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  1. 放弃上面的注中所说的正式评审要求,要有顾客的授权。

    Note waiving the requirement of the formal review in the above note requires customer authorization .

  2. 注经立说、广办私学。

    Second , the note after the establishment of theories , managing the private school broadly .

  3. 一名脱北者(特指朝鲜的叛逃者,译者注)警告说朝鲜数千计的黑客部队可以发动网络攻击并能够杀人并摧毁城市。

    Thousands of military hackers in North Korea could launch cyber attacks that could kill people and destroy cities , a defector has warned .

  4. 碧玺将协助提升者疗愈内在的男性与女性(注:或说内在阴阳)使更大的统一状态出现,在那里生命舞蹈中的一切均获得支持。

    Tourmaline will assist initiates in healing the masculine and feminine within to allow for the emergence of a state of greater unity , in which all is supported in the dance of life .

  5. 但是学校的发言人随后否认了这一说法,并指出毕晓普的口供中还说到她会“看到死去的人”。(作者注:毕晓普说她在弟弟死后的一段时间里饱受幻觉的折磨,并且常常会听到杂音。)

    But a university spokesperson has dismissed the claim , pointing out that in the same affidavit Bishop mentions that she " sees dead people . " ( Bishop told me that she has heard " voices " and suffered from " hallucinations " since shortly after her brother 's death . )