基于产业集群视角的泰州市经济发展研究

    Research on Economic Development of Taizhou City Based on Industrial Cluster Perspective

  15. 泰州市医学高职新生心理健康状况分析

    Analysis on mental health status among new medical polytechnic students

  16. 泰州市企业车间空气中苯系物监测结果分析

    Surveillance of Benzene Series in the Air of Workshop in Taizhou City

  17. 泰州市城区高血压病防治现况调查

    A survey of the prevention and treatment on hypertension in Taizhou city

  18. 泰州市肉类食品安全现状与对策

    Safety status and countermeasure of meat food in Tai-zhou city

  19. 简析泰州市地表水环境质量变化趋势

    Analysis of Trend Present Environmental Quality of Surface Water in Taizhou City

  20. 泰州市主城区场地地震效应的评价

    Opinion on the Major City Zone 's Seismic Effect of Taizhou City

  21. 2001~2007年泰州市一般人群乙型肝炎血清学调查

    Sero-epidemiological survey of hepatitis B in general population of Taizhou from 2001-2007

  22. 泰州市环城河风景区规划中交通策略

    Traffic Strategy in Scenic Spots Arrangement along the Moat of Taizhou City

  23. 第四章,泰州市烟草公司绩效管理方案改进和实施。

    The fourth chapter improvment and implementation of performance management of this company .

  24. 泰州市北宋墓群清理

    Clean-up of Northern Song Dynasty Tombs in Taizhou City

  25. 泰州市一起流感暴发疫情的调查

    Survey of an outbreak of influenza in Taizhou City

  26. 在快速城市化进程中泰州市的可持续发展研究

    Study on the Sustainable Development of the Taizhou City in the Rapid Urbanizing Process

  27. 泰州市无线市话业务分析

    Analysis of Local Wireless Access Service in Taizhou

  28. 目的旨在了解泰州市小学生口腔疾患的患病情况。

    Objective : To understand the oral disease prevalence in junior school in Taizhou .

  29. 泰州市邮政指挥中心工程基坑支护结构设计

    Taizhou Post Commanding Center Retaining Foundation Structure Design

  30. 泰州市餐饮业食品添加剂使用情况与监督管理对策

    Usage of Food Additives in Catering Industries and The Supervision Measures in Taizhou City