
  • 网络Lethal Injection
  1. 这能确保你的特殊情况还有注射死刑。

    Which qualifies you for special circumstances and a lethal injection .

  2. 注射死刑不平等适用违反了法律面前人人平等原则,引起社会的诸多质疑。

    Unequal application of lethal injection violates the principle of equality in law , and has aroused many doubts .

  3. JohnAllenMuhammad在东部时间9:11接受注射死刑。

    John Allen Muhammad died by lethal injection at 9:11 Eastern Time .

  4. 在佛罗里达,去年12月,安吉尔迪亚兹(angeldiaz)被执行注射死刑。

    In Florida last December , angel Diaz was executed by lethal injection .

  5. 无论如何,注射死刑处于联邦的详细审查之下。

    In any event , lethal injections are under federal scrutiny .

  6. 执行注射死刑的时候,为什么还要用消毒过的针头?

    Why do they use sterilized needles for death by lethal injection ?

  7. 1982年,第一例美国的注射死刑在德克萨斯州执行。

    First US execution by lethal injection is carried out in Texas .

  8. 其它州更喜欢注射死刑。

    Other states with capital punishment prefer lethal injections .

  9. 我被处以注射死刑

    I was sentenced to die by lethal injection .

  10. 在一所州监狱被处以注射死刑

    executed by lethal injection in a state penitentiary .

  11. 那执行注射死刑有专门的人员吗?

    Lily : Are there any specialized staffs to execute the injection death sentence ?

  12. 约翰∙韦恩∙康纳尔在乔治亚州杰克逊市的州立监狱里接受了注射死刑。

    John Wayne Conner received a lethal injection at the state prison in Jackson , Georgia .

  13. 浅析我国注射死刑制度

    On Injection Death Penalty

  14. 本周,当又有两名罪犯被注射死刑(在俄亥俄州和得克萨斯州)时,一项新的报告增加了一些新的科学证据。

    This week , as two more convicts were executed by lethal injection ( in Ohio and Texas ) , a new report added fresh scientific evidence .

  15. 为骗取人寿保险金,她策划谋杀了丈夫和继子被法院判罪,将于周四执行注射死刑。

    Convicted of plotting to have both her husband and stepson murdered so that she could cash in their life insurance policies , Lewis is scheduled to be put to death by lethal injection on Thursday .

  16. 美国1977年引入注射死刑的方法是认为这是其它死刑方式更为人道的替代形式,如今它是38个保留死刑的州中的37个州的首选方式。

    Introduced in America in 1977 as a supposedly more humane alternative to other forms of capital punishment , lethal injection is now the preferred method in all but one of the 38 states that retain the death penalty .

  17. 科学家表示,这样的污染可能提高肺病的患病率,而且会导致早死。致死性注射的死刑;

    Scientists say the pollution could increase lung diseases and cause early deaths . execution by lethal injection ;

  18. 轻缓·人道·文明&从注射式死刑看我国死刑执行制度的人道主义走向

    Tender · Humane · Civilized & The Humanitarianism Tendency of Our Capital Punishment Commitment System from the View of Injection Capital Punishment

  19. 但是除了我的道德上的反对,注射或电椅对死刑犯是不人道的。

    But aside from my moral objections , executing someone with a lethal injection or the electric chair is inhumane .

  20. 米歇尔·罗斯现年45岁,摒弃了来自公共辩护人、死刑反对者和他自己家人挽救他生命的努力,被以注射的方式处以死刑。

    Michael Ross , 45 , died by injection after fighting off attempts by public defenders , death penalty foes and his own family to save his life .